I read the topic in different hours and without the time it deserved, a lot of truth in different posts from all of you guys.
@CavaliereVerde a significant part of it.
Obviously, not a living, it is not possible to live on Darwinia alone, today in comparison to 2017-2018 it is even more difficult given both the current Trading situation, as well as due to the CAP-Multiplier introduced with the Darwinia prizes. I also agree on the fact that a conservative Darwin will reach only after several years a decent allocation relying just on Private allocations. In both cases, to earn, you need a system that earns consistently. At the beginning it was an instrument to give a chance for a trader with not a big equity but a good skill on markets, it is however a good tool that gives greater earning possibilities, strange that it has not been copied elsewhere.
After all the difficulties to have a good positioning, ending a very good month in %, with the MA of your activity in a good period, and a good D-Score will give you a good position in the competition, but after the good position comes the difficult part in my opinion: keeping the performance high for the next six months, as let's not forget that reaching the end of that period without another H.W.M. determines a negative loss for the Darwinia fees too, a next lower equity level that contributes to a new lower allocation per month due to multiplier factor, as well as a new DD to be recovered for the Track-Record.
The best is to focus on your rules, Darwinia and Private Allocation will come.