So you've been studying and trading the markets for over 6 years and been successful. Now with this wealth and experience you've decided that 30+ days worth of demo testing is enough to quit your day job and trade for a living? I'd have thought that with that much experience under your belt you'd be smart enough to do a bit more testing and at the very least use a live, albeit, small account to trade with first?
Just doesnt seem to add up for me @______@;
I have done this....I was using an earlier version of my strat to trade when i first had a crack at it. Unfortunately my exits were very poor. My entries have not changed but before i didnt have a structured way of exiting.
A very rookie error i made.......i focussed soley on entry and thought that if i was winning then it didnt matter about a structured exit since i thought judging when to cut a profitable trade would be easy....IT WASNT
So basically although i lost roughly $2000 on my first attempt....This led me to seriousley look at myself.
After analysing my ACTUAL trades i discovered that if i simply put some sort of structured exit(whether it was comfortable or not) i would have made money...AND A LOT OF IT......i remember quite a few trades where i made over 160pips nominal....only to leave it to evapourate looking to catch a HUGE move....then cut profitable trades early, only to see them continue...I TOOK IT PERSONALLY and i was crushed
After realising that all i lacked was disciplin and that i must stop the need to be right.
Then everything evolved from there...I realised i was fortunate that my exits were excellent..many traders im friends with commented on how good my entries were....but said shame about my exits.
Once i saw how close i was then my frown turned upside down
SO I HAVE TRADED THIS STRATEGY...and the most important part which pulling the trigger i have done extensively......The only part of my strategy I havent traded live is my exits(NOT MY STOP LOSS....THIS IS FIXED)........
So technically i have traded the entries signals for my strategy live.....I just havnt traded the exit( THIS IS NOT SUBJECTIVE FOR ME moving averages i use solve this problem for me )..btw any Moving Average combo will work i just use fibonnacci numbers since they are the numbers nature adheres to.....and we are all derivatives of Mother Nature :clover: