complete rubbish imo, until you provide examples. the new members who get stick are ones that either:
~ are lazy. These fit into two common types: 1. lazy with zero initiative: asking a question "what is a future?" which would be more easily asked & better answered using google; 2. looking for a heads up on an imminent punt/easy money - "which way is the FTSE going...up or down?". Both 1)s & 2)s neither have the capacity nor the desire to trade. (examples: Take your pick).
~ think they are dogs knackers after 2 days demo trading. (Aster1).
~ regurgitate nonsense frequently (Marooh).
~ are vendors (Take your pick).
Would a new member have posted on BMT forum a thread stating how rich they will be in 2 years from now having never traded before? Maybe theres a rule about new members posting crap over there, perhaps?
Any new member who has asked a question of late which is fairly reasonable (ie they have put some thought into it (and thats not subjective - eg its a genuine q & its obvious they have done some work etc etc), is dived on by every senior member around who wants to share their 'wisdom'....cos its so rare, and refreshing.
New members are in fact much more a curse imo - there are so many posting one sentence posts which have no relevance / something so inane / already stated previously....its a waste of time reading it, often they bump v old threads (only v occasionally is the old thread good). wouldn't surprise me if these members are t2w bots.
Of course these new members are potentially new customers for you.