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FAQ Do I Have to Accept some Big Losses in the Beginning?

Try to start with lesser funds first. Test your strategies with those first; that can help to reduce the losses if any.
Acceptance is the key to be truly free. If you cannot accept it, then it will be hard for you to maintain in future.
We all need to accept these perspectives if what you want is to have experience and learn more about the market. Those first losses are not easy, but they must be overcome and followed. that's called perseverance
Accepting losses is a big part of trading. Big losses, on the other hand, are a sign of bad trading or overtrading. Goes agains the "cut your losses quickly" adage.
Totally agree, losses are part of the inventory as no trader has 100% profitable trades. Losses have to be managed though just like profits. The delta between the two is ultimately what differentiates successful traders to poor performing traders. Making a large profit on a trade means nothing if you wipe it out with equally large losses.
Initially, you may have more losses but it’s fine since you are a beginner and it takes time to come to a profitable situation. One advice is to always go with less capital in the beginning so even if you make losses, it won’t affect you much and never risk more than you can afford to lose.
Just try to minimize the losses and following the risk management, if you can. Then it is fine.