Hi all,
I've had a busy week and did intend on posting on the thread this week yet have had no chance at all.
I see everyones had a pretty tough week and I am surely no exception with only +6 pips on the week so far! BUT, lest not forget, NFPR day tomorrow and the words 'candy' and 'baby' come to mind!
I don't wish this to sound condescending in any way, so apologies if it comes across that way but having been in the tough conunderum some are facing, my only words of wisdom would be that, if you have a plan, and you have covered every base of the situtions that can arise and know your worst case situation and, that situation has not been breached, carry on regardless.
Before starting my journal, I was terrible at discipline and sticking to the same plan and not changing it after a bad week or even a few days like Baruch, being miffed with the BigBen strat and thinking of changes after 3 days. Yet, after those few weeks and not changing and accepting whatever the market throws my way, and proving that I have bad weeks and then blindin' weeks, I can take everything in my stride and don't care what happens and the fact that I've only 6 pips this week so far doesn't bother me at all.
In a nutshell IMO, Its a case of once you have a plan and a steady, weekly P over L and with the minimilist drawdown, you can throw emotion out of the window as rather than 'trying' to change your mindset as per all the pyschology threads, you literally just 'forget' all about it, as you realise and know, that those each individual trades whether win or lose, really are irrelevant and perserverance to your plan, in the long run, always pays off. Once you know you can take 'X' hits and still come out tops on Friday evening your laughing!
Unless of course your a discretionary trader, then its prety much 50/50 😆
I'll shut up now and good NFP to all! :cheesy: