you don't know what i mean when i say, 'don't ignore your instincts' in relation to people?
i would take me a while to think of a way of a way to explain such a simple statement.
erm...what i mean is, in my experience...with women (and love) i've ignored my instincts and uterly regretted doing so, when the instinct turned out to be correct. that years into a relationship, the alarms bells that were ringing regarding initial perceptions about someone (and you ignored for whatever reason) will prove right.
when you're young, and life is wonderfully uncomplicated, you view life in an uncomplicated manner, as, through lack of life experience, this is the only possibly way you can view life.
you expect that your uncomplicated view of life will continue, so how could it be possible that you would make such silly mistakes as you see other people have made in life?!
then life becomes more complex. factors that you never even imagined stray into your decision making processes. these 'random factors' (life in other words) can cause you to make errors in judgement, errors that may cost you emotionally, financially.
the idea of trusting ones instinct is to try limit the adverse effect on your decision making by life's random factors.
btw, what is the relevance of the sentence 'Most people on this site are in their thirties.'?