Laptop or Desktop


Well-known member
I wonder if any of our techie gurus can assist please?

I want to update my five year old computer in preparation for trading US stocks using either Ensign or ESignal for charts and my IB account through which to trade.

I have been impressed by the power, portability and monitors of some of the newer laptops. However, I have been told that when the laptops heat up , which they do underneath quite noticeably, they slow down deliberately to compensate. Perhaps I should remain with a desktop!

What say you?

Thank you.
If you are even considering buying a desk top, then you don't need the one advantage a laptop has, portability. If you don't need it why pay the big premium. Penny for penny a desktop will be more powerful, stable and capable. I run both, but I wouldn't be without the desktop if I could avoid it.
roguetrader said:
If you are even considering buying a desk top, then you don't need the one advantage a laptop has, portability. If you don't need it why pay the big premium. Penny for penny a desktop will be more powerful, stable and capable. I run both, but I wouldn't be without the desktop if I could avoid it.

Good point. I suppose the only thought is that if I want to trade from a different location at any time then the portability would be useful. I am not sure that I can trade from a different computer in a different location e.g. a hotel business suite or internet cafe if IB and charting software is unattainable unless it is loaded already onto the computer - which of course it would be on my own laptop.

seancass said:
Good point. I suppose the only thought is that if I want to trade from a different location at any time then the portability would be useful. I am not sure that I can trade from a different computer in a different location e.g. a hotel business suite or internet cafe if IB and charting software is unattainable unless it is loaded already onto the computer - which of course it would be on my own laptop.
Sean, what you have mentioned, is quite correct, if you travel a lot and plan to trade a lot from different locations then that weighs towards the purchase of a laptop, using eSignal the software is resident on your computer, IB has a java interface, which can be used from any appropriately java enabled computer, which is likely to be most, in modern cafe. However I would consider the security issue with regards to trojan, keyloggers etc if you are accessing sensitive sites like a broker. In this situation a laptop would be useful to simply make use of their connection. So basically I would say it is a question of weighing up the necessaties and the advantages / disadvantages of both.
I use a Laptop exclusively and have never had any issues and the processor does get a hammering as I am monitoring 140 stocks all the time. It depends on the Laptop you use in my view.

Ok let's see if we can help you make a decision, I run both, if someone came to me tomorrow and said you have to give one up, it would be the laptop every time. I have used it abroad to close out a swing position or two, but I could have done that over the phone for not much more cost. The fact of the matter is I make use of its portability so little that its not worht the disadvantages.
Advantages of a laptop:
1. Small space occupied.
2. No UPS needed - has its own battery.
3. Built in modem in case of broadband failure.
4. Built in interface for second monitor.
5. Portability - not tied to home.
6. Most will have some sort of port replicators so it can act as a quasi desktop with external keyboard, mouse etc.
I have and rely on so much software that reloading is a mammoth task.
How on earth do I either 'ghost' my desktop hard drive to my laptop alternatively boot from a 'ghosted' USB hard drive? I'm pulling out what little hair I have left.
Someone help PLEASE!!
Hi Guys,
Unless portability is issue laptop, otherwise for less money you can have a better spec desktop system with good large size screen etc...Also if connecting few items you may find more ports on d/top.Consider all other suggestions as Guys like Trder333 are heavy users and if they are happy,with laptop you should be ok either way.
Use Laptop

If I had to do it all over again, I'd use a notebook with one external montior. My new Gateway laptop has a montior output so I could have a two montior setup.

However, I'd recommend using an opticall mouse adn external keyboard connected to the notebooks USB ports.


Get a notebook with the new LI-ION batterys that last 4-6 hours. 🙂

I'm not sure you can 'ghost' your desktop to your notebook. But take them to your local PC store, tell them what you want, hand them $, then they should get it as close as possible for you.

best wishes and let us know what you do.

chipper338 said:
Oh behave baby!
Behave? No way.

Could even do it from the hammock. Problem is the ready supply of Carrib and painkillers.

Those who have visited the soggy dollar will know what I mean!
Thank you all for the feedback. Most useful. As always, help is forthcoming on this site in abundance.
