Direct access options broker

I stated the same as well. Bull is incorrect when he states ALL positions will be liquidated. The size of the position liquidated is determined by what will bring the position back into compliance. You are also correct when you state that clients can choose the order of positions liquidated.

Bull, you are incorrect to state that a firm has no risk. If you are unethical you can tell your broker that you have $X in assets but still not pay up if you go into default. Unfortunately fraud is a common day occurance in this world and the larger the loss the higher the probability that someone will fail to pay.
Dash blade, def, others,

If my accounst was wiv IB, i would have been liquidated on the day of London bombings 7/7! AT MASSIVE LOSSES. :devilish: With my present broker this did NOT happen! AND ALL my short puts positions made profits cause my broker did NOT interfer wiv my positions! :LOL: WITH IB i would have been closed out within the first 3 hours of the bombings!! THATS the difference.!! :LOL: :cool: Yes, you have good service perhaps and good platforms too perhaps and cheap fees, but your margin rules and liquidation rules does not suit me! It may suit others like Osho, thats fine if he's happy with that arrangement. :cool:

Read this below:
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def said:
I stated the same as well. Bull is incorrect when he states ALL positions will be liquidated. The size of the position liquidated is determined by what will bring the position back into compliance. You are also correct when you state that clients can choose the order of positions liquidated.

Bull, you are incorrect to state that a firm has no risk. If you are unethical you can tell your broker that you have $X in assets but still not pay up if you go into default. Unfortunately fraud is a common day occurance in this world and the larger the loss the higher the probability that someone will fail to pay.

IB's rules :> WE WILL LIQUIDATE POSITION IF THERE IS UNSUFFECIENT CASH IN ACCOUNT TO MEET MARGIN CALLS OR LOSSES!!!! in the first hour without contacting the client TRUE OR FALSE? :rolleyes:

Read this below:

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bull, give it a rest. every time you eat crow you go back and point to an old post. i'm pretty certain the word "unsuffecient" as you post above is not in my (or anyone else's) vocabulary. I stated above a portion of the portfolio will be liquidated to bring an account into compliance. ever hear of the term "beating a dead horse".
def said:
bull, give it a rest. every time you eat crow you go back and point to an old post. i'm pretty certain the word "unsuffecient" as you post above is not in my (or anyone else's) vocabulary. I stated above a portion of the portfolio will be liquidated to bring an account into compliance. ever hear of the term "beating a dead horse".

Here is part /quote from your brokers rule "IB calculates initial margin requirements at the time of each trade, maintenance margin requirements on a real-time basis, and Reg T margin at the end of each day, and will LIQUIDATE POSITIONS on a real-time basis if there is a MARGIN DEFICIENCY. Real-time margining allows IB to maintain low commissions because IB does not have to spread the cost of credit losses to customers like other non-automated brokers."

You keep changing your tune and also the goal posts! :cheesy: :LOL: Plz explaine the above statement to the folks here! :LOL: :cool: The above quote does NOT sing the same tune as you :cheesy: :cool:

TRUE OR FALSE? Would ALL my short puts positions on ftse would have been liquidated on 7/7 London bombings if my account was wiv your Broker and positions became on margin-call?? And dont reply like a politician plz :cheesy: :LOL:

Always check out margin rules before opening account with any broker! this is MORE important than cheap fees! and also check out what clients say about their brokers on links found in my previous posts.

I think someone should start a new thread>> " Did your broker liquidate your positions" i think this would bring out some home truths about these cheap brokers :cheesy: :LOL:

[email protected]
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you should start by learning to accurately read and comprehend the english language. the word ALL does not exist in the statement you post.
def said:
you should start by learning to accurately read and comprehend the english language. the word ALL does not exist in the statement you post.

Correct it does not! :cheesy: Now answer my question and plz NOT like a politician! :LOL: :cool:

TRUE OR FALSE? Would ALL my short puts positions on ftse would have been liquidated on 7/7 London bombings if my account was wiv your Broker and positions became on margin-call?? And dont reply like a politician plz :cheesy:

You said U are a client of IB for over 3 years, could you plz answer the above question?
I will try to simplify the question: If i had 100 contracts short puts on fts index on the week of London bombings and positions became on margin call on 7/7 would your broker liquidate all positions or just a few in order to bring account out of margin-call? Very simple question.
I know you said your positions were never on margin -call while youve been a client.



[email protected]
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how could i possibly answer that question w/o knowing your position or capital in the account.

how about I ask you, when the day comes, and it will come if you continue to sell naked puts, and your account blows out and your broker comes knocking on your door, will you pay up?
def said:
how could i possibly answer that question w/o knowing your position or capital in the account.

how about I ask you, when the day comes, and it will come if you continue to sell naked puts, and your account blows out and your broker comes knocking on your door, will you pay up?


Def ,

Your broker ALSO allows their clients to write naked PUTS on ftse! Infact Osho is one of them! :cheesy: are they too going to knock on clients doors :cheesy: :rolleyes: ?

Now PLZ reply and NOT like a politician! :cheesy: :cool: and plz dont worry about my account and if my broker comes knocking on my door! thats my concern!

I notice you have 5 STARS to your name, how come you dont understand my questions and other people wiv NO stars understand my questions :rolleyes: :cool: :rolleyes:

If i had 100 contracts short puts on fts index on the week of London bombings and positions became on margin call on 7/7 and closing 10 contracts would bring account OUT of margin-call would your broker liquidate ALL positions or just the TEN in order to bring account out of margin-call? Very simple question. :cheesy: :LOL: Cant make it any simpler than that, do you understand the question? I'm sure a novice can! :LOL:
Ask your boss or colleague Peto to reply to my questions plz :cool:


[email protected]
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Bull, I know you're trolling, you know you're trolling, now troll off!
:cool: :LOL: :( :confused: :rolleyes: :cheesy: :( :D :p ;) :devilish: :eek: :- :devilish: :| :mad: :)

Def: seriously mate, just ignore him.

edited to add . . . "If i had 100 contracts short puts on fts index on the week of London bombings and positions became on margin call on 7/7 and closing 10 contracts would bring account OUT of margin-call . . . " . . . er, is this possible? Closing the positions out (ie buying them to close) is going to mean funds coming out of your account. Since, unless they are deep in the money Euro puts when cost of carry > div yield, they should be trading at at least intrinsic value. Stll going to leave him with a margin call. Anyway, not that I'm bothered . . .
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A Dashing Blade said:
Bull, I know you're trolling, you know you're trolling, now troll off!
:cool: :LOL: :( :confused: :rolleyes: :cheesy: :( :D :p ;) :devilish: :eek: :- :devilish: :| :mad: :)

Def: seriously mate, just ignore him.

edited to add . . . "If i had 100 contracts short puts on fts index on the week of London bombings and positions became on margin call on 7/7 and closing 10 contracts would bring account OUT of margin-call . . . " . . . er, is this possible? Closing the positions out (ie buying them to close) is going to mean funds coming out of your account. Since, unless they are deep in the money Euro puts when cost of carry > div yield, they should be trading at at least intrinsic value. Stll going to leave him with a margin call. Anyway, not that I'm bothered . . .

Lets say my free cash in account was enough/SUFFICIENT to cover the margin for 90 contracts BUT NOT ENOUGH TO COVER THE OTHER TEN! WHAT COMMENTS DO YOU HAVE NOW? :cool:

Your post shows you know very little on following:
1. How margin is calculated
2. Know very little about Margin-calls
3. Very little on writing puts.
4. You know very little of the value of my account and free cash
5. Very little how to reduce margin without pumping cash in.
6. Very little on converting/adjusting naked puts positions to reduce margin
7. Very little on hedging

Do i need to say more? :cheesy: :rolleyes:

Mr Def,

Can you plz ignore Dashing Blades comments as he knows very little on Options, ME and Brokers policies. Now plz dont dissapoint the audience, IB members or the want to be clients of IB. :LOL:
Tell us your reply to my questions on IB margin rules/policies! :cool: You can reply that your not toosure and/or you can ask your boss to reply! :LOL: :cool: as many people want to be sure of your rules. :cool:
As things are at the moment your NOT doing a good job representing your firm. IMHO :cool:

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A Dashing Blade said:
Bull, I know you're trolling, you know you're trolling, now troll off!
:cool: :LOL: :( :confused: :rolleyes: :cheesy: :( :D :p ;) :devilish: :eek: :- :devilish: :| :mad: :)

Def: seriously mate, just ignore him.
. .


Incidentally I was amused at the admission
If my accounst was wiv IB, i would have been liquidated on the day of London bombings 7/7! AT MASSIVE LOSSES.
. He must have been sh***ing himself praying that the ftse would pull back up before his dodgy broker finally bankrupted him. If the news that week had deteriorated and the ftse sank again he would have been glad to be out and flat with IB instead of being in an ever-deepening hole.

peto said:

Incidentally I was amused at the admission . He must have been sh***ing himself praying that the ftse would pull back up before his dodgy broker finally bankrupted him. If the news that week had deteriorated and the ftse sank again he would have been glad to be out and flat with IB instead of being in an ever-deepening hole.

your comments are dissapointing to say the least! :cool: :LOL:

I also notice you have 5 STARS like your buddy Mr Def. And between the 2 of you, you CANT give a straight replies to a set of straight questions! :cheesy: :cool: :LOL:

Just a quick reminder that IB also have clients that WRITE NAKED PUTS ON FTSE! If you dont believe? just ask Osho i believe he has more than ONE account writing puts. He also said he was looking to open more accounts doing the same strats. :cheesy: :LOL: :cool:

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bulldozer said:

Just a quick reminder that IB also have clients that WRITE NAKED PUTS ON FTSE!


No reminder nec thanks, I was well aware of it! IB offer a remarkable range of option strategies. The only one they sensibly don't allow is allowing positions to run out of margin without gradualy liquidating (in the order pre-determined by the client) until margin is restored.

Hope this helps
peto said:
No reminder nec thanks, I was well aware of it! IB offer a remarkable range of option strategies. The only one they sensibly don't allow is allowing positions to run out of margin without gradualy liquidating (in the order pre-determined by the client) until margin is restored.

Hope this helps


IB offer a remarkable range :cheesy: Naked puts too :cheesy: So why the big laughs/jokes about people who do naked puts????? :rolleyes: :cool:

NO, your answers does NOT help Why? cause i was NOT asking for help!! :cool:

Can you plz answer my questions ADEQUATLY!!



2. CLOSE ALL POSITIONS [100 contracts]

NOW PLZ ANSWER 1,2,3,4,5, 6, OR other? :cheesy: :LOL: :cool: Perhaps Osho can throw some light on this matter? I think its No2 but they dont like to admit it. :cheesy: :LOL:

Viewers, option traders or would be option traders, if Peto or Mr Def from IB dont answer the question clearly? could any of you ask IB which is the answer to the question. i'm NOT with IB! :LOL: :cool: But IB clients or people who are thinking of becoming clients need to know! yes?

But if i dont get the answer? i will continue to make people aware that IB are not suitable for all option traders. :cheesy: :LOL: :cheesy:


[email protected]
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3. CLOSE OUT 10 CONTRACTS Those pre-selected by the client. Assuming that this action will restore the account to acceptable margin for the remaining 90 positions.

Perhaps you should re-read some posts above, this is at least the third time your q has been answered.
peto said:
3. CLOSE OUT 10 CONTRACTS Those pre-selected by the client. Assuming that this action will restore the account to acceptable margin for the remaining 90 positions.

Perhaps you should re-read some posts above, this is at least the third time your q has been answered.



Sorry but you are NOT clear!
Are you saying that your clients informed IB on the day BEFORE the bombings and made a "Pre-selected discision" to close 10 contracts or how does it work exatly? cause MANY of your clients are NOT aware of this arrangement or facilty. When can they apply for this arangement? and is it available to all clients or just those that ask for it.? :rolleyes:

My broker does NOT TOUCH even ONE of those contracts! He would call me the NEXT DAY and tell me my margin -call is x amount and he also tells me i have THREE working days to do anything i want as long as the margin-call is removed! :cool:
So the truth of the matter is thank God my account was not with IB on 7/7 cause i would have suffered a massive LOSS! cause the footsie recovered quickly! :cheesy:

Osho, Mr Def, IB options clients,
Are you aware of this special arrangement?

Happy IB clients :cheesy: click below plz

[email protected]
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peto said:

Incidentally I was amused at the admission . He must have been sh***ing himself praying that the ftse would pull back up before his dodgy broker finally bankrupted him. If the news that week had deteriorated and the ftse sank again he would have been glad to be out and flat with IB instead of being in an ever-deepening hole.

Peto 5 star man,

Can i ask you why then did you make tis comment in post Number 32 ?:cheesy: :cool:
Can you plz also clarify what you mean by "HIS DODGY BROKER"?

A Dashing Blade said:
Bull, I know you're trolling, you know you're trolling, now troll off!
:cool: :LOL: :( :confused: :rolleyes: :cheesy: :( :D :p ;) :devilish: :eek: :- :devilish: :| :mad: :)

Def: seriously mate, just ignore him.

edited to add . . . "If i had 100 contracts short puts on fts index on the week of London bombings and positions became on margin call on 7/7 and closing 10 contracts would bring account OUT of margin-call . . . " . . . er, is this possible? Closing the positions out (ie buying them to close) is going to mean funds coming out of your account. Since, unless they are deep in the money Euro puts when cost of carry > div yield, they should be trading at at least intrinsic value. Stll going to leave him with a margin call. Anyway, not that I'm bothered . . .

Now that u have read the reply from Mr Peto 5 star man from IB, Do you want to make a comment? on the closing of 10 contracts :cheesy: :LOL: :cool: I told you your NOT as smart as you thought you were! :cheesy: :LOL: :cool:

Monkeys that mess with BULLS get BOTH horns! sooner or later! but in most cases its sooner rather than latter! :cheesy: :LOL: :cool:
Sorry but you are NOT clear!
, why am I not surprised?
Are you saying that your clients....
I don't have any clients. Def is the chap you're thinking of, he works for IB.
informed IB on the day BEFORE the bombingsand made a "Pre-selected discision
the facility to select which positions to close last may be made at any time while the position is open
how does it work exatly?
entry in the right hand column of the accounts menu
When can they apply for this arangement? and is it available to all clients
it is there for all without application.

My broker does NOT TOUCH even ONE of those contracts! He would call me the NEXT DAY and tell me my margin -call is x amount and he also tells me i have THREE working days to do anything i want as long as the margin-call is removed!
so you keep repeating endlessly. How would you have handled it if the footsy continued to fall for the next couple of days after the London bombings?
bull (post22) said:
If my accounst was wiv IB, i would have been liquidated on the day of London bombings 7/7! AT MASSIVE LOSSES.
after another 2 days of falls (or even going sideways) you would be in the sh*t with your broker by your own admission. A broker which allows you to get that deep in must be at least suspect and probably operating outside of exchange rules.
