Desktop PC or laptop?

I work full time (shift work) and trade/SB from home when I'm off, and looking to get either a new PC, or laptop to use for trading. (Birthday present from the better half). Not after 2 or 4 screens just after something as fast as possible, that I can have a few pages open at once so it doesn't lock up or crash. (I use IG Index and Capital Spreads)

What should i be looking for, spec wise please (I'm a technophobe, and don't fancy a spotty 17 year old chatting my hind legs off down at PC world)

I'm edging towards a laptop, as I do like to move around the house while watching the markets.

Any pointers to what I need?
. . . I'm edging towards a laptop, as I do like to move around the house while watching the markets.
Hi newspreadbetter,
I'm a technophobe too, so I can't help I'm afraid, but the sentenced quoted caught my eye - hence my post. I have visions of you - well, not actually you as I don't know what you look like - but of someone wandering from room to room to gain a different perspective on the markets. You'll have to keep a record and let us know which room is most profitable for you and which one accounts for most of your losses!
Personally? I would go for a laptop. With a laptop, you can, with almost ALL newer models, add a monitor to it to have dual monitors (sometimes 2 if you want it).
I use that myself, and have a 23 inch plugged in as we speak. It's very nice
If you want to move around the house, though, why not try one of those laptops that also turns into a tablet?
Check out this page:
I have a 4 screen desktop monster but find a lot of the time I am using a mac book on my lap, wherever I happen to be. Depends very much on what type of trading you are doing.
Thanks all, I spread bet and usually hold bets for anything between a few minutes and an hour or 2 depending on how well its doing.

Tim, so far there is no pattern (that I'm aware of), I even placed a bet last week while buying popcorn with the mrs one afternoon going to see American Sniper, and I came out 40 points better off?

most of the time its in the lounge or on the kitchen table though 🙂
Given your short time trading approach, the less distraction, the better. So I'd favour a fixed desktop so you are perched in front of it, and not making bacon butties in the kitchen !!!

Short term trades of a few minutes upwards etc, ought to be actively managed continually, instep with the market.

Passive trading at that short timeframe sounds like a mismatching principle. ( wrong mental approach to applied method )

Perhaps if you were trading off of one hour closes etc, going walkabout might be doable.

Just my initial thoughts.
I treated myself to the same...I have several computers but wanted one that would mostly used for trading. I decided to get a gaming laptop...figured that would handle all of the graphics needs I might have for a few years. And ye I will run an extra monitor at my usual station. Kinda nice to be able to spread stuff around.
I chose an AlienWare 17" And I have been very pleased with it.
You don't need multiple monitors to be a good trader. That's like saying you need a F350 to a tow a boat.

I don't actually know what an "F350" is, but I agree completely with this perspective. I've never had or wanted more than one screen, and can look at only one at a time, myself. I'd rather click on a new window and make it the active one than look to one side or the other.
I don't actually know what an "F350" is, but I agree completely with this perspective. I've never had or wanted more than one screen, and can look at only one at a time, myself. I'd rather click on a new window and make it the active one than look to one side or the other.

You need exercises to increase your peripheral vision

I would agree a bank of say 8 or 10 + screens can confuse and lose meaning until you have spent months living with them - but no two ways about it 2 or 3 or 4 large screens all within say a 3 -5 ft area are far easier to look at then one screen of say 17 -20 inches on a Laptop.

It then depends on whether you multi Intraday trade or just medium / long term and so then you might only take a trade every few days and so multi screens not so valuable.

Horses for courses and what suits you best I suppose


How about a powerful laptop / tablet hybrid? Several manufacturers have introduced laptops with detachable keyboards! It will prove to be helpful if you have to travel a lot.
I want to switch to a modern laptop too, been contemplating it for a while -- but I kind of still very much like my Windows 7 desktop PC. 🙂
I recently downgraded from W10 to W7...I just love the look and feel of W7. I like the side gadgets too. and i kind of play older PC games that don't run on 10.
Whatever you get, try to make sure that you have it set up with a seperate "trader only profile". In days of old I used to have 2 or 3 laptops but now just 1 does the job. When you are trading then that is all that your focus needs to be. If you want to facebook at the same time then get a tablet or whatever, just don't let it interfere with your trading platform.
Whatever you get, try to make sure that you have it set up with a seperate "trader only profile". In days of old I used to have 2 or 3 laptops but now just 1 does the job. When you are trading then that is all that your focus needs to be. If you want to facebook at the same time then get a tablet or whatever, just don't let it interfere with your trading platform.

Why is that? In my opinion, any distractions are tolerable for as long as you are able to get a glance on charts once in a while. It surely depends on the stock you are trading, that's for sure, but for most parts this will be enough.
Why is that? In my opinion, any distractions are tolerable for as long as you are able to get a glance on charts once in a while. It surely depends on the stock you are trading, that's for sure, but for most parts this will be enough.
Why not do it? It sets the tone for trading and is simple to do. My reasoning is that if you as the trader want to be in control then this is the starting block. You create an account called trading, you login and set password , you start your trading platform, you check your trading plan and data recording then you can start trading. If you like you can add your email platform even a news channel but make it restricted to trading. Think about it: If you are setting up on a volatile currency and your trading plan says you will enter at 1.xxxx , do you really want to get bombarded with the latest Ebay notification or Amazon deal? I know I wouldn't.
Desktop all the way for me, along with my pad for on the road. I recently purchased a 34 inch monitor and it's a pleasure working on it
Why not do it? It sets the tone for trading and is simple to do. My reasoning is that if you as the trader want to be in control then this is the starting block. You create an account called trading, you login and set password , you start your trading platform, you check your trading plan and data recording then you can start trading. If you like you can add your email platform even a news channel but make it restricted to trading. Think about it: If you are setting up on a volatile currency and your trading plan says you will enter at 1.xxxx , do you really want to get bombarded with the latest Ebay notification or Amazon deal? I know I wouldn't.

Yeah, I agree that removing unnecessary distractions such as news or TV series is important and recommended. What I wanted to say in my post is you should not be afraid of distractions in general. So if you have kids or you have to do some housework or something it's ok for as long as you can take a look on your account and charts from time to time.
I've always traded on a laptop. You don't need multiple monitors to be a good trader. That's like saying you need a F350 to a tow a boat.

i would disagree. i daytrade the qqq's. visibility is most important. i use 2 laptops each connected to a hdtv. i have the qqq's in a 1 min and 5 min bar on one hdtv, and 6 of the qqq's main components in a 1 min bar loaded on the other.