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Darwinia contest

Trading is very hard. Winning some notional allocation won't magically make you or your strategy better. In fact, it can bring out the worst in undisciplined traders. There's a reason why there are over 4,000 Darwins but only around 80 have made >50% returns. That number will fall even further if you remove iffy migrations.
Yes trading is hard, but it isn't as hard as it is always portrayed. The hardest part of trading is mental stability and as you say discipline. Without that its very hard to succeed. What I do read from my snapshot is good traders tend to grow equity over the long term, DarwinIA is definitely a marketing tool and don't chase lucky winners.
The hardest part of trading is mental stability and as you say discipline. Without that its very hard to succeed.
Which makes it really hard. Not many people have that combination, especially in a volatile environment like this where money is involved. I agree with Darwinia being a good marketing tool.
Trading is very hard. Winning some notional allocation won't magically make you or your strategy better. In fact, it can bring out the worst in undisciplined traders. There's a reason why there are over 4,000 Darwins but only around 80 have made >50% returns. That number will fall even further if you remove iffy migrations.
10,000 darwins 😉
It's surprising that other brokers haven't copied it, as it is low cost for the broker (or maybe they have).
Don't think a broker that offers 1:1000 leverage and already has options like PAMM etc. will see the use. Different goals. There's no incentive to give some "free" money to decent traders (no matter how small). Darwinex is only doing it to attract good traders, and keep them staying long enough for the benefit of investors. Also a way to help many traders learn what it takes to manage funds properly.
The thing is that it appears easier to win AuMs from DarwinIA than it is to convince natural AuMs to join. I mean, even through webinars, the management admitted not so long ago that it now becomes our role to be pro-active at inviting family and friends to join Darwins first and foremost, otherwise it will eventually happen but with difficulty. It’s the sad reality at this point.
I would give you a Like but for this part of your post.First,it is evident in other threads that Dumb Money is all too happy to jump in when they see next Grail or when Darwinex gives them a signal.Young/migrated darwin with beautiful equity curve can get 1Mil. AuM very quickly.Bosses of Darwinex are part of this Dumb Money and are responsible for stagnation of AuM.I have put an effort to show their incompetence.Nobody should listen to them.
Investors lose money because they invest in wrong darwins and/or they invest in the wrong way in otherwise good darwins.
Basically this forum and the old one as well,should be the tool to help people make money.I don't expect Darwinex to become smart because they are arrogant,greedy and irresponsible.I don't expect retail investors to become smart on their own either.They are making mistakes because of ingrained human psychology.Only well presented arguments and accumulated collective experiences can help people see the way to properly use this new asset class.
At the moment,if a trader offers conservative darwin,he will get almost no AuM from real investors for first 4-5 years and for first 3 years almost nothing(30k allocations here and there) in Darwinia based on new D-score.To get good D-score in first 1-2 years you have to produce beautiful Equity curve with a lot of %. But then you are already interesting for Dumb Money. 😉You cannot stack allocations with 1% per month and D-score bellow 70 .
Do you see how dumb Darwinex is?The whole system is geared to excessive risk taking instead of long-term growth.When old darwins were on steroids(fixed VaR 20% and later 10%) it was even worse.
Without Risk Manager this company would be utter garbage.
Partially agree. 🙂
It is not Darwinia that pushes traders to take big risks, it is the only thing that makes you keep trading if you don't have a Grail to impress 500 investors.
Not a living but earnign 5-10k is realistic.
Otherwise after 3 years you feel to work for nothing.
Neither scammers make money with dumb investors, look to SCS , he earned only 8k and managed 1 million for one year.
It is mainly Darwinex that makes money.
Still thinking about the recent success of UYZ ...
This is another difference between investors and Darwinia.
With investors trading well is not enough, there is a lot of concetration so to be a millionnaire you need some other millionaire to fall and free a seat.
You need to be at the right place at the right time, when the crowd is loooking for a new Grail.
Thi dynamic is common on social trading
Despite being a contest, to succeed in Darwinia you don't need the others to fail, seats are many.
I read the topic in different hours and without the time it deserved, a lot of truth in different posts from all of you guys.

@CavaliereVerde a significant part of it.

Obviously, not a living, it is not possible to live on Darwinia alone, today in comparison to 2017-2018 it is even more difficult given both the current Trading situation, as well as due to the CAP-Multiplier introduced with the Darwinia prizes. I also agree on the fact that a conservative Darwin will reach only after several years a decent allocation relying just on Private allocations. In both cases, to earn, you need a system that earns consistently. At the beginning it was an instrument to give a chance for a trader with not a big equity but a good skill on markets, it is however a good tool that gives greater earning possibilities, strange that it has not been copied elsewhere.

After all the difficulties to have a good positioning, ending a very good month in %, with the MA of your activity in a good period, and a good D-Score will give you a good position in the competition, but after the good position comes the difficult part in my opinion: keeping the performance high for the next six months, as let's not forget that reaching the end of that period without another H.W.M. determines a negative loss for the Darwinia fees too, a next lower equity level that contributes to a new lower allocation per month due to multiplier factor, as well as a new DD to be recovered for the Track-Record.

The best is to focus on your rules, Darwinia and Private Allocation will come.
Just 01 day left for Nov.
AZG and VRT now in top 10.
SYO is at 1st position.
Always glad to get anything above 50k, but I'm still waiting to take the first position at least once. Haven't been lucky with it. Came second last time thanks to SYO with a bigger D-score. This month, should have easily finished first with a 100% regularity but hey ho..

Unrelated, newer accounts are no longer as much of a punishment in Darwinia since they ditched EX. Just need 12-18 months of decent returns like GUO. Nice IMO. Sure some of us would have appreciated it long ago.
Always glad to get anything above 50k, but I'm still waiting to take the first position at least once. Haven't been lucky with it. Came second last time thanks to SYO with a bigger D-score. This month, should have easily finished first with a 100% regularity but hey ho..

Unrelated, newer accounts are no longer as much of a punishment in Darwinia since they ditched EX. Just need 12-18 months of decent returns like GUO. Nice IMO. Sure some of us would have appreciated it long ago.
Indeed. My DQO reached the 29th position with 20 months of trading in Darwinex.
I also want to document here the payout of the hall of fame to compare it with next month:
It shows the total of the success of the traders at Darwinex generated from investor fees (currently 15% for traders) and DarwinIA prizes (also 15%) and is paid after 3 months.
In the week ending at 19th of February the payout exceeded 3 millions as Darwinex informed via email on the 19th of February:
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Today the hall of fame show a new value on the payout:

The difference of about 8.734 EUR includes investor fees for one day and the DarwinIA payout for March.
The fee agreement for both sources is 15 %.
That implies a profit of about 58,226 EUR for the relevant 3 months period made by Darwins for their investors or DarwinIA.