Historical Brent Crude Futures prices


Hello All,
I am writing my MSc Dissertation on Brent Crude Oil Futures and UK Macroeconomy and I've being trying to get monthly historical data of Brent Crude Oil Futures prices...all to no avail. Please can anyone point me to the right direction where i can actually get a free download of this? I believe ICE and some other independent websites keep asking for a huge fee and my Uni cannot provide me with additional support letter to obtain this data from these institutions free-of-charge.

I will appreciate any quick response.

For others happenign to read this-
Doing a theisis?
Make some contacts with local financial institutions and other large corporations.
If they have reuters or bloomberg they can get the data for you in most cases- it wont cost them a penny because they already have a subscription.
You would be surprised how helpful some of these comapnies can be- they always love something like this to make a story in thier glossy company team flyers and annual reports- helping the starving students out looks good. 😉
It take them about 5 minutes of their time to dredge up a decent dataset for you on a berg or suchlike- just make sure that when you ask you have all the details ready for them, there and then from day one wehn you first amke contact so you look professional, organised and possibly worth creating a relationship with in case they need a new analyst sometime. - great way to chase jobs too and get in ahead of the pack.