David Dalby's Trading and Research Journal

ooh, i'm gutted, i love these kind of threads...helps pass the hours of tedium waiting for setups.

i think we should have a 'silly american vendor' section on the forum, it means we wouldn't have to look very hard when we feel like sniping at some @rsebandit.
Ah let him back on this thread nearly as good as the Christian one. Kept Zupcon busy googling for sure !! Was this guy the quickest ever to get banned ? Took Zup 5 years 😆
i'm genuinely saddened to hear you've never loved gladiator.

i was myself in a fortunate (and at the same time unfortunate) position of finding love very early on in life (at 17). not a good age, as i was in love, but too young for me to realise it at the time.

i had no frame of reference. it lasted 8 years. i've never loved since.

but i do feel happy to have known true love.

so you get yourself out and about mr. gladiator...and you find yourself a little lady gladiator.
I appreciate that you 'care'...🙂
But I'm actually only 18 buddy, so plenty of time. I've actually had quite a few 'little ladies' 😆 Just never loved one.... Maybe soon.
I appreciate that you 'care'...🙂
But I'm actually only 18 buddy, so plenty of time. I've actually had quite a few 'little ladies' 😆 Just never loved one.

ooh, you're only 18?!!!

you lucky, lucky sod...
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ooh, you're only 18?!!!

you lucky, lucky sod...
Lucky? Ha, i don't think its luck that i've aged to the ripe old age of 18; just time 🙂

That David Dably is really funny; He was trying to insinuate that the moderators are hiding information from us and he has the truth.... Because moderators are bad people after all, selling us **** and hiding us from the truth..

Your the lucky one anyway; you own North Korea.
no, luck in the sense that you have youth and i don't.

as regards to north korea, if only you knew mate...what a bind. i mean, what are they all gonna do when i die? they'll be running around like headless chickens, no one telling them what to do, who they can talk to, what news they can read...

i think my only option is to 'do a china'...you know, superficially communist but rampant capitalist underbelly...

as mao once said...we will sell america the rope with which they can hang themselves.
But I'm actually only 18 buddy, so plenty of time. I've actually had quite a few 'little ladies' 😆 Just never loved one.... Maybe soon.

please accept one bit of hackneyed advice relating to the fairer sex (from someone the very wrong side of 30)...never...ever, ignore your instincts.

history will prove your instinct was always right.

good luck young gladiator. 😀
please accept one bit of hackneyed advice relating to the fairer sex (from someone the very wrong side of 30)...never...ever, ignore your instincts.

history will prove your instinct was always right.

good luck young gladiator. 😀

If this was a film; I'd give a generic nod of the face that said 'I understand' and it would also portray i percieve you as wise.

But in reality; i don't know what you mean? Ofcourse we can cut that line out of the movie, we want the quote to become memorable.

Most people on this site are in their thirties.
you don't know what i mean when i say, 'don't ignore your instincts' in relation to people?

i would take me a while to think of a way of a way to explain such a simple statement.

erm...what i mean is, in my experience...with women (and love) i've ignored my instincts and uterly regretted doing so, when the instinct turned out to be correct. that years into a relationship, the alarms bells that were ringing regarding initial perceptions about someone (and you ignored for whatever reason) will prove right.

when you're young, and life is wonderfully uncomplicated, you view life in an uncomplicated manner, as, through lack of life experience, this is the only possibly way you can view life.

you expect that your uncomplicated view of life will continue, so how could it be possible that you would make such silly mistakes as you see other people have made in life?!

then life becomes more complex. factors that you never even imagined stray into your decision making processes. these 'random factors' (life in other words) can cause you to make errors in judgement, errors that may cost you emotionally, financially.

the idea of trusting ones instinct is to try limit the adverse effect on your decision making by life's random factors.

btw, what is the relevance of the sentence 'Most people on this site are in their thirties.'?
you don't know what i mean when i say, 'don't ignore your instincts' in relation to people?

i would take me a while to think of a way of a way to explain such a simple statement.

erm...what i mean is, in my experience...with women (and love) i've ignored my instincts and uterly regretted doing so, when the instinct turned out to be correct. that years into a relationship, the alarms bells that were ringing regarding initial perceptions about someone (and you ignored for whatever reason) will prove right.

when you're young, and life is wonderfully uncomplicated, you view life in an uncomplicated manner, as, through lack of life experience, this is the only possibly way you can view life.

you expect that your uncomplicated view of life will continue, so how could it be possible that you would make such silly mistakes as you see other people have made in life?!

then life becomes more complex. factors that you never even imagined stray into your decision making processes. these 'random factors' (life in other words) can cause you to make errors in judgement, errors that may cost you emotionally, financially.

the idea of trusting ones instinct is to try limit the adverse effect on your decision making by life's random factors.

btw, what is the relevance of the sentence 'Most people on this site are in their thirties.'?
Okay yeah thanks, i understand what you were meant.

There isn't a particular relevance to that sentence; just an observation - That the majority of users on the site are in their thirties... That seems to be the case. I wonder what the average age is amongst traders (as a whole, in a particular market).

🙂 So basically, don't ignore original perceptions because they are correct, no matter how much you plan to avoid them. I will keep that in mind.

I don't know about myself having an uncomplicated view of life... But as you say, i don't have the life experience to even percieve correctly yet whether life is complicated or not; and maybe it will become alot more complicated; I think i know what you mean though - As in responsability?
yeah i don't mean to sound patronising, and i didn't say you in particular have an uncomplicated view, you seem incredibly switched on for someone your age.

i was just making an assumption that the probability of life experience is likely to be less in younger people. but this is obviously relative to social, economic, geographic and cultural backgrounds.

and yeah, responsibility is a big one...as is ill health (mental and physical), behaviour, economic effects (how many peoples lives may have been turned upside down due to the recession?) or just sheer misfortune!

all these things will effect the way we will make decisions, the more of these factors, the harder it can be to make the best decision at the time.

hence the reliance on instinct. its served us well as a race up until now...my point was (through my own experience) it should never be ignored. it may possibly be an underused 'skill' which we've been busy 'unlearning' for centuries.

Trade2win Scam

Trade2win have a new policy banning traders within 24 hrs. They have a website set up for traders to express their opinions, write their own trading journal. But it's all a scam because when you do and they notice that your a really great traders who makes sense, the moderators start to attack you. Now I have been a member of many forums and the moderators are usually invisible and let folks get on with it.

Trade2win should be ashamed of themselves, their moderators are a set of thugs. They not only attack what your saying but also start researching you for any excuse to ban you.

The ban didn't work, I'm back in under another name.
god loves a tryer.

coming in under another name is fine though, as long as you don't try to market/sell crap...as i'm assuming as soon as you try to peddle something, you'll get thrown out again...no matter what your new name is.

Trade2win Scam

Trade2win have a new policy banning traders within 24 hrs. They have a website set up for traders to express their opinions, write their own trading journal. But it's all a scam because when you do and they notice that your a really great traders who makes sense, the moderators start to attack you. Now I have been a member of many forums and the moderators are usually invisible and let folks get on with it.

Trade2win should be ashamed of themselves, their moderators are a set of thugs. They not only attack what your saying but also start researching you for any excuse to ban you.

The ban didn't work, I'm back in under another name.
Haha; So he was serious when he said that; Haha 😆

He genuinely thinks its a scam Hahahahaha 😀

If he thinks its a scam; Why is he back under a different name? Thats retarded.

We will see him from a mile away when he says 'my SISTER asked me WHICH stock AND i WONDERED if SHE should BUY etc etc '

And then; As we CANNOT! allow our forum members to get such new and powerful information - WE MUST STOP HIM.
I think his name is Dizzygz - On account of, i've never heard of him and hes checking out THIS thread right now. And he joined on the 18th November. (TODAY)

Roflcopter! Owned.
It wasnt perhaps the smartest of moves telling the world what he'd done.