Direct access options broker

"so you keep repeating endlessly. How would you have handled it if the footsy continued to fall for the next couple of days after the London bombings? "

READ MY LIPS :cheesy: 😆 😎 I would put plan B to stop the loses from getting bigger!

"after another 2 days of falls (or even going sideways) you would be in the sh*t with your broker by your own admission. A broker which allows you to get that deep in must be at least suspect and probably operating outside of exchange rules."

READ MY LIPS AGAIN! :cheesy: 😆 Plan B has always work'd! 😆 😎 Without plan B the broker would not have allowed me to open those positions in the FIRSTplace! and they would be in the shi t with FSA 😎 Go back and read my posts again! The broker gives a test to the client before he allows the costomer become a client! remember? 😎 😆

[email protected]
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plan B!
of course.
Well everything is all right then.
peto said:
plan B!
of course.
Well everything is all right then.

Whats the problem? and why are you being sarcastic?
Are you trying to tell us that a BIG SHORT STRANGLER on ftse has no plan B? or that plan b does NOT exist.?

How long did you say you been doing options? 😎

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bulldozer said:


IB offer a remarkable range :cheesy: Naked puts too :cheesy: So why the big laughs/jokes about people who do naked puts????? 🙄 😎

NO, your answers does NOT help Why? cause i was NOT asking for help!! 😎

Can you plz answer my questions ADEQUATLY!!



2. CLOSE ALL POSITIONS [100 contracts]

NOW PLZ ANSWER 1,2,3,4,5, 6, OR other? :cheesy: 😆 😎 Perhaps Osho can throw some light on this matter? I think its No2 but they dont like to admit it. :cheesy: 😆

Viewers, option traders or would be option traders, if Peto or Mr Def from IB dont answer the question clearly? could any of you ask IB which is the answer to the question. i'm NOT with IB! 😆 😎 But IB clients or people who are thinking of becoming clients need to know! yes?

But if i dont get the answer? i will continue to make people aware that IB are not suitable for all option traders. :cheesy: 😆 :cheesy:


[email protected]


Mr Def or IB employees or IB Bosses, or IB clients,
Could someone plz reply to this post [post No 35] Peto has told us that he is NOT a IB employee. I have recieved some e-mails from viewers asking me to continue with my aim to get to the truth on IB rules on Margin.
So cm-on lets have some STRAIGHT FORWARD truthfull replies plz and NOT in politicians language! 😆 😎
My UK based broker will use option ONE, FOUR , FIVE and SIX [within the fsa rule book]
He then gives me 3 working days to reduce margin by using any method i wish. He does NOT interefer with my positions during those 3 days.
I can go to my bank and draw out a draft cheque for the correct amount in order to remove margin within those 3 days period.
Or i can use MANY options strategies to remove the margin-call.
It seams that US brokers dont give these choices to their clients? plz correct me if I'm wrong.

All replies are welcome! 😎

[email protected]
How long did you say you been doing options?
Mr Def or IB employees or IB Bosses, or IB clients,
I'm a IB client

So cm-on lets have some STRAIGHT FORWARD truthfull replies plz and NOT in politicians language!
Which bit of my language did you not understand, Bull?

He then gives me 3 working days to reduce margin by using any method i wish. He does NOT interefer with my positions during those 3 days.
repeated endlessly + 1

It seams that US brokers dont give these choices to their clients?
How many times?
IB do not, when the account is already out of margin. Other US brokers may well operate other rules. Perhaps you should address your questions to them or their clients?
bull you have rec'd an answer many times but as you seem to need it spelled out. you would have 10 contracts liquidated within a certain period of going into deficit. if you were monitoring your account you probably would have had time to spread out of or trade out of the position before the liquidation hit.
A Dashing Blade said:
Bull, I know you're trolling, you know you're trolling, now troll off!
😎 😆 🙁 😕 🙄 :cheesy: 🙁 😀 😛 😉 😈 😱 :- 😈 :| 😡 🙂

Def: seriously mate, just ignore him.

edited to add . . . "If i had 100 contracts short puts on fts index on the week of London bombings and positions became on margin call on 7/7 and closing 10 contracts would bring account OUT of margin-call . . . " . . . er, is this possible? Closing the positions out (ie buying them to close) is going to mean funds coming out of your account. Since, unless they are deep in the money Euro puts when cost of carry > div yield, they should be trading at at least intrinsic value. Stll going to leave him with a margin call. Anyway, not that I'm bothered . . .

You said that IB would close 10 contracts and leave the other 90 running!

Now could you reply to this post by Dah-Bld

I just want to be sure that your singing the same tunes and not changing tunes! I think also the viewers want to know too ? 😆 :cheesy:

Also you give the impresion that people that trade naked put options are monkeys and yet your firm IB allows it to happen with their clients! so plz could you clarify your stand on writing naked puts plz? 😎

Mr Def,
Plz come back to the thread dont woory I'm not going to bite your head off! We need some clarifications on your firms margin rules. Do you agree with the reply from your client Mr Peto ?
I think most of us would prefere to hear it from you! myself included! 😎


[email protected]
def said:
bull you have rec'd an answer many times but as you seem to need it spelled out. you would have 10 contracts liquidated within a certain period of going into deficit. if you were monitoring your account you probably would have had time to spread out of or trade out of the position before the liquidation hit.

Mr Def,

YES! I would like it spelled out thank you! 😆
Why ? cause i dont like or trust politicians language! 😎 😆

Now your last THREE words give me cause for concern! DO YOU MEAN LIQUIDATION OF TEN CONTRACTS OR THE WHOLE 100 CONTRACTS?? very easy question! plz answer in same easy way! so there is NO missunderstanding!
Also, whats your views on writting naked put options? cause you also gave the impression that people that do them are monkeys. and remember your firm allows it to happen. [i hope your not suggesting that your clients are mostly mon keys?]


Plz dont go away,
We need you to clarify the above post, in order to remove any doubt.
So you see no problems with me wrting put on ftse? correct?. yes or no will sufice! 😎

On the liquidation question: Plz tells us if they will liquidate 10 contracts or 100 contracts? Its a lot easy if you SAID just 10 liquidated or 100 liquidated! So is it 10 liquidated YES OR NO?
The viewers need to be 100 % sure!! And plz dont behave like a politician and walk away! when cornered. 😎 😆 Perhaps Mr Def can step in where you left off? 😎 Mr Df can you plz clear the doubt? Plz reply to these questions.

Dash Blade,
According to Peto, you are wrong big time on your ass 😆 umptions! 😎 If your a client of IB you need to know the rules! cause it could be to your advantage or disadvantage?! just polite advice.

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peto said:
plan B!
of course.
Well everything is all right then.


I'm very impressed youve been doing options for 19 years! 😎
So plz explain what you mean by the above post from you? Is there a plan or NOT? 😆 of dealing with that margin call!? 😆 😎 Just simply answer YES or NO . 😆

Arbitrageur said:
I thought he just did spell it out?

I know that is what you thought, but are you 100 % sure you thought right? 😎 Cause i'm still in doubt about it.

Its always best to be sure the swimming pool is filled wiv water before diving from the top board! 😆 😎 do you know what i mean? :cheesy: 😆 😎

bulldozer said:
You said that IB would close 10 contracts and leave the other 90 running!

Now could you reply to this post by Dah-Bld
DBlade states correctly that repurchasing the 10 contracts will mean funds leaving the account. However I disagree with him, in that the net liquidation value of those contracts already included this amount so the effect on margin will be to bring it back to an acceptable level. (using your original figures)

Also you give the impresion that people that trade naked put options are monkeys
where did I give you that impression Bull? I made no comment either way.

I am astonished that after 2 extensive threads virtualy giving you one-to-one tuition, and the availability of possibly the largest broker's website around, you still profess not to understand even the basics of IB policy. I do not intend to waste any more time here and wsih you all the best, I think you're going to need it!

peto said:
DBlade states correctly that repurchasing the 10 contracts will mean funds leaving the account. However I disagree with him, in that the net liquidation value of those contracts already included this amount so the effect on margin will be to bring it back to an acceptable level. (using your original figures)

where did I give you that impression Bull? I made no comment either way.

I am astonished that after 2 extensive threads virtualy giving you one-to-one tuition, and the availability of possibly the largest broker's website around, you still profess not to understand even the basics of IB policy. I do not intend to waste any more time here and wsih you all the best, I think you're going to need it!

Plz dont go away,
We need you to clarify the above post, in order to remove any doubt.
So you see no problems with me wrting put on ftse? correct?. yes or no will sufice! 😎

On the liquidation question: Plz tells us if they will liquidate 10 contracts or 100 contracts? Its a lot easy if you SAID just 10 liquidated or 100 liquidated! 😎
The viewers need to be 100 % sure!! And plz dont behave like a politician and walk away! when cornered. 😎 😆 Perhaps Mr Def can step in where you left off? 😎 Mr Df can you plz clear the doubt? Plz reply to these questions.

Dash Blade,
According to Peto, you are wrong big time on your ass 😆 umptions! 😎 He said he does NOT agree with you! If your a client of IB you need to know the rules! cause it could be to your advantage or disadvantage?! just polite advice.

your quote> "DBlade states correctly that repurchasing the 10 contracts will mean funds leaving the account. However I disagree with him, in that the net liquidation value of those contracts already included this amount so the effect on margin will be to bring it back to an acceptable level. (using your original figures)"

Thank you for clearing the above point!! Why did you NOT clear that point EARLIER when Mr D-Blade made his post and instead, i had to use preasure on you to admit that D-Blades has got it wrong! I hope its not all been a waste of time? infact its not been a waste ! Why? cause Mr D-Blade has learned something new! i hope? 😎


[email protected]
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peto said:
DBlade states correctly that repurchasing the 10 contracts will mean funds leaving the account. However I disagree with him, in that the net liquidation value of those contracts already included this amount so the effect on margin will be to bring it back to an acceptable level. (using your original figures)

where did I give you that impression Bull? I made no comment either way.

I am astonished that after 2 extensive threads virtualy giving you one-to-one tuition, and the availability of possibly the largest broker's website around, you still profess not to understand even the basics of IB policy. I do not intend to waste any more time here and wsih you all the best, I think you're going to need it!


To all viewers,

Stay tuned folks! Why ? cause very soon i will be posting the full margin rules from IB for all to see! 😆 😎
And it does NOT say in CLEAR TERMS what Mr Peto is saying! 😎

But i will wait for Mr Def to have his say first! cause thats the best way in order to be fair! 😎

So cm-on Mr Def, lets hear your views on whats been said. and your reply to the liquidations questions! Is it liquidation of 10 contracts or 100 contracts? 😆 😎 and plz dont dig up some exuse like Peto that you have to go away?! 😎 😆

peto said:
where did I give you that impression Bull? I made no comment either way.




Post 32 🙁

AND you said> "his dodgy broker" Plz elaborate!!! Is this because he allows me to trade short puts? or his rules or what? [post 32 ]

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your question has been answered and all info is available on the IB site. if my answer wasn't clear sorry, but it seems to be for everyone else. for someone who vowed to switch to IB if we offered the minimum margin requirements at LIFFE and then backed away when shown that we do you then stated you'd never open an account at IB), you obviously have an axe to grind and whatever point you are making I think it has been made. I think it is fair to request that you please give it a rest. don't ask me any more questions, I'll respond to the inaccurate facts if insist on continuing but that's it. good trading to all.

While you are reading this thread may I ask you an unrelated question?

CBOE is introducing weekly options and options on E mini SPX. Will IB allow them to trade straight away or there will be delay in introducing them ?

do think JC HAD A POINT.......IF A BIT laboured
But why take so long to answer the orig query ???????
10 + box or somit in the corner would have saved me a lot !
def said:

your question has been answered and all info is available on the IB site. if my answer wasn't clear sorry, but it seems to be for everyone else. for someone who vowed to switch to IB if we offered the minimum margin requirements at LIFFE and then backed away when shown that we do you then stated you'd never open an account at IB), you obviously have an axe to grind and whatever point you are making I think it has been made. I think it is fair to request that you please give it a rest. don't ask me any more questions, I'll respond to the inaccurate facts if insist on continuing but that's it. good trading to all.
Youve got your facts all wrong! It would have been quicker for you to answer the question head on! YES to the 10 contracts or YES/NO to the 100 contracts! 😎 and remove ALL doubt! Instead you have chosen a politician way to reply!! And as a result you have caused many/or few people to doubt your margin rule. So i asume you want all viewers to believe that your answer is 10 contracts and NOT 100 contracts. 😆

What about Dashing Blade error on closing 10 contracts! How come you have failled to point out his error?? and instead you let him believe he was correct in his assumptions with all your laughs/jokes?? 🙄 😆
