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FAQ Do I Have to Accept some Big Losses in the Beginning?

Big losses (a relative concept in itself) should not be taken as a given - though if they do happen - as in my case (again relative) - your path becomes a great deal more respectful and less cavalier.

Takes a long time to recover though, better to have a properly tested plan in the first place. And it's free. Even if I could I don't think I'd roll back the clock - the lesson is too valuable.

I'm keeping my T-Shirt.
The "dues", however, need not be money.


however you look at it a large contribution in money and time will be paid before any chance of profits..

And this business is not fair by any means......there's no guarantees even for the best of the best.......if mr market has some bad bad sessions we all struggle......and that's when lack of discipline and focus can really dent the balance sheet

Anyone can make money in a good market .......that's the drug....


however you look at it a large contribution in money and time will be paid before any chance of profits..

If one puts in the time efficiently and productively, the monetary contribution, if any, need be no more than minimal.

But few want to study. Even fewer want to practice. And there's nothing new in this.
BTW, to the original poster, that is an excellent, excellent write-up. One thing I might mention is the emotional side of trading. At the beginning, every gain is an exhilarating high, and every loss is a thundering gut punch, especially when real money is involved. Having a strategy based on logic, metrics and research can easily be turned upside down by a hot or cold streak.
You should keep in mind that market will trade both sides, you need to manage risks effectively and know what you can actually afford to lose.
You should keep in mind that market will trade both sides, you need to manage risks effectively and know what you can actually afford to lose.

That's true. Don't think that every position will bring you 8 million.
Keep in mind that the price movement is almost unpredictable, even the experienced traders have their own losing trading history in their past but they still considering it as the part of their trading career.
Better only spent money that affrod to lose, I think is bad decision if as begining trades which still lack in experience directly use huge capital, because this will making stress if faced with margin call account
Well, since every novice trader has a losing streak for like first half a year, the best way you can "accept" it is by using demo account first for this period. And only then, after you have an experience, confidence and understanding of your actions, should you go to real trading.
Yes I think will better spent time to practicing use demo account at least six month, maybe many beginner they only rush because they want to making real cash money in real account because only emotion, but without good experience, it will mostly fail in trades, spent time learning with demo is better than without preparation
I agree with both of you,beginners jumping directly to real account without the proper knowledge of trading.Demo account practice is necessary for newbies.Also I believe loss is a part of trading but how we can minimize the losses requires practice and experience.
By the way, what is a normal amount of loss for a new trader? As a percantage from his investment, say $10 000? And at what stage should he get worried that he's loosing too much?
Might I am srtll grateful in forex business because never lose in huge investment, I like with forex and only learning forex as I can possible but about investing money not to forced my pocket to investing, almost my capital come from bonus and I like because ever get earning from bonus
I tell every newbie trader that until they are making very very good returns from demo trading to forget live trading.......doing ok is not an option

Demos are easy......so you really need to be impressive before,you make the leap ...trust me
