We started with the bad points but I think QJU is not a bad darwin, not a bad trader.
Return chart after migration is pretty consistent with pre migration.
Trading journal is superconsistent, same risk and same style before and after migration, a swiss clock.
The point is that all this consistency and performance is just wasted with such a low capacity.
QJU is already at full capacity!
We are darwin providers and we know that the min value for capacity management is 300k, here the trader should limit it to 200k to keep profitable investors and this is not allowed.
On the long run there will be no performance fees for this guy, only management fees for Darwinex.
There is more to think about: Darwin is also below Darwin's initial price, so there are no investor fees left. Yearly result is currently negative. Max. DD is increasing. And nobody knows, which broker made its track record before migration.
The main indicator is the smart money, the money of the trader.
Only the trader knows the context of a trackrecord,
The significance of the DD of a farmed Grail is pretty low.
Low DD is the bait for dumb money.
The equity of the trader represents the confidence of the trader in the strategy and if he thinks to be competitive in Darwinia.