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Controling the drawdown means trader can forecast the future trading results and change the strategy as he can predict the market direction. ( Is it really possible at all? )

A trader can control the risk of open trades only he has no control over the expected result of trades(consecutive trades closed at loss in case of drawdown).

it is easier said than done that trader can control the drawdown.
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This is much more simple than that. As soon as you‘re losing, you’re wrong. Assessing the present doesn’t require to predict the future. But you imply the limitation. A strategy is not smart, at least not adaptative.

It‘s hard when you put stoplosses or exit rules so distant because your system otherwise wouldn’t function to profit because it is not precise. It’s like using dynamite in a pond of fishes. Then you run into mile long sequences of doom like on SYO the past days because there is no monitoring, just a vague loose parachute.

In a sequence like he went through, he should have made numerous interruptions followed by pauses. But instead it has been hold and pray. That’s not what you can call trading aka “the business to buy and sell”, here it was “the business to tighten your buttocks and cross fingers”. It’s not trading but an insane machinery.
This is much more simple than that. As soon as you‘re losing, you’re wrong.
So you place your stop at -40 pips , your target at 80 .
Than you close the trade at -4 pips because you are "losing" so you are wrong.
Sistematic traders have the same plan for every trade while discretionary have different plans for every trade but to win you stick to the plan.
The market decides the outcome of your next trade, day, month...
Adapting does not mean fiddle every trade.
In speculation not every transacion is profitable.

Supose you sell coffees, ok every "trade" you make money but there are the expenses and not every day has a profitable number of customers.
If the rule of your shop is to open from 9 to 17 you won't close it at 12 to "cut losses".
it is easier said than done that trader can control the drawdown.
I disagree,respectfully.All that is needed to achieve absolute control over DD is some outside-the-box-thinking,or shall we say 'lateral thinking'.

Here are two ways how to do it and traders are free to combine them if they are so inclined:
1) when trader approaches undesirable depth of DD,he simply closes his account/darwin and opens new one and proceed as DD never existed.Such effective procedure can be implemented several times and very deep DD will be avoided,believe me.
2)trader can decide arbitrarily to trade only one specific day in every week or only beginning of each month.While lucky streak of good trades lasts it will give impression of much longer track-record than it is in reality(counting trading days) and ugly DD will be avoided for a long time.I myself witnessed a skilful martingale trader doing it for whole year without any DD recorded on daily-closing basis.Just beautiful!Investors love such Equity curves.
When DD eventually happens,no worries,just proceed with instructions under 1).

It‘s hard when you put stoplosses or exit rules so distant because your system otherwise wouldn’t function to profit because it is not precise. It’s like using dynamite in a pond of fishes. Then you run into mile long sequences of doom like on SYO the past days because there is no monitoring, just a vague loose parachute.
Do you see any unusual change in trading behavior of darwin SYO that is different from its past?
If you create DDs, it means you don’t cut losses short, which means you don’t trade, or not well.

When DD eventually happens,no worries,just proceed with instructions under 1)
Yeah, it's the best method to control DD and already applied very successfully by one of our genius and well known member in this forum.
Btw, I have not seen him recently.
This is much more simple than that. As soon as you‘re losing, you’re wrong. Assessing the present doesn’t require to predict the future. But you imply the limitation. A strategy is not smart, at least not adaptative.

It‘s hard when you put stoplosses or exit rules so distant because your system otherwise wouldn’t function to profit because it is not precise. It’s like using dynamite in a pond of fishes. Then you run into mile long sequences of doom like on SYO the past days because there is no monitoring, just a vague loose parachute.

In a sequence like he went through, he should have made numerous interruptions followed by pauses. But instead it has been hold and pray. That’s not what you can call trading aka “the business to buy and sell”, here it was “the business to tighten your buttocks and cross fingers”. It’s not trading but an insane machinery.

I very often come across nonsense on Trading/Investing Forums. But you Sir have just hit the Jackpot. Sorry not sorry!

As CavaliereVerde puts it, you're in a trade, it turns slightly negativ what do you do? Going with your logic, the best course of action is to close it? We could even go a bit farther, the moment you open a trade you're in the red (spread and comissions) do you close it as well? Come on man you can't be serious.
I was almost about to explain how I proceed but I’m backing off, why would I share my secret sauce. All I will admit is that I trade another dimension than price, plus the environnement.
So numbers are not involved but a byproduct. I don’t work to put them into cases surrounded by logic. I also don’t apply a plan but a framework. The task is to land into situations where to catch randomness. Meanwhile, you are trying to shape a substance which is fluid like water, preferring to perform predictions. We don’t play at the same game.
Since I take decisions in sequences, it’s not in my conception of things that SYO can let to happen a drawdown so deep and vertical in a single shot.

Do you see any unusual change in trading behavior of darwin SYO that is different from its past?

So you’re stating that an absence of management is his norm ? that was revealed because it unraveled unexpectedly ? Reason more to be extremely worried.
I consider trading as a deployment of reactions, not about filtering and betting to average net leftovers over a large sample.

Supose you sell coffees, ok every "trade" you make money but there are the expenses and not every day has a profitable number of customers.
If the rule of your shop is to open from 9 to 17 you won't close it at 12 to "cut losses".
From where do you pull out your analogies ? 😅
Another commerce, suppose you’re prostituting yourself from 9 to 17, do you take any customer that want to pass over your body without assessement of when to accept who and when to interrupt the commitment in that case ? Please. You’ll end up bruised, wrecked by a train.

The exchanges and product specifications provide the rules to navigate around. To add extra ones is to brute force or violate the substance.
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So you’re stating that an absence of management is his norm ?
You clearly think in a completely different way than sistematic traders, but we cannot accept a consistent ruleset to be defined "absence of management".
A losing streak is not absence of management, negative excursions are stable and under control.
You make money ? Fine for you but I can't evaluete mindsets, only results in the the form of a trackrecord an this is one of the best, it would be even if DD goes on til 15%.
I’d agree to call it sick management since it is not lacking.

Losing streaks are difficult to avoid but I have more of an issue within the streaks themselves. I’m concerned that he applies diversification over underlyings, timeframes and what not, which apparently prevents to consider a global circuit breaker. When it is launched, there is no interruption or slowing down stepping in, like every parts are going out of synch at once.

In my eyes, the only control is when you unplug and are out of the market. Otherwise you don’t control anything since the market still runs. Make fun of PPP but his stepping back is an illustration of pure control. That’s the equivalent of a luxury prostitute who knows the conditions of her field and says NO, I won’t go there, no thanks not this client (when he turns down investments, later will close them)🤣
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I’m concerned that he applies diversification over underlyings, timeframes and what not, which apparently prevents to consider a global breaker. When it is launched, there is no interruption or slowing down stepping in, like every parts are going out of synch at once.

In other words, I‘m not validating the benefit of the diversification. I fear it comes with a bias of trust in his systems that reverses as potentially dangerous. Do we know if he even applies stoplosses or he relies on different strategies to cancel each other out ?
I’d agree to call it sick management since it is not lacking
Management doesn't means that you panic in drawdown and do random things to control your drawdown.
Make fun of PPP but his stepping back is an illustration of pure control. That’s the equivalent of a luxury prostitute who knows the conditions of her field and says NO, I won’t go there, no thanks not this client (when he turns down investments, later will close them)
His ideas yet to be proved, First milestone will be 50% return for PDC till then you can keep talking about his greatness.
The presence of stoplosses is pretty clear from Assets and Timeframes -> excursions
I cant' prdict the future neither on my trading neither on other traders, but can state perfect discipline for the trackrecord I have here.
Generally disciplined traders are less likely to do bullshit and collapse.
But I’m not told what to do. If we were to draw an excel sheet of the current quarter perfs of the forum participants, we would count flies if we were to condemn who doesn’t have the right to speak.

Yes likely, I‘m ready to admit (about discipline), but not enough of a guarantee.
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His ideas yet to be proved, First milestone will be 50% return for PDC till then you can keep talking about his greatness.

Why proof here ? The remark about being flat has nothing to do with him. It cannot really be argued that being risk free is a certain form of control.
This month, he paused before the 10th, no Darwins of my tentative portofolio improved but deteriorated since then.
Take the same conditions (1 Darwin stopping, all the other ones continuing), run the same scenario. How many times will you need to repeat it in loop until a negative outcome happens again ? It will stricly happen again with deception. Period
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Why proof here ? The remark about being flat has nothing to with him. It cannot really be argued that being risk free is a certain form of control.
This month, he paused before the 10th, no Darwins of my tentative portofolio improved but deteriorated since then.
Take the same conditions (1 Darwin stopping, all the other ones continuing), run the same scenario. How many times will you need to repeat the loop until it happens again ? It will stricly happen again with deception. Period
So before the 10th he has Edge and after 10th there is no Edge.
What about situation when he start the month with loss?
There is neither a proof of no edge from extending he time.
To be honest, they (including Emmanita) even offer an edge since they avoid the investors to pay management fees during this period... be happy!

What about situation when he start the month with loss?
Ask him, since I don’t sleep with him lol can only make assumptions but not my duty
I think with discussed enough about him and his trading, here I would discuss about SYO .
To compare results style and discipline I need 2 years of trackrecord .
Probably on Darwinex THA is a bit better but with strong divergence and capacity problems.
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I believe THA evolves in another league. There is actually a pilot with judgement behind. More sophistication and definitely strategical about the niche it is operating on.



Here is fact that “under” trading is not linked to positive or negative performance