Do Marex ever recruit trainee traders?


Junior member
Does anybody know if Marex ever recruit trainee traders? Their website suggests not. What's the average profile of the most junior traders they recruit?

I don't believe they do.

They closed the doors a while ago, and now only professional traders can get in, and that is only if they have a track record showing returns.

(Unless ofcourse you know someone in Marex or in the city 😉 )
They appear to be constantly down-sizing. Not 100% if they are still taking on new guys but to be fair their course structre is not good and you have a ex-sports psychologist teaching you about trading. There are definitely better arcades to look at.
They appear to be constantly down-sizing. Not 100% if they are still taking on new guys but to be fair their course structre is not good and you have a ex-sports psychologist teaching you about trading. There are definitely better arcades to look at.

Thanks. Which arcades would you suggest and why? Except TCA and Schneiders!
I hear some good things about Pyne and Kyte. Smaller outfits in size but a lot more personal interaction with everyone. Secure companies but not sure of their recruitment policies/situation. Sorry I can't give more details but each arcade has differing qualities that suit different people. Some like a big place, with loads of noise and bums on the seat but it's not for me, some place are better suited for spreaders and others for outrights. To be honest, you can only tell once you've had a little look around.
I hear some good things about Pyne and Kyte. Smaller outfits in size but a lot more personal interaction with everyone. Secure companies but not sure of their recruitment policies/situation. Sorry I can't give more details but each arcade has differing qualities that suit different people. Some like a big place, with loads of noise and bums on the seat but it's not for me, some place are better suited for spreaders and others for outrights. To be honest, you can only tell once you've had a little look around.

Just looked and seems entry into them is a dead end too! Ta anyway.
Just looked and seems entry into them is a dead end too! Ta anyway.

If you are a Private trader with a half decent track record trading your own account , there is the opportunity to use marex then go Prop .

Most arcades / Prop setups that are reasonable will let you do this . I have found this a good way to do it over the years .

If you are a Private trader with a half decent track record trading your own account , there is the opportunity to use marex then go Prop .

Most arcades / Prop setups that are reasonable will let you do this . I have found this a good way to do it over the years .


42* S,

Does this mean you start off self-backed with say $50,000 and hope to get access to prop capital later on?


How does a place like marex exactly work if you are an experienced prop trader? How much size is reasonable to be able to trade there? what is the max daily dollar loss you can take? What happens if you lose money to begin with? marex cover that? Can anyone give me an idea of the risk profile and expected up/down days and expected returns to be considered a success somewhere like Marex? Thanks
How does a place like marex exactly work if you are an experienced prop trader?

All depends on the amount of experience. Guys who have been doing it for 2+ years are expected to stop themselves out and if not risk will do it for you. Support staff are there to encourage traders and take them to the next level but teaching discipline, both in losses and in gains.

How much size is reasonable to be able to trade there?

about 20k sterling

what is the max daily dollar loss you can take?

Starting out is probably about 500 sterling a day.

What happens if you lose money to begin with?

Its almost expected that one will lose in the beginning but if the trader doesnt learn from his or her mistakes that the person wont last in the business and will be gone.

do marex cover that?

Possibly. All depends on the individual circumstances.

Can anyone give me an idea of the risk profile and expected up/down days and expected returns to be considered a success somewhere like Marex?

Loss of 500 a day, expected to gain 500+ a day, ideally about 1k. 4 days of 1k a week and 1k stopout allowed is 3k a week net after costs is a reasonable goal (of course much easier said than done).

Good luck
Very few trading rooms offer 100% backed deals in the City. The economics for this just do not stack up. However if you have some money to put down most will listen and I have no doubt you could find a place provided you have a trading track record and your attitude to risk is good. Most trading rooms like ourselves require good previous experience in the market place and some trading capital in exchange for which we provide leverage capital and charge a percentage of the profits in return.

Anticipating your next question, there is no hard and fast rules as to how much capital you would need to provide, this is dependent on your chosen markets, your trading style and your attitude to risk.

Basically most trading companies, are risk adverse so the level of funding we would want a trader to provide is in direct proportion to our perception of the traders risk profile.