Offshore Trader said:That was a good call. Seriously, I am going to take this week off next year and go somewhere warm and sunny
ChowClown said:...nice morning for you so far, Baruch 🙂 Do you use 7am as the end of the Asian session?
hornblower said:just waiting to short the dax
when it crosses the 45 degree Gann line
I will have a look at it
Max risk loser, ouch.ChowClown said:Long 9063 and just 20 pips headroom against average range. Will tighten to breakeven slightly earlier given chance.
ChowClown said:Max risk loser, ouch.
My breakout plan. Head was screaming NO, but I usually get creamed using my head!jacinto said:sorry to hear that. what made u go in?
ChowClown said:My breakout plan. Head was screaming NO, but I usually get creamed using my head!
Yes, can see this happening. Haven't re-armed the long order though, so flat and have a short pending 9020. Good luck mate.Priceman said:Well as you can see I think you had the right call anyway, you just got spiked out which is what always happens to me ! I'm still holding onto my short at 55 with the days high as my stop. Don't like this action upwards though. Still a bit more upside before tanking I reckon ! 90 max IMO then down.
a_gnome said:Hi Baruch,
Firstly, just to introduce myself, I'm a long time lurker and occasional contributor to this forum.
I've been looking at news trading recently with mixed results. Given your comments on trading the USDCAD news release earlier, I was wondering how you personally go about trading news releases.
Well I hung onto my short after watching it go from +35 to -10 ! I'm not convinced cable's ready to go down yet though! Will watch the price action around the 65 mark and if it smashes through upwards I'll be out for a small loss, if it's ready to tank then KERRRCHING for me. It does appear very overbought though on my indicators, as jacinto quotes... get down shep down !ChowClown said:Yes, can see this happening. Haven't re-armed the long order though, so flat and have a short pending 9020. Good luck mate.
edu said:Jacinto, I used MNI on a demo for a few weeks. Very good service, the news releases get out with no delay. A lot better than others(dow jones, ifr, afx) imho.
edu said:Jacinto, I used MNI on a demo for a few weeks. Very good service, the news releases get out with no delay. A lot better than others(dow jones, ifr, afx) imho.
Chow... from what I can see here you´re very disciplined and mechanical trader. That´s a huge plus.
I could use some of it myself! lol
Priceman said:Well I hung onto my short after watching it go from +35 to -10 ! I'm not convinced cable's ready to go down yet though! Will watch the price action around the 65 mark and if it smashes through upwards I'll be out for a small loss, if it's ready to tank then KERRRCHING for me. It does appear very overbought though on my indicators, as jacinto quotes... get down shep down !