Dash Riprock Esq. - serious stuff

Re: Get Long My Schlong, by Dash Riprock Esq. - serialisation

I have a brilliant bet actually, it isn't an arb but the bookie who is offering it is clearly clinically insane.

If anyone wants it I will reveal it at 7pm today, if it's still there.
Re: Get Long My Schlong, by Dash Riprock Esq. - serialisation

I have a brilliant bet actually, it isn't an arb but the bookie who is offering it is clearly clinically insane.

If anyone wants it I will reveal it at 7pm today, if it's still there.

what is it then?

as well... what is the minimum bet size/increment in betfair / geeks toy? I thought it was 2 quid but apparently i've got a bet on for both 2.11 and 0.10. are these legit? can you really bet in pennies?

and are there any messaging limits if you did run an autospreader?

and how do betfair actually make their money??
Re: Get Long My Schlong, by Dash Riprock Esq. - serialisation

oh and is it FIFO?

is it a double auction? so if I've offered out say 900, it has to trade through me to go to 901?
Re: Get Long My Schlong, by Dash Riprock Esq. - serialisation

Yes, your order is in a queueueueueue.

And with AGT you can do penny bets but don't routinely do it or you'll get a finger wagging at you with potential to have your account suspended. I hear that if you drop penny bets on orders in the market, it is inconvenient for traders and if you keep inconveniencing them, Betfair don't like it.

Indeed, I've had some people do that on my orders, just placing 20p bets, and it takes 25 seconds round trip to get the "target" order set up rather than the usual 8 seconds or less.
Re: Get Long My Schlong, by Dash Riprock Esq. - serialisation

Yes, your order is in a queueueueueue.

And with AGT you can do penny bets but don't routinely do it or you'll get a finger wagging at you with potential to have your account suspended. I hear that if you drop penny bets on orders in the market, it is inconvenient for traders and if you keep inconveniencing them, Betfair don't like it.

Indeed, I've had some people do that on my orders, just placing 20p bets, and it takes 25 seconds round trip to get the "target" order set up rather than the usual 8 seconds or less.

penny bets are just like 0.01 or is 2.13 OK?

and yeah the delay, whats all that about?

if you get a partial fill on your order, doesn't the remaining portion of your order stay there? why would you have to reload and wait 25 seconds?

OH - and what about margin? say I get filled on an arb, do I have to post the margin for all the legs until expiry? Or can I net the exposures out and use the margin for another trade? I looked at the "hedge" thing but as far as I can tell this just places appropriate orders to leave to with 0 exposure - thats not really useful for trading an arb, infact crossing all those spreads just for the sake of it might lose you all your profits!
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Re: Get Long My Schlong, by Dash Riprock Esq. - serialisation

Penny bets are anything up to £1.99. £2.13 is fine as it's greater than the minimum. If you manually remove that £2, they will caution you for abusing a get-around.

The delay is something to do with fairness in placing bets and cancelling bets on the exchange. You'll have to ask them for precise reasons.
Re: Get Long My Schlong, by Dash Riprock Esq. - serialisation

what is it then?

as well... what is the minimum bet size/increment in betfair / geeks toy? I thought it was 2 quid but apparently i've got a bet on for both 2.11 and 0.10. are these legit? can you really bet in pennies?

and are there any messaging limits if you did run an autospreader?

and how do betfair actually make their money??

BF make money from 5% fee on winning bets - plus they added in retrospective 20% (it was a while ago) fee on anyone earning over a certain amt in a certain period. Not sure if these rules same now. The guys who were cleaning up were slightly disgruntled when they got the bill through from BF for the 20% for the prev yr's earnings, quel surprise.

You do also get discounts o commission for based on number of bets, again check the website.

As shadowninja mentions think the only way can bet in pennies is after partial fill or after removing part of your stake.

Min bet varies depending on market but its usually 1 queen sheet in sports mkts.

assume you know....Geekstoy is an app to trade via BF, as is Gruss, BetAngel etc.
Re: Get Long My Schlong, by Dash Riprock Esq. - serialisation

BF make money from 5% fee on winning bets - plus they added in retrospective 20% (it was a while ago) fee on anyone earning over a certain amt in a certain period. Not sure if these rules same now. The guys who were cleaning up were slightly disgruntled when they got the bill through from BF for the 20% for the prev yr's earnings, quel surprise.

You do also get discounts o commission for based on number of bets, again check the website.

As shadowninja mentions think the only way can bet in pennies is after partial fill or after removing part of your stake.

Min bet varies depending on market but its usually 1 queen sheet in sports mkts.

assume you know....Geekstoy is an app to trade via BF, as is Gruss, BetAngel etc.

do you know about this Gruss thing? I only got geeks toy cos its free, and I mean the DOM is nice, but other than that its pretty limited (maybe I was expecting too much).

IF i take it any further, is this Gruss thing any good?
Re: Get Long My Schlong, by Dash Riprock Esq. - serialisation

I should say that i dont know nuffink about writing code in like java or anything. excel and if-then is about as far as i can go :/
Re: Get Long My Schlong, by Dash Riprock Esq. - serialisation

re Gruss, have heard good things but never used myself. I am subscribed to BetAngel, it was the first i tried though i have used Geekstoy since and BA is aesthetically (and in part functionally) way better for obv reasons i.e. price. My local pub is next door to a sports trading office and they all use Gruss there - std set up apparently.

well yeah I can see that; more money == more features, but tbh geeks toy *to me, so far) just presents the "normal" information in ways that traders can easily digest - like the DOM, last traded price/quantity and so on. I guess it makes it easier to punt if you are in to punting :/

The added features to BA are soccer mystic (believe been mentioned on here before), and a tennis odds predictor but personally don't use either - tennis odds 'in game' are completely dependent on what the punter believes - and its v often massively different to what BA predict so to bid / offer based on historic patterns which are predetermined to wtf is happening present time to me is crazy.

OK, i agree betting on past statistics is pretty stoopid (see: Technical Analysis LOL). But the "in-game" stuff might have some merit because of the psychology. I mean I am no sporting legend by any stretch (i played just enough to get colours)...but if your watching any kind of sport on the telly you can see how people fall apart in the mind (Rory Mackelroy anyone??). I guess punting on that might have some merit.

sure someone can help you with the code if your concept requires it, not sure what your concept is re the footy though (my maths is ltd, get confused easy), interested to know more as what you mention re working orders for better entries can all be incorporated into code - just think xl wld be far too slow v whoever else is out there.

Well the concept is just probability theory tbh. As for "working orders can be incorporated into code"... hmmm well tbh I disagree. My view is have the spreader set up for the pure arb (like offer one "bet" and once its filled go to market on the legs for instant arb) and let it get on with it... only then can a human be an input into which legs to be aggressive / defensive on. Only let the spreader do whats its told imho.

there are many opportunities in sports trading - over last few months i have read v many similar gripes re spoofing etc to what i heard / experienced 5 years ago when i first started trading. i think financial traders just found a new mkt to exploit and have jumped in there, and why not. aren't we all looking for new mkts / 'edges'?

swing trading in tennis imo is where theres a lot of inefficiencies which cld be expoited, but still loads to take advantage of in all sports - its still WIP for many. if anyone is keen, happy to discuss much further e.g. to developing tools / apps, i have ideas - not sure how good they are though.

(p.s. i am not IT developer, though i have worked with many and still in touch with some)

i am fascincated by it all, i love sports, love trading, and love beating the odds / mkt / the other guy, though i pulled back from tennis trading a little cos i really do prefer watching it - getting stressed throughout a tournament esp when your trading a womens match at 3am on clay with infinite breaks did wake me up a little. just perv at them, close the ladders down.


If I get Gruss I will let yous all know what I make of it. Its like 6 quid a month right?
Re: Get Long My Schlong, by Dash Riprock Esq. - serialisation

was just saying BetAngel ladders look neat vs Geekstoy (though Geekstoy is much better than BF)....BA is v similar to my trading platform, looks good. GeeksToy, being free, obv cannot offer that nice a front end.

Re psychology - yep this is great, thats why swing trading in tennis is what i like - how many sets in tennis go one way then the other? esp if its grass and its mens match - v hard for them to get back in that set, but the next set is a diff matter. then again see women's tennis for the complete opposite - flip a coin to see who wins the nxt service game.

re WIP - it looks like a lot of the sports mkts are WIP - the great attraction sports betting has for me over financial reminds me of lefevre's comment re 'the market is never wrong' (smthg like that), in sports so many times the mkt is wrong e.g. when Inter are priced at 4.2 to beat Chelsea in Milan in CL last yr. As you mentioned, psychology re mcillroy is great to take advantage of, and so is the foolishness of the other punters - there's much more reasoning for me vs financial, i have no idea who tf is buying up Sep/Oct TI Oil or why, all i know is my fly is further offside and i am pissed, yet i can see that too many chelsea fan mugs have piled on them to win and am happy to lay. (even after losing the 1st leg chelsea were 5+s to win the home leg)
Indeed, a fine gent with fantastic taste. Such a shame he no longer posts on this forum..
Ek bel 'n vriend Paz doen ..... jy dink Drr nog plasings op t2w

Well that made sense when translated back...
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