Broker Recommendation for NinjaTrader?


Which broker is cheapest for use with NinjaTrader? I would prefer a broker that is compatible with NinjaTrader for data feeds and order execution.

Thanks for your help.
I agree mirus futures/ninjatrader...are as good or better then most..I have never had trouble with either one
Hi All:
I am working to setup a futures trading system and am leaning towards Ninja. My question is what else will I need to be operational. Here's what I plan to do:

1) trade the futures products from CMEgroup only
2) need real-time tick and historic data
3) dont need real time news

Can anybody give me the lowdown on the best and more economical data vendor and broker?

Well, I go with mirus now, but will go with ninja and dump them the moment my own development is good enough to use 😉 I have some rather different needs UI and programming wise.

Mirus is ssupposedly good, has a nice API. NO historical data - ninja has it's own server for that, but supposedly it is not always all-compassing ;(

If you need that, I would suggest mbtrading or someone else, possibly in addition - to access historical data😉
How much are comissions at Optimus? Not what you pay - what is normal 😉

I like the website 😉

I am with Mirus, though, for now and the time being.
Hi All:
I am working to setup a futures trading system and am leaning towards Ninja. My question is what else will I need to be operational. Here's what I plan to do:

1) trade the futures products from CMEgroup only
2) need real-time tick and historic data
3) dont need real time news

Can anybody give me the lowdown on the best and more economical data vendor and broker?



For everything except the historic data you just need an account with a Ninja Compatible Futures Broker. Live data is included. There is sometimes a choice of data feeds (eg Zen, Trading Technologies) and prices will vary accordingly.

Also you have two options as to how you pay for Ninja Trader. You can pay for Ninja Trader and get lower commissions from your broker or you can use Ninja for free through the broker and pay a higher commission. Best option will depend on how much volume you are trading.

A 30 day demo from Mirus is a good place to start.

For the historic data you will need to sign up with one of the Ninja Trader historical data providers.
Which broker is cheapest for use with NinjaTrader? I would prefer a broker that is compatible with NinjaTrader for data feeds and order execution.

Thanks for your help.

I have found Alpha Broking is good... they offer futures, fx, equities all from the one account and if you pay for NinjaTrader you can plug your account directly into Ninja.. 👍
I have found that NinjaTrader does not have intraday historical accuate data available. You can get daily data but no one has tick or minute data for any length much past a week. I think that is why they give you daily free, but tell you to get the other data from someone else. ( Nobody has it, and from what I have read if you do find it, you can't trust it).

I attended some of their online conferences, when I started asking how to get historical data and set my system to retrieve data, they would not answer my question, then they BLOCKED me from asking any question from that session and any future sessions.

I question whether the system will be worth much for back testing any intraday data!, of any size!.

When I do log back up to my broker for data the charts don't update, it seems that until they can figure out how to have updataed current data in the program, it is only good for live trading.

I don't know why they just don't fess up, they should make a disk up of accurate back data for their customers, and figure out a system to update the data in the program when you reconnect like other good programs do.

Have a Nice Day
Is it possible to only get the backtesting software and use past data for practice.

I don't really want the livefeeds, there are so many free platforms.