Demo account competition with cash prizes?


Established member
Hi folks,
I'm looking for competition on trading simulators with cash prizes or something you can trading/withdraw. Instant execution is a must 😀. Preferably Fx or stocks. Would be good if it's recurrent and without hidden sophisticated conditions.
I cant speak for all brokers, depending on your location, but if its an offshore broker, might want to have a look at hotforex, they do offer good contests, might work for you.
I don't know details as I haven't participated in such contests before but I've heard InstaForex regularly has demo trading contests.
I cant speak for all brokers, depending on your location, but if its an offshore broker, might want to have a look at hotforex, they do offer good contests, might work for you.
More info please? Any "fine print" conditions?
this kind of competition is very supportive for the new level of traders , but in practical i found very rare which platforms provide real cash prize.
Demo competitions in my view can encourage one's bad practices, like over betting.
Demo competitions in my view can encourage one's bad practices, like over betting.
i just 100% agree with you , because the traders we have above all newcomers dont willing to trade in there at all but this approach really can encourage them honestly
Sometimes brokers really arrange contests on a demo account, and they are really very good, and due to the fact that this is a demo account, and not a real account, many try their hand there.
Yeah but they offer prizes like money to real account or cash payouts. I really like the idea that you can make some money combined with instant execution.
yes its true , there is a chance , but sometimes i have seen some brokers doesn't provide the real prize money that already they announced. its not good.
Demo contests are good to do some practice and can be helpful to get some experience before investing real money.
I spent half a year on demo before moving on live trading and it helped me a lot especially in testing trading systems, making sure they will sustain transaction costs on live.
It’s probably best to use Google to find demo contests, as some brokers offer them seasonally or like every three months or so. Be sure to read the terms & conditions before participating so you don’t get blindsided by any hidden terms if you win.