Day Trading Brent Crude Futures on ICE


I trade Brent Crude Futures contracts on the Inter-Continental Exchange.
I'm a full time trader at an arcade mainly day trading between the hours of 7am and 7pm (GMT) and occasionally have a few overnight positions on.
If anyone is interested in sharing ideas during trading hours or close then please give me your contact details so I can add you to my Windows Live or Yahoo Messenger. I'm interested in forming a diverse group of ICE Brent traders to benefit all involved.
I trade Brent Crude Futures contracts on the Inter-Continental Exchange.
I'm a full time trader at an arcade mainly day trading between the hours of 7am and 7pm (GMT) and occasionally have a few overnight positions on.
If anyone is interested in sharing ideas during trading hours or close then please give me your contact details so I can add you to my Windows Live or Yahoo Messenger. I'm interested in forming a diverse group of ICE Brent traders to benefit all involved.

hi, do you have prior experience in trading oil futures?
hi, do you have prior experience in trading oil futures?

Other than prior spread betting I've not had any other experience. Futures trading on an exchange is totally different. Been on the floor a few months and am settled.
my name is waqar and i've been trading in currencies for about a year,part time and from last 2 months i've been trading crude email is [email protected] and i am very much interested in joining ur group.thanks for the invite and appriciate the work you are doing