Daytrading The YM Mini-Dow Futures

  • Thread starter Thread starter CYOF
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Hi Sophie,

The CTM forum has been deleted - and posting for my trades will now be over in the journal section - read last few posts above.

I will delete the post that confused you as it may also confuse others.

There are several threads for trading the ES E-mini on T2W, you may just have to spend some time searching through the various sections - or use the search field above.

This thread will be for discussing trading the Mini Dow YM Futures only.

CYOF said:
Apologies - I forgot to mention that I will also post to this thread as well - I don't like the idea of using a journal for general discussion on daytrading the YM.

I will re-post my current layout tomorrow and start from there.


This is my current setup - I have posted more details over in the journal section if anyone wants to read same - but I think that this thread will be more suited to asking questions about a variety of screenshots posted by several members - as some members may not want to do a journal.

YM Trade Entry / Exit

Ok Guys,

How do you actually decide to enter a trade in the YM?

I have been trying out several different chart setups to try and perfect trade entry / exits - details are over in the Papertrade To Live journal so I am not going to post the same details here.

I am finding that a simple approach is far better -i.e, not having too much on the one available screen. So, I have stripped everything down to the bare minimum that I NEED TO SEE in order to enter / exit a trade.

This is my current setup - which gave me the best results to date - but some more testing is required prior to going live - about 3 to 4 days more should be sufficient.

I have two major problems however, and that is, speed and data restrictions - again covered in the journal so I am not repeating here.

It looks like there is nothing I can do about both at the moment - so I will only trade 1 contract until I can find a better solution.

I have also done a YM Trading Process document (see attached) - which will be amended to reflect my decision thinking process following some additional testing with the current chart setup - when I am happy that it will work.

So, how do you go about deciding to enter / exit a trade in the YM?

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gedward3 said:
Hey guys good thread. CYOF which broker are you demo trading YM through. Also does anone know what program is the best for doing a little backtesting on YM. Is Prorealtime any good.


You could download a free trial (30-days) of Trademaven (
You can backtest and replay up to a couple of months data from NQ, ER2, YM,...
CYOF said:
Ok Guys,

So, how do you go about deciding to enter / exit a trade in the YM?


In my opinion, looking for a 'pattern' seems most logical (a list of popular patterns on

Certain patterns occur more on higher time frames than others. Although a pattern might be easy to see in hindsight, it's not always obvious to spot in real time. But if you what you're looking for, you are more likely to have a checklist on what elements you need to keep an eye out for. The next step would be to test that pattern on hundreds of charts to see what happens after the pattern crystalizes (how far does price travel, how likely is that to happen, could you distill an expectancy of all this, etc.) Based on those numbers, I would know how far price is likely to travel and have my targets within that probability range.

This about sums up what I'd be doing to trade YM.
There are plenty of other ways obviously, using indicators like you posted MA crossover, using volume, using candlestick analysis,...

I noticed you put up some Renko charts a while ago, have you stopped using them?
Hi FW,

Didn't see this one until now.

Renko was no good on the short time frame - well not using the INDU at least.

There are so many ways to take a PERCEIVED entry signal, that it can get very confusing. One minute you see a Candle DT/DB working, the next you think the same Candle DT/DB formation is going to work, but as soon as you enter the market it reverses and turns into an engulfment in the opposite direction.

The balance may be a higher time frame - depending on what you are using for signals.

Probably more important, the sample set (no. of trades) needs to be completed to work out the Expectancy of the system - if the reader does not know about Expectancy then the chances of developing a consistent winning system will be very small - see Van Tharp's books.

I tend to jump the gun a little bit - mainly because I trust my intuition - and if I feel that my current setup is not going to work, regardless of sample trade set, then I will drop it after some short testing - as in my last few attempts which has cost me 100 YM points.

It is no good trying to get an Expectancy figure for a sample set based on bad entries - you must first get the entries right and then the sample set will tell you if the average will yield a good risk / reward ratio on a consistent basis.

Sometimes we tend to forget that every trade can be a loser, so even more important is to set your stop - and stick to it no matter what. When you start recording the trades in the sample set - you will see the R values for each trade - and your initial risk on each trade is always 1R.

To make it simple -you sample set of say 50 trades - must have losers that are not much greater than 1R - if you see losers that are 1.5 R and greater then you need to look closely at how you are working out your stops -and CHANGE it so that the majority of your losses are not much greater than 1R - in other words, you are sticking to your stops.

Likewise, your winners should be multiples of your initial 1R risk - 3R to 4R would be very good.

When you have completed your 50 trades, then with a simple automatic calculation on the Excel sheet you have your Expectancy of your system.

Most good long term systems will achieve an Expectancy of somewhere between 1.1 and 1.3 - depending on the markets and the system.

Once you know your Expectancy is positive (as a negative Expectancy is losing money of course) then you know exactly what your average risk/reward per trade will be.

It is then up to the trader to decide how many trades the want to put on - and this is why Daytrading can be so lucrative. With daytrading, as you are keeping your initial 1R risk very small - say 0.25% of available capital - and the average move for certain types of strategies can be as high as 100 to 150 cents - you can see right away the potential for very large gains.

For example - say you can do 10 trades in the first hour of trading - lets see the difference the Expectancy of your system makes.

Capital = $50K
Risk per trade - or 1R - = 0.25% or $125 per trade.

Note: The difference between your stop and your entry will determine how many shares you buy. For daytrading, as you are using LevII to get out fast, your stop wil be nearly always be the red level -No.4 - on the LevII screen.

Now watch what happens here depending on what the red band is offering:

Risk per trade = $125 Red Band Stop = 20 cent Shares = 625
Risk per trade = $125 Red Band Stop = 15 cent Shares = 833
Risk per trade = $125 Red Band Stop = 10 cent Shares = 1250
Risk per trade = $125 Red Band Stop = 05cent Shares = 2500

Now lets plug the values into our system with various Expectancy figures for the most conservative risk of 625 shares:

Trades = 10 Shares = 625 Expectancy = -1 P/L = $-6,250
Trades = 10 Shares = 625 Expectancy = -.5 P/L = $-3,125
Trades = 10 Shares = 625 Expectancy = .25 P/L = $1,562
Trades = 10 Shares = 625 Expectancy = .5 P/L = $3,125
Trades = 10 Shares = 625 Expectancy = 1 P/L = $6,250
Trades = 10 Shares = 625 Expectancy = 1.5 P/L = $9,375
Trades = 10 Shares = 625 Expectancy = 2 P/L = $12,500

See how much you can loose , as well as how much you can win, and this is for the conservative figure of 625 shares!

If you do not know what the Expectancy of your system is - then you should not be expecting to make substantial money in the markets.

Daytrading is where the big money is - as can be seen above - but you must have a good Expectancy figure - which is of course the hard part.

The next time a trader tells you he is very successful - ask him what is the Expectancy of his system -or what is his average R/R per trade. If he does not know, then he is either having a lucky streak that will more than likely not last, or he is lying.

Any professional daytraders - and I mean the boys who are making the big bucks $$$$$Mil - will definately know the Expectancy of their sytem.

Will they tell you - we will probably never know because thay are very few and far between -but there are some out there, that is for sure.

I would like to see Grey1's Expectancy figure - but I would guess that it is somewhere between
0.3 and 0.6. The only way to get the exact figure is to do a sample set of at least 200 trades - record the figures for every buy /sell taken.

You can actually set up a continual monitoring system with Excel very easily - but it must only be used for the same strategy - else the figures will not be accurate. I done this in the past -I will try and see if I can find the excel file and i will post same for discussion.

I will however, be creating a new one for my current attempts at trading the way I don't like trading - I am sure my current Expectancy figure is about -10 🙄
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CYOF said:
Hi FW,

Most good long term systems will achieve an Expectancy of somewhere between 1.1 and 1.3 - depending on the markets and the system.

I'm not exactly clear on how you would compute your expectancy?

For me, expectancy is how much each individual trade on average holds after a certain time period of backtesting of forward testing. So the number I come up with can be anything from -10 to +20 for instance... It gives me a number which quite accurately depicts what on average I'm gaining (or losing) per trade per lot. I calculate it as follows:

Expectancy = win % x average profits per win - losing % x average loss per losing trade

Example, take a trading system with a 60/40 win:loss ratio and on average you manage to get 10 points out of a winning trade and lose 6 on a losing trade. Expectancy = 60% x 10 - 40% x 6 = 3.60 points on average per trade. It's however not as useful for putting a number on it per trade, but suppose you take a batch of 100 trades then you'll know that based on previous tests you should have about 360 points profit. At that point you can start comparing your real results with your results from testing and find out where you're going in the wrong direction...
Hi FW,

To clarify what I am talking about, I will put my trades to date into an excel sheet and post for discussion - a picture can tell a thousand words.

I am not sure if we are talking about the same thing here - but the 3 main points in relation to what I said previously using an excel sheet to work out your Expectancy are:

1) You will know what trades you need to look at for improving your stops.
2) You will have a running live Expectancy figure based on your actual trading - so if this is staying more or less consistent then you know you are on the right track.
3) You can then start looking at various position sizing techniques to maximise your R on winning trades - but this testing is based on your actual results - not some hypothetical results from testing a "system".

If you have a system with a consistent positive Expectancy, then you leave it alone and only test various position sizing techniques for your winning system.

The fact that you have a more or less consistent number - tells you you are on the right track. You do not need to change anything - just look at various scenarios for maximising returns.

IMHO, this is the only thing that testing is good for.

Personally, I do not have any faith in backtesting strategies to see if the results are positive or negative. Your live results tell you if you are on track - no hypothetical results can ever tell you.

Testing for maximising profits is something completely different - and that has merit in that you are using data from a live running profitable sample set. If you compare it to Grey1's approach - where Grey1 reduces his risk, and then increases his risk again, depending on various TA combinations. But, the important point to note here, is that Grey 1 is working on a live system that he already knows the expectancy figure for - or he may be calling it something else - but he knows from his everyday results that he can adjust his parameters to minimise risk and maximise gain.

This level of professional trading is very rare - something that the majority of us, including myself, may never achieve. It requires a big bank account, total confidence in yourself and your abilities, but most importantly, a system with a good positive Expectancy figure. This is the basis for achieving any real success in trading.

So, we may be talking about the same think here, or we may not, but we will soon find out by posting details of live trades.

Live results are all that matter - hypothetical testing to determine if a system will have more winners than losers is, IMHO, worth piddly p**s. Testing to maximise profits, on the other hand, is a level that very few will achieve, but it can not be even considered if you don't have alive sample set to work with.

Remember all that emotional stuff that keeps popping up in alot of threads - well that is all taken care of in your live running Expectancy figure. The results are what you are - and the results will determine if you can go forward to the next level, or not.

Just my thoughts on it - lets get some figures down so that we can all understand what we are talking about. I will do it next week - as I am off travelling the weekend and will probably not get a chance.


PS: Apologies to Grey1 for using him as an example - but he is the only trader that I have seen to date who can do what he does. I am not saying that more are not doing it - but I have not seen their results as I have seen with Grey1. As I keep saying - the only thing that matters is results!

I think this subject is so important that it might be better in a new thread.

What do you think?

I will run a search - as I alwasy forget to check first - in case there is already one set up.

Maximum number of contracts?

Hey everyone,

I'm new to this forum. I've been trading the YM for a couple of months now, I've been successful so far but have only been trading one contract till I feel more comfortable. I am of course considering trading much more contracts, but I wanted to ask what everyone thinks is the maximum number of YM contracts that can be traded simultaneously and guarantee a fill. I am a scalper and place dozens of small trades everyday that last a few minutes maximum. I can't afford not to be filled whether we're talking about my profit target, stop or entry... I need to know the maximum number of contracts I could trade that would virtually guarantee a fill at any point?

Thank you for your help.
croz said:
Hey everyone,

I'm new to this forum. I've been trading the YM for a couple of months now, I've been successful so far but have only been trading one contract till I feel more comfortable. I am of course considering trading much more contracts, but I wanted to ask what everyone thinks is the maximum number of YM contracts that can be traded simultaneously and guarantee a fill. I am a scalper and place dozens of small trades everyday that last a few minutes maximum. I can't afford not to be filled whether we're talking about my profit target, stop or entry... I need to know the maximum number of contracts I could trade that would virtually guarantee a fill at any point?

Thank you for your help.

Have a look at the order book and see how many lots there are at any one time..


  • orderbook.JPG
    52.3 KB · Views: 782
Lot of newbies will not know what to make of the price action of the last few days. unless you been through it before. I used to scalp it back in 1997 to 2001, great times for quick trades. 😀 and the old patterns have returned 😱 But this kind of action will kill most newbies. I guarantee you that
For those serious about trading the YM and other index futures and wish to add some ammo to their trading arsenals I heartily recommend this site

There is a heavy slant on Market Profile - well worth reading the CBOT handbook too.

It's a newish forum and hence so far hasn't been corrupted....

I hope it stays that way.
Not sure about MP for the Mini DOW rols.

The MP approach using the Value Area is more suited to the S&P Futures - this can be used in conjunction with OTF - One Time Framing.

Only my view of course, but if I was trading the mini DOW, which I am not, I would be monitoring the DOW 30 stocks, the 3 T's, the INDU and the current YM Futures.

All my trades would be opened and closed in the first 1.5 Hrs, for the majority of the time, but in view of current volatility, there could be some after the first 1.5 Hrs.

Hi everyone.

Here is last week's performance of my YM trading.

Total of 124 points in the four days I traded. My account wasn't funded till Tuesday hence the four day week. Also didn't do a lot on Tuesday and Wednesday as was still unsure of the platform. I trade through IB paying $4.26 per trade (round trip).

Scalping as such is new to me I am getting on alright so far, just a case of not letting the 'greed' of thinking you could have got more cloud my judgement.

My aim is for 50 FTSE points and 100 Mini Dow points a week to give me $500 and £500 profits a week, around £700 after costs. As and when I feel comfortable I will look to move to INDU (normal Dow) and double my FTSE size from 1 contract to 2.

As far as set up goes I look at longer term charts to get a feel for what the market has been doing for the last week or so. I then use a 9 period sma on a two day 5 min view along with RSI and MACD to view the market.

My entry and exit are more subjective than I would like but I am sure probably follow some rules even if I can't pin down what they are!

In the main I like to be long above the 9sma and short below it. I also like to see MACD agreeing with the sma and price action. Ie if MACD has crossed upwards from a lower level, RSI has maybe made a higher low and the market is rising and climbing above the 9sma I would buy. I tend to exit when things just don't feel right.

Only one loss recorded for last week of two points. It would be nice if that could contine, maybe it will. My idea is to only enter when all the signals line up, don't take ont he half chances and don't feel like I always need to be in a trade. Also admit you're wrong quickly and quit when you're tired or want to go home. Trading when you feel you 'should' rather than when a great looking trade opens up is a recipe to lose money in my experience.

Good luck with your trading, any questions feel free to ask.

Stephen McCreedy


rols said:
For those serious about trading the YM and other index futures and wish to add some ammo to their trading arsenals I heartily recommend this site

There is a heavy slant on Market Profile - well worth reading the CBOT handbook too.

It's a newish forum and hence so far hasn't been corrupted....

I hope it stays that way.

Thanks rols. Looks like a pleasant change from the stream of drivel and constant bickering that seems to afflict ET for example at the moment.

I'm inclined to agree with CYOF that MP is more suited to ES than YM, but that is my purely subjective view.
Hello lads. My name is Paddy Murphy from Cork. I have done a few posts in other threads but I am not having any joy. I asked another Irish poster if he could help me find this CYOF. I just done a search for him and I can see that he is banned and that most of the threads he started are closed and I can't post on them. From what few posts I have read he seems to be a betting man and I am looking for someone like that to help me make a few quid so that I can buy a few more pints of Murphys Stout, lol. Can any of you lads here help me out. I am a horse man myself and I am trying to make some money with this trading lark. A friend of mine made a packet and bought a big new BMW Turbo Diesel with a telly in the dash. But he wont tell me anything so that is why I am here to see how it is done myself.Thanks.
My name is Paddy Murphy from Cork - I am a horse man myself and I am trying to make some money with this trading lark. A friend of mine made a packet and bought a big new BMW Turbo Diesel with a telly in the dash. But he wont tell me anything so that is why I am here to see how it is done myself.

Brilliant !! Anyway......

If you tell me how to win on the the gee-gees I'll let you in on a secret trading strategy 😆

Deal or No deal ?