OK he is what will actually happen...
(You can all ignore me like normal n think it a joke, but the last 5 times i was correct in my forecast)
Oils gna fall back about $1 on open on monday, hover abit, then go up abit more to between 142 and 145.
But once it hits 143/45 all the big buyers who are in the pits buying it will suddenly realise probs during their lunch break that no1 will actually be able to afford to pay that much to buy the oil off them!! 😆😆😆
The big airlines n petrol stations will still have to buy oil as they cant survive without it...,
but they will but over 25% less oil as they will have to have a big scale down on the number of flights they can run, as no passengers and petrol station customers will be able to keep affording n using oil at the current rate they do when its this expensive.
So everyone will cut down buying the oil,
And so these big buyers will then relaise they are gna be fked cos will be stuck with a load of spare extremely high pice oil!! 😆😆
THerefore they will all start to try and shift it quick back into the market at discount prices, and therefore the price will fall back to around 135/137.