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Darwinex monitoring

12 Darwins have more than $1M AuM with a total AuM of $59,401,652.72 (+$4,806,171.14 since Nov., 12th) and 4,219 (+80) investor shares in those 12 Darwins:


note: list shows 6 months data
We have a new AuM millionaire: PKG.

Now 13 Darwins have more than $1M AuM with a total AuM of $ 62,537,703,88 (+$3,136,051.16 since Nov. 23rd, including $1,726,649.97 on PKG) and 4,353 (+134, where 106 belong to the new listing PKG) investor shares in those 13 Darwins:


note: list shows 6 months data sorted by Return
We can't know that number but we can know they are at least 1030 and we can assume that the change in their number is proportional to the change in the number of investors of the most popular darwin.
This is the logic of my monitoring.
13 Darwins have more than $1M AuM with a total AuM of $62,674,152.36 (+$136,448.48 since Dec. 1st) and 4,386 (+33) investor shares in those 13 Darwins:


note: list shows 6 months data sorted by Return
13 Darwins have more than $1M AuM with a total AuM of $63,191,917.81 (+$517,765.45 since Dec. 8th) and 4,364 (-22) investor shares in those 13 Darwins:

note: list shows 6 months data sorted by Return
We have a new entry this week: WNJ, starting with $1,200,265.63 AuM.
Now 14 Darwins have more than $1M AuM with a total AuM of $64,006,878.82 (+$814,961.01 since Dec. 15th, including $ 1,200,265.63 invested in WNJ) and 4,559 (+195, on WNJ are 154) investor shares in those 14 Darwins:


note: list shows 6 months data sorted by Return
Now 14 Darwins have more than $1M AuM with a total AuM of $63,735,663.22 (- $271,215.60 since Dec. 23rd) and 4,586 (+27) investor shares in these 14 Darwins:


note: list shows 6 months data sorted by Return

More than 50% of the AuM is invested in these 14 AuM Millionaires, according to the mail from today:

Now 14 Darwins have more than $1M AuM with a total AuM of $ 64,789,918.76 (+ $ 1.054.255,54 since Dec. 30th) and 4,685 (+99) investor shares in these 14 Darwins:

note: list shows 6 months data sorted by Return
Now 13 Darwins have more than $1M AuM with a total AuM of $ 65,296,056.41 (+ $ 506,137.65 since Jan. 6th) and 4,613 (-72) investor shares in these 14 Darwins:

note: list shows 6 months data sorted by Return

It's interesting that a Darwin left the AuM millionaires and the AuM of the other millionaires was growing.
WGP is back in the AuM millionaires filter.

So 14 Darwins have more than $1M AuM with a total AuM of $ 68.006.344,88 (+ $ 2.710.288,47 since Jan. 13th) and 4,913 (+300) investor shares in these 14 Darwins:


note: list shows 6 months data sorted by Return

The reentry WGP delivered $ 1.030.640,09 and 234 investors to this statistic.