Direct access trading UK SETS stocks


I trade mainly FTSE100 stocks and sometimes stocks within the FTSE250.

I feel that if I am to take my tradng to the next level, I may need to start trading through Direct Access. Etrade Direct Access CFD's offer 0.2%-0.1% commissions. However, although this doesn't sound much, 0.1% commissions means that I have to make 0.8 points profit on a trade before I break even and cover my trading fees. 0.15% would mean 1.2 points, and 0.2% would mean 1.6 points profit needed to break even on a trade. This adds a considerable amount of pressure as a proportion of your profits would be being wiped out by commissions. :eek:

Is trading UK stocks via direct access a viable means of achieving success or do such traders struggle to achieve beyond breaking even?

I am after some tips, warnings, suggestions or strategies as to how I can prevent trading commission fees wiping out my profits when making the move to Direct Access trading.

Any feedback greatly appreciated.

Have a nice day :)


I use etrade direct access on a daily basis. As you say the the fees are quite high but you can place your own ticket and work the spread becoming the market maker. Trading on margin with CFD's and working the spread to your advantage considerably helps with the fees!!