Daytrading the ES

The first thing I am going to post here is the following.

that avg is that the mean or the median? seems to me the median would be a better measure for what i think you are intending to do with it?
that avg is that the mean or the median? seems to me the median would be a better measure for what i think you are intending to do with it?
if you like..but I do not think it will make much difference in relation to what I am doing with it..if it does i will let you know as we progress the thread..i am always open to new ideas and never dismiss anything until i try it out

ok, fair enough. i assume you are working up to smthg bigger here?
as you can see..the average range was just hit today..It could have been less..or more..but by using the average we have something to work to..and should not really expect a large variation unless some major news comes out that gets the money flowing..which of course happens..this is just one way i look at the expected daily range for the ES during US stock market hours

let's see if the conversation develops..or if it ends?

SPX open 09/26/16 = 2158.54
SPX close 09/26/16 = 2146.10
Range = 13.5 (CBOE official values)

Expected Range for week ending 09/30/16

2119.16 <> 2170.84 = 51.68 points

the SPX is expected to close at either 2119.16 +-5.16 <> 2170.84 +- 5.16 on 09/30/16
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thx..but i do not use any other people to help me with my own decisions.

SPX last trade = 2168.00

Official close = 2168.27