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[DARWIN] EPG by FXforfun - EGporta

Thanks for your kind words @CavaliereVerde

Finally I’ve decided to post some introductory words to present my Darwin EPG. It’s not easy to me for several reasons. First, I think EPG has some flaws in its conception. Second, EPG has nothing extraordinary thus it’s not exceptional.

In any case, I have my skin in the game. It would be nonsense to invest in something that doesn’t worth it. I can’t understand how someone can invest anything on those Darwins so uncapitalized, if a trader doesn’t feel like his own Darwin deserves his own money simply avoid to put money in it (wise rule). After all, it’s so cheap to play with robots in FX. But how on earth an investor can even consider investing on those toys?

Third! EPG results talk by themselves, that should be enough introduction. Darwinex platform is fantastic, it offers all the information you need to make a good assessment.

Having said that, I’ll start talking about the trader behind EPG – that’s me! I’ve dedicated, still I am, countless hours studying the markets, looking for patterns, formulas, programming, testing, betting, reading books, following training material, you name it. I’ve passed by all the phases of the stereotype trader. It’s a long path where you walk blind and I’m in my own journey learning, discovering. To me that’s what gets me hooked so much on trading.

I have a scientific background and I don’t consider so stupid myself, I’m a Mensa member after all! None of that is enough to win money… Or maybe yes! Some years ago I gave up all the formulas, advice, gurus, “experienced” traders on the forums and decided to follow my own rules. A year ago, I discovered Darwinex, I loved their message and decided to create my Darwins from scratch; EPG and DFO. So far so good.

EPG is built on the sound bases of: i) simplicity, ii) stability, iii) risk aversion. What I mean by that is:
  • Simplicity. Ideally I want to avoid even a single indicator. But I can’t! that’s why I think EPG has flaws in its conception. One single indicator: Too complexity for my taste! Anyhow, nothing to do with those algotraders drunk on indicators, conditions, rules. Poor ones, cannon fodder
  • Stability. Once the robot is born it should work at least for a half of the period of its backtest; 10 years. No messing around with the parameters, just let it go through all of his phases. Now I’m thinking on those guys who believe that market is changing every few months so they change their robots because the strategies get outdated. Well, EPG is exactly the opposite of those guys. EPG is a pupil of Parmenides in the trading world (*)
  • Risk aversion. Don’t expect to smash big profits to make a living on a Caribbean island drinking cocktails. EPG plays small with the main goal to lose small. Today its current biggest drawdown is lower than 10%, it’s not something planned. The only thing planned is to avoid ruin to be able to trade for the next 10 years
(*) This is not a flash new theory of mine, if you read ‘The Universal Tactics of Successful trend trading’ you’ll see a table where the author exposes strategies created on 1.870, 1.900, 1.930!! And still profitable. On top of that, those ones are really really simple ones. Simplicity and Stability at its most.

I won’t lie, EPG pretends to be a boring Darwin. It’s built to be quietly and relentlessly boring.

However, on the other side, his older brother DFO is much much bolder. It’s looking for the holy grial. DFO is much more flexible and I experiment new ideas in it. DFO is the explorer, EPG is the settler.
Short update on EPG just to celebrate its anniversary. Two years now as a Darwin! 🥳

Despite May wasn't a good month for EPG, wouldn't have it been great to celebrate its birthday with a good DarwinIA bite? Its numbers are pretty good. Midyear and statistics above the expected on my Business Plan, not only returns but capital allocation and even D-Score 😅

Basically EPG keeps its foundations which I think are sound and keep the test field on DFO which feeds EPG evolution.

Another great milestone for EPG. In the absence of a week to close September, EPG is leading DarwinIA:

First position ever achieved!!

Of course the final picture on September 30th is what it matters and I could finish the month even in red! But this kind of milestones are exciting.

Being side by side with those really good traders is a dream. We always say trading is hard and yes it is! So much hard!! But from time to time it also has its compensations 🙂
Thanks man!
It's been a fantastic surprise beeing among those traders I admire.

Now, lets focus on the Equity for October (I think there are no more DarwinIA prices because I exceed the 600K). And continue working for the last quarter of 2022. Month by month increasing our trackrecord and enjoying the exciting drawdowns to come 🙂
Hi Cavaliere,
Thank you very much for your kind words. And thanks to all those investors who put their trust on EPG.
Just trying to do my best to get a sound system.
Congratulation for your good work!

I discovered your Darwin this week and I will add it to my dca investment acc, together with JTL, my all-time favorite at Darwinex.

Good stats, I love how your DD is managed and how your success rate is low, which gives me a tell about the robustness and style your are doing. Meaning, you must be playing w trends that can pay multiples of your risk.

This environment is really good for trends in FX. Sometimes it pays to have a higher holding period in those changes of monetary policies periods. One JPY can make the year lol.

By the way, congratulations also for the consistency of sticking to Simplicity and Stability.

Good luck and good trading!
Thank you @RogerLivermore , I'm flattered. Especially if you put me next to JTL. What a hell of a Darwin! EPG and JTL are not correlated at all so we complement each other.
Indeed my style is trending, very obvious from the charts, isn't it?
I don't care at all about success rate and I care to the point of obsession about Risk Management. Meaning I work more on my DD than on my return. That way we can continue to give a consistent return to EPG investors.
Thanks again and see you around!