Do I need to have a broker to use NinjaTrader?


Junior member
I haven't used NinjaTrader before and I'm looking to try it out. I intend to use a Kinetick data feed.

There are some things I want to investigate involving volume (on FX futures and S&P). I don't need any backtesting, I just want to make some observations in real time on the NT charts using Kinetick's real time feed.

Do I HAVE to connect that setup with a broker? Or can I use NT with the Kinetick feed and get/watch all the live data? (If I do want to take a trade I'll have MT4 open in another window and could always open the trade with my existing broker/s).

Can anybody help?
I haven't used NinjaTrader before and I'm looking to try it out. I intend to use a Kinetick data feed.

There are some things I want to investigate involving volume (on FX futures and S&P). I don't need any backtesting, I just want to make some observations in real time on the NT charts using Kinetick's real time feed.

Do I HAVE to connect that setup with a broker? Or can I use NT with the Kinetick feed and get/watch all the live data? (If I do want to take a trade I'll have MT4 open in another window and could always open the trade with my existing broker/s).

Can anybody help?

Ninjatrader can simply be used stand alone if you wish, and then as you say use the broker to place your trade, its what i do with any platform I dont use it to feed my broker.
Kinetick is end of day however, thats my understanding rather than live
Thanks malaguti. The free version of Kinetick is, as you say, EOD. For $50 a month (+ exchange fees) you can get real time as well.

Ninjatrader can simply be used stand alone if you wish...
So NT has a built in feed? Where does that data come from? eSignal, Zen-Fire, iQ ... or somewhere else?
Thanks malaguti. The free version of Kinetick is, as you say, EOD. For $50 a month (+ exchange fees) you can get real time as well.

So NT has a built in feed? Where does that data come from? eSignal, Zen-Fire, iQ ... or somewhere else?

NT does not have a built in feed, you have to "connect" to Kinetick, in the same way to another external feed such as esignal etc
I love ninja, it has some great tools
OK, thanks. I'll go get me a copy of NT and sign up to Kinetick. 🙂

just one thing though smooth, you are based in the UK it seems, and Kinetick doesnt do UK just might want to double check it has the markets you want to trade
good luck though
That's right. There are various add-ons and I have to take several to get what I want ( 🙁 so the real price for me is working out to over $200 per month. There is the option of getting it a bit cheaper if you use one of their recommended brokers but I want to continue using my existing brokers who don't happen to be on that list.
That's right. There are various add-ons and I have to take several to get what I want ( 🙁 so the real price for me is working out to over $200 per month. There is the option of getting it a bit cheaper if you use one of their recommended brokers but I want to continue using my existing brokers who don't happen to be on that list.

$200!! thats idea what you're looking for, but you would be far better getting data from esignal. Unless you are going for their 3rd party supplied inidcator tools etc, in which case I would advise against that.
e signal real time for something like $100/month and NT..thats 50% saving already
eSignal starts from $39.95, but that's not real time, it has a 15 minute delay. Their next option is $137 pm, but that doesn't include exchange fees. So I'm thinking that this $137 compares with Kintetick's $50 with both options adding exchange fees on top. Am I missing something?

Once i get past that - IF I get past that hurdle - I see that the exchange fees vary depending on whether you are non-pro or pro. I don't know which one I would be - haven't investigated that yet - but if I fall under pro the exchange fee for NYSE alone is an additional $127.50 pm.

Please tell me I've screwed up somewhere and I'm reading this all wrong.
PS: All I'm looking for is real time price and volume on S&P (emini), FTSE and top currency pairs (as I'm looking for contract volume rather than tick volume, I need the currency pair futures).
I opened a chat with an eSignal rep. After some high pressure sales trying to get me to sign up, I managed to get a breakdown of costs:

$132 esignal data access (and that's with me using NinjaTrader, otherwise it's more)
$53 fx
$32 cme mini
$5 s&p cash
$12 ftse cash
= total $234 per month plus tax
In the first month there's an additional $25 activation fee.
I opened a chat with an eSignal rep. After some high pressure sales trying to get me to sign up, I managed to get a breakdown of costs:

$132 esignal data access (and that's with me using NinjaTrader, otherwise it's more)
$53 fx
$32 cme mini
$5 s&p cash
$12 ftse cash
= total $234 per month plus tax
In the first month there's an additional $25 activation fee.

Can I give you a tip? Just based on my limited experience..
You've got all bases covered, metals, fx S&P and FTSE but have you considered trading just one instrument intraday? If its FX, stick to FX if you are trading indices then you dont need metals and FX etc
specialise, then your rewards should cover your additional costs.
Similarly EOD (but thats free with Kinetick) so why not just stick with S&P. keep your initial data costs down.
I found by trading now just 2 intraday, and a watchlist of 6 or so FTSE equities eod I've got a much better return.
Just a thought, mate
You're absolutely right! And thanks for the advice.

I currently trade just the FTSE but my trading decisions come from an analysis of both FTSE and S&P prices and volume on M5 charts. I'm hoping I can improve if I have trade volume (instead of just tick volume) and can also see what's happening at bid and ask prices. Over time I've been able to work out some alerts to warn me about when I should be watching the charts.

I'd like to now try those alerts on FX markets if I can get real trade volume (for which I need FX futures). The plan is that those will be running in the background and might give me a potential trade or two on days when the indices are not generating any action. I'm not interested in metals or anything else apart from the two indices and FX.

But I agree with you - sticking to one is a good approach - you get more familiar with its quirks and you can focus better.
I'm checking out Zen-Fire at the moment. It provides only futures, but it's a free trial so I can test out some stuff at least without paying any fees for data.
But I agree with you - sticking to one is a good approach - you get more familiar with its quirks and you can focus better.
Indeed, the number of trades I lost out on, because I was trying to spread myself too thinly..but good luck anyhow
NinjaTrader & FTSE Companies

You're absolutely right! And thanks for the advice.

I currently trade just the FTSE but my trading decisions come from an analysis of both FTSE and S&P prices and volume on M5 charts. I'm hoping I can improve if I have trade volume (instead of just tick volume) and can also see what's happening at bid and ask prices. Over time I've been able to work out some alerts to warn me about when I should be watching the charts.

I'd like to now try those alerts on FX markets if I can get real trade volume (for which I need FX futures). The plan is that those will be running in the background and might give me a potential trade or two on days when the indices are not generating any action. I'm not interested in metals or anything else apart from the two indices and FX.

But I agree with you - sticking to one is a good approach - you get more familiar with its quirks and you can focus better.

Is is possible to download the EOD for all the FTSE 100 companies from Yahoo in one go for Ninjatrader or is it company by company? From what I see Kinetick don't do individual companies. Thanks.