Daytrading - entry exit signals


Have noted your comments on RSI I did use this to good effect when I used the 14 & 21 period on a 15 minute chart but do not bother on CMC because of the effect on the price chart. When I sign up for a proper real time charting package then I will have a look although I am interested in CCI as it would appear many daytraders make good use of it.

The one thing I have noticed since working with CMC charts is that I have no appropriate filter to assist in taking position right at the point of reversals which of course a lower indicator helps. Currently by adopting the pivot method with close/moving averages and bands works rather well. So if I am doing ok now I would like to think moving over to better charting and a direct access dealer it will be much easier and maybe more profitable. As I said previously I adapted my charting selection to fit what worked best with the strategy I wanted to apply and the CMC data.

Trader 333

nice try not subscribing thanks for info.

JonnyT & Helenqu

The reason I mention esignal charts is for what they offer I thought the price compared to others I had checked were quite good, (the others such as realtick or IRD were over £100 - when US charts can be obtained very cheaply). Its not so much cost but quality of the product and support. I understand any support from sierra is abroad they have no contacts in the UK unlike ESIGNAL.

How reliable are the data feeds I have heard some negative
comments about both sierra and Mytrack. Do they offer a good range of facilities.

Helen maybe you would be kind enough to post one of your charts so I might view how good a display is offered.


Re stops concerning my deal today it got me thinking my whole process of taking small points with half of my stake is to ensure a profit the remainder is left to run with the current trend and take profit at a suitable range. Once 5 points have been locked in it then becomes very hard for this to turn into a loss as the points have to move against me by 6 and I stop before that happens.

To often in the past I called the direction right and got to 5, 10 or 15 points and held on looking for the big trend gain only to come away with titbits or a loss. I find this approach suits my sentiment better and it is simple to apply. It is for this reason that I recently decided to increase my deal size satisfied after considerable testing that I get it right more often than I get it wrong. The larger size deal just makes the gain a more worthwhile return for the effort put in and allows a reasonable sum to be left in the market. It ensures I do not look for to much in my trading, achievable targets rather than 'pie in the sky'.

I look for 3 deals in a few hours trading either the UK am start or around 1.30 to close. I normally get between 5 - 15 points per deal so from these so it can easily return in excess of £500 and often over £1k, which is more than enough and this is with CMC. As I said before I take 5 points but let the rest run until it starts to fade. Dependent on how strong the trend is I will monitor each increase of 5 points and if I think its got as far as it is likely to without retracing then I close at the next multiple of 5. 'Bird in the hand and all that.

Coming back to my stop level today it has shown me that it has some merit. While I would normally close using my normal approach I would have taken the hit which would then mean I would be looking to recover with the next deal. The 20 point stop allowed the deal enough scope to return a profit in this case otherwise the chance of a small loss on the next retracement. It basically gives the deal a chance to materialise, although it means you have to weather the storm for a while. It was not until after I posted earlier that I realised I had missed a good way to manage this deal. I mentioned earlier that the downside to this sort of stop was that you end up holding a position which is not doing you any good at the time. My focus is to always be in line with the price cycle this way you are ready for the next deal, by holding on you miss the next opportunity.

I do not know what the position would be with Interactive Brokers but as you are probably aware if you are in a sell and you place a buy order unfortunately unless you are working from more than 1 account it automatically closes your sell. (Can you have 1 contract open for a sell and then place an alternative order as a buy without it cancelling out your original contract). This means one option would be to reverse but you still take the hit. What I missed out on and may consider in future was that when the price turned back today at just over 3600 it was a clear signal from the system I use. What I could have considered doing was to place a further sell to get something from this move rather than just looking for it to retrace back to my original price to break even or get a small profit as I did this afternoon. This at least could give you an opportunity even if it does not reach you original position to reduce your overall loss position. Essentially you would then be trading within your stop, if I had adopted it today the second deal presented just over 15 points. So instead of taking an early hit in future I will apply a second entry if the stop is not reached but with a very tight stop.

The reason why I am so quick to stop is that for daytrading in particular many state that you should keep your losses down so do not let them build up and let your winning trades run.

regards Kevin
Hi Sidinuk

reference daily trends I refer to them as price cycles because over a day there will be the major trend in line with the longer term view but during the day as you quite correctly put it there will be different directions that become apparent when viewing the chart. Without some filter I find it very difficult to get the exact spot within 2 points of the reversal n the FTSE.

When I compare a 5 and 15 minute chart (10 maybe just as good but do not have access to it at mo) the 5 displays a trending movement in several movements usually 2 or 3 and sometimes more if it is a strong trend. However the 15 will display it in one single movement unless a strong trend. This becomes more visual on the chart if you display a closing position of fast sma or ema.

Without a lower indicator I make use of Bollinger Bands to see when the price has gone to far in one direction and also compare how far the price is away from the SMA, often I can get a quick deal on this alone because of the pull back. I have found waiting for the closing line to present a second pivot lower than the last for a fall confirms the direction change and it illustrates there and then that the sentiment has changed. Hence e supporting pivots for either direction works but you still have to be aware that there is likely to be much more upside in placing deals supporting the overall trend especially as backing a cycle against the trend may just be minor congested correction before you see the next main move. In recent days the 15 minute chart of the FTSE has had 6 different cycles today however just 3 and that has been due to a much stronger trend this morning followed by relatively smaller moves this afternoon.

regards Kevin
Hi Kevin,

Take a deep breath and relax a bit 🙂

You can afford to take time over all this.

If you are making money with your system and you are comfortable with it don't let anyone's opinions sway you. Trading is highly indiviudal. What is true for me isn't necessarily true for you 🙂

Here's an example of a chart taken from Sierra, it's the set up I use for scalping the Eurostoxx50. If you want more details look on the site. As regards Mytrack data we did have a few problems a few weeks ago but I can honestly say they really listened and acted and sorted the problem out for us. I can't fault them on their response once a few of us acted together.


Thanks for displaying the chart for me and I could certainly work with that. Is it best to set up through Interactive Brokers or go through Sierra direct.

There are several features in your chart that I can relate to from my time using RSI, like the pivot point first reference being a failure swing or divergence on the CCI. How familiar are you with the Bollinger Band patterns I have never seen them described in any books but I call the 'leaning forward and backward leaning loops' which illustrate a sudden rise or follow followed by a retest of the upper or lower level before starting a new sequence 9bit like a bouncing ball). Or a 'chute' which illustrates a continuous but slow trend where the price hugs the upper or lower side of the bands. Then of course the narrowing of the bands to signal a new sequence about to begin usually in line with the trend directly before.

Can you tell me how to insert a chart in a post, tried and failed miserably.

Thanks again

Hi Kevin,

I have two copies of Sierra running (you need to install them in different folders to do that) one with data from IB and one with data from Mytrack. It is a bit belt and braces but Mytrack is convenient as you don't need to have the PC on all the time to collect data. You don't get historical data with IB so things like pivots you would need to draw in by hand whereas with Mytrack they are there automatically. But if you are in a trade and Mytrack goes down it's good to have a backup.

You need to download the software from Sierra and then decide which route to take.

As to the BBs I just use them as a frame of reference really, prefer having them than not 🙂

To insert a chart you need to upload it into a webspace somewhere. If you haven't got webspace of your own then use these people:

It's free.

Then once uploaded click the image tag and copy the Url and bingo 🙂


RE. Vertical Horizontal Filter, try they give a good explanation of it ( and many others )

Ken. T.
Helenqu & any other sierra or esignal users

Can you indulge me and if you have time post the FTSE 100 chart for today or yesterday in a 1,5 or 15 minute tick view so I may compare them to the signals I have been using.

A question re the charts lower indicators. Obviously the price chart and I suspect the upper indicators all update throughout the current update period of whatever time tick you apply. However on some packages the lower indicators do not update until the current tick has completed the 1,5 etc time frame.

Lower indicators are particularly helpful in finding when a reverse is likely to take place to within a few points but can be hindered if it appears during a present un-plotted period and you do not get confirmation until the thing is plotted a few minutes later. Therefore are the lower indicators such as CCI or any moving average of CCI maintained in realtime throughout the time frame selected.

Thank you

regards Kevin
Hi Kevin,

Yes indicators are updated during the period so you see it move during the 1 min, 2 min or whatever.

Do you want a FTSE cash chart or LZ`H? Which indicators?

Thanks for quick update

I am working from the FTSE cash at present could you set it with your usual settings such as the chart you posted yesterday.

I am now showing my lack of understanding but when I begin to trade Futures the chart I assume will be different from the cash is there much to choose between them.

Good to know the indicators are updating throughout a 5 10 or 15 minute period allows you to enter during a mid tick period with more confidence.

regards Kevin
Hi Helen

while I am grateful to you for posting your chart I would like to compare the FTSE chart with my own to see the effects of CCI etc.

I will attempt to download the mytrack file and see if I can place the charts I have been working from this afternoon for you.

regards Kevin
of course you can make money sb the indices. even scalping. you just need to identify your entry and exit points well..

1. Learn about Pivot points
2. follow trends.
3. don't scalp .. hold for 5 -60 mins

Useful very good site for systems and FREE real time training (Paltalk and MIRC)

(no commentary until Monday but well worth listening to..)

(read it all).
I use a modified version of the system..


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Hi Madasafish,

thanks for posting your entry signals are very similar to my own the only difference is I often take 5 points with half my deal and let the rest run on if it shows promise or close when it returns to just +1 if it has not gone further than 5. So I suppose I am applying 2 trading strategies at once. The only downside is that I do not currently have access to good lower indicators but I am in the process of signing with Sierra charts because they are very good value for money and I like the way they can be obtained from 2 sources so you get a back up if one should fail.

What this indicator can do is provide you with a signal but also help to maintain a position to its conclusion or at least further along the route whereas just applying the bands does not in itself indicate when a rise or fall is finally over but a helpful gauge all the same for when it has got over-stretched. With CCI I may be able to reconsider sometimes not taking the 5 points but allowing the full deal to remain for more gain.

regards Kevin