Blimey!! It must be Sunday 😆
Maybe you could try getting your solicitor to threaten T2W with legal action for defamation, peebee. Then I might have to delete the delete thread which replaced the delete thread which was deleted. 😆
This is what this forum has come to?
Sorry Neil but PB brings it on himself. If he was reasonable and balanced then i'm sure we would all get along.
Yes -you maybe right.
How does one get removed from this site?
Reasonable and balanced? OK I will have a look at your partner offers and find one that wasn't a scam. I'll also have a look at your rebate partners and find one that hasn't been charged by the NFA. I'll let you know when I'm done.
This is what this forum has come to?
So, trader333 messages something to pboyles. Pboyles is banned. And someone comes along and posts parts of that message, and that means it must have been pboyles coming back on a fake IP? 😕 Is that it?
Like rsh01 I find it strange that you're asking pboyles to compliment some vendors. According to what he has posted, he's offered to check various vendors for free, this offer hasn't been accepted, and instead you'd rather he just give praise to vendors. The statement "a sense of balance is required" is quite funny. There must be a term for that(some sort of irony or something?), where the situation is so in the favour of the vendors, and then someone comes along and says we need more balance, lets help the vendors. Funny.
The thing is pboyles is a forum troll. He doesn't actually do any hard research he just goes by the Internet self diagnosing every aspect via the Internet. Which we all know is full of posters hiding behind avatars thinking they are immune to being found out when they spread lies.
If I were a company trading legitimately I would have sued pboyles along time ago. In the same way as people are being hunted down when abusing others on twitter. he defames and spreads lies and there is no come back.
TBH - In the main, he does a good job.
But what of all the people he looks at and digs no dirt? Is he remotely interested in telling people about that? Nope.
Even in my invite to vet my own company, the best he can do is to say "I'll try to dig dirt on your partners", also implying I get rebates from anyone (I don't).
He's obviously looked @ my stuff - I'm very high profile here. My gut feel is he only likes to come forward with negative things. He has remained silent on my offers to give him full access.
In terms of his (and others) constant snipes @ T2W - a lot of T2W staff do work for free. Imagine if you were putting an effort into something free of charge, doing what you considered to be a balanced job yet a bunch of people constantly told you that you were doing a crap job and that you were complicit in fraud. You'd probably bit back occasionally, no?
It's human nature. If PB does nothing but put across negative information, of course there will be a backlash at some point. You dig dirt on people but never tell the membership when no dirt was found?
The thing is pboyles is a forum troll. He doesn't actually do any hard research he just goes by the Internet self diagnosing every aspect via the Internet. Which we all know is full of posters hiding behind avatars thinking they are immune to being found out when they spread lies.
If I were a company trading legitimately I would have sued pboyles along time ago. In the same way as people are being hunted down when abusing others on twitter. he defames and spreads lies and there is no come back.
If I were a company trading legitimately I would have sued pboyles along time ago.
So now instead of exposing scammers and fraudsters, PB should now make recommendations for course provision? Is this forum populated by Broadmoor inmates?
This smear campaign against PB is an absolute shambolic farce.
What exactly has he done to you for you to spear head this movement, Pete? Are you after a good review of Jigsaw for trade2win 🙂
Why so many rude aggressive peeps on this site?
He's offered to review some vendors for free - he doesn't seem to give praise when he finds a decent one.
So either he never found a decent one OR he shuts up when he does. I'm not talking about him putting more time in - just to give a heads up when someone he looks at seems decent.
Now - what do you think the chances are that PBoyles hasn't been all over my site already? I'm just offering him fuller access.