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Darwinex Pro - Private Label

Darwinex Pro = Private Label
You pay 10k +5k per year and Darwinex builds your Hedge Fund so you can define your risk and your fees.
Happy to see something happening on the private label front.

What would be your structure if you where to go down the private label route?
  • Performance fee = %
  • Risk, VaR = %
  • Management fee = %
Today in my email...wohoooooo
Happy to see something happening on the private label front.
I am not.
They made DARWIN less convenient to make room for Private Label
It completely useless for me as trader and as investor, useless for more than 99% of the customers.
It is something that will be interesting for less than 10 traders, probably 3 traders.
No technological improvements, only commercial tactics and customer segmentation.
In my opinion it's good to see new Projects. I think it's ambitious to try to appeal big capital on Darwinex and at the end of the day we all win despite this is not a tool feasible for the big majority of traders. However talent bring talent, money bring money. If Darwinex Pro is good for the big boys everyone will take advantage.

I confess I like it, a lot. I've heard the interview (again with the Marketing strategy of Darwinex; couldn't they make a decent video??) and I loved the music. I'm very curious to see the first Pros
at the end of the day we all win
Let me desagree.
Let's call Darwinex Pro with its real name: Hedge Fund
DARWIN is a new concept, Hedge Fund is not.
Darwinex Pro is a cheap Hedge Fund running with Darwinex replication engine.
Now Darwinex is using its current technology and workforce to support these hedge funds.
Less support for existing customers and less energy and willpower to pursue the original vision.
Let' suppose a trader like Sersansystemas (SYO) creates his hedge fund with Darwinex Pro,
Where is the advantage for other Darwins provider or for existing investors?
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Let me desagree.
Let's call Darwinex Pro with its real name: Hedge Fund
DARWIN is a new concept, Hedge Fund is not.
Darwinex Pro is a cheap Hedge Fund running with Darwinex replication engine.
Now Darwinex is using its current technology and workforce to support these hedge funds.
Less support for existing customers and less energy and willpower to pursue the original vision.
Let' suppose a trader like Sersansystemas (SYO) creates his hedge fund with Darwinex Pro,
Where is the advantage for other Darwins provider or for existing investors?
GFA is the only Darwin I know which is playing this game, but under Darwinex conditions.

Tickmill and other brokers have abandoned their copy service, the pages left by Google do not exist anymore.

If they offer ther technical service - mainly the risk manager - for other brokers, it could work for Darwinex as a technical supplier, but not for any Darwinex trader or their trading company Tradeslide.
I don't think we disagree so much 😉
Yeah, Darwinex itself is claiming that Pro is introduced as an alternative to an Hedge Fund. Much cheaper, easier, etc. That is good by definition, isn't it? Imagine the big boys who are already managing more than 1M$: In Darwinex right now there are exactly 6 of those. If the new Pro initiative is better than an Hedge Fund, Darwinex probably will bring a number of new super stars. I think that's good. Why?
Again: Talent bring talent and money bring money. That's a hudge benefit! Lack of alpha is one of the major issues Darwinex is facing. Aside from their Marketing which is really crap.

Darwinex figures on average are not so impressive: Only 6 Darwins with more than 1M$ invested. Only 4 Darwins with more than 500K$ invested and less than 1M$. Where are the investors? At the very least D-Pro can bring more capital to Darwinex. And I want my provider wins money to invest in R&D and even Marketing (they reeeally need it).

I'm not afraid they deviate ressources to the Pro guys. They said they will use the same platform, and if I'm correct they will be based on a Darwin, so my conclusion is just the opposite. Platform will have to be more reliable, more stable, etc

I know for sure that D-Pro is not feasible for me, and probably not for 90% of current traders (my perspective is always as a trader). But I want that the top 10% could grow as much as possible. I understand that this could deviate from the original vision. But personally I'm not attached to that. More senior members can have a bond to the romantic original idea... Well, didn't succeed, let it go
DARWIN was presented as a PAMM evolution wher everyoune is running with same risk amd same rules.
Now Darwinex Pro goes back to PAMM concept, the only difference it that you don't need a license.

And wher is talent or meritocracy? norequirements besides 10k to pay....
I can see a few positive points.

- Better execution from being obliged to manage larger orders Unless they segment it from us, the majority, but still can improve capacity for all of us.
- More exposure to Darwinex.
- More exposure to other Darwins. Soon investors will realize that their trader is under performing other Darwins and they may pour money into new traders. Or simply they want a higher risk profile than what's being offered. Let's say 5% of the new investments end up in other Darwins, that's a win in my opinion.
That romantic idea brought them x3 growth in 2017, was working better than the BS of 2020-2022.
Innovation was working pretty well, arrogance and greed hasn't worked so far.
My dear old mate, after several years of resisting by the side of Darwinex, finally you ended up on my boat. You've finally saw what I started seeing -the tip of iceberg- some years ago. Better late than ever though!😉