Up to the minute charts


I have been trading stocks on the FTSE for about three months taking only long positions. Whilst I can get real time prices they do not tie up with my daily or 5 day candlestick charts. On the daily chart, which covers eight and a half hours (510 minutes) there are approximately 50 candlestick signals in that period - which is a signal every 10 minutes. Often the the signals can be showing up and the price going down. Does anyone know if there are any up to the minute candlestick charts available ? Petmar.
Sorry, I really do not know what you are asking?

How are you trading? Spreadbetting? actually buying shares in the stock. If you are spreadbetting, surely you have live charts with your sb firm?

If not then there are numerous charting firms you can google for. A lot of freecharts can be 20 mins or so off live. Not sure if that helps
The SB firm candlesticks are updated live: so you will see them grow and contract as you watch. I have seen some free web services that show a candlestick for the period only when the period is concluded. Is this your problem?
Sorry, I really do not know what you are asking?

How are you trading? Spreadbetting? actually buying shares in the stock. If you are spreadbetting, surely you have live charts with your sb firm?

If not then there are numerous charting firms you can google for. A lot of freecharts can be 20 mins or so off live. Not sure if that helps

Hello Bangkoker, I would like to know if I can get "real time" candlestick charts to
coincide with "real time" prices ? My Brokers live charts are 15 mins delayed. Regards, Peter.(Petmar)
Can you show examples?

Hello Tomorton, Thanks for the reply, but not really possible to show examples as you can only see this happening "live". Basically I want a candle stick chart that is "real time"
to correspond with "real time" prices. My brokers charts are 15mins delayed.
Regards, Petmar.
Hello Tom, I am looking at Stock-trkr this morning. As you have probably guessed I am really new to this and retired but as keen as mustard. One £52 loss so far. I am in the process of changing my broker right now. Regards, Peter.
I, honestly, do not know if my SB's chart share prices are up-to-date. I don't want to go down that road, but I have compared their forex and index charts with outside sources and I have noted no appreciable differences, so I don't bother to look at anyone else's, much.

You could open an account with an SB for a very nominal amount and then you would have free access. They might not have all the bells and whistles that one would, normally, have to pay for and there are no volume figures, but they give candles, line, bars, etc., all the TFs, several of the more popular indicators and you can use 3 averages and Bollingers.
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Hi Petmar. For live charts, change your broker: they have no excuse for not providing up to the minute information.

For some free charts, see also www.stock-trkr.co.uk

Hello again Tom, I've tried to have a look at stock-trkr but it will NOT let me register.
I have e-mailed them. From the outside the site looks good. It also changes with the slightest movement of the mouse. All other sites behave O.K. Regards, Peter.
All you need to learn in the first year is how to keep losses small.

👍 I think this is very true, I feel that I have been very fortunate in my first couple of years in keeping my losses small, I truly feel that I am starting to make some progress now but I do not doubt that the market will humble me again (and again)

Is it the 100 steps of trading (or something similar that goes through the stages?).

I think when I started I wanted indicators and systems and over time:whistling that seems to have changed to Money Management, Psychology,Trend and a bit of Indicator and System to help with some form of edge (or at least that is what I think).

Anyway.. Good luck (to us all 😀) :clover:
Hello again Tom, I've tried to have a look at stock-trkr but it will NOT let me register.
I have e-mailed them. From the outside the site looks good. It also changes with the slightest movement of the mouse. All other sites behave O.K. Regards, Peter.

Sorry mate, I just use the site for real-time index charting. Still think a decent broker / SB firm should be able to sort you out.