Do you ever look back at your trading journal?


Active member
I am not sure if everyone kept a trading journal, but I did when I started out trading. I think it really helped my learning curve as I wrote down all my trades plus everything else I did and I reviewed ot every weekend.

I have stopped keeping a trading journal now that I have my strategy and get the results I want, but from time to time I do take a look and take another look at my progress. I wonder if I would have made the same progress without a trading journal and I think if it is kept properly it can really be of assistance as you navigate your way though the early days of our forex trading.

Do those of you who kept one ever take another look at it after you stopped keeping it?
I've never kept it and was (& am) just looking at history of my trades.

For me, best learning curve was my profit. If I'm using some analysis at some time frame and my profit is growing - keep doing it. If not - look for mistakes, change your style.
Still have an active journal. When you are dealing with hard earned money, you have no choice other than to have a good record of your trades. Its worse when handling your client's cash, you have to study the journals before picking up the phone and making the report.

Still have an active journal. When you are dealing with hard earned money, you have no choice other than to have a good record of your trades. Its worse when handling your client's cash, you have to study the journals before picking up the phone and making the report.


Of course if it's not your own money you are trading, I would say it's obligatory to have a journal: for report, for tracking performance, for explaining why they should keep money with you.

But again, for your own money and without looking into possibility of trading for someone, it depends only on personality. Someone loves to track everything and have accountability for small details, someone just do it.
But again, for your own money and without looking into possibility of trading for someone, it depends only on personality. Someone loves to track everything and have accountability for small details, someone just do it.

I think that holds true for just about every aspect of trading, it comes down to personal preference and there is no right or wrong as long as desired results are achieved.