Couple of issues with demo account.


Just a quick question regarding demo accounts. I’ve been running a E-Trade demo account for a few months now trying different idea’s and to this point I’ve being doing ok, mainly trading the FTSE and the DOW.

I was just wondering how the demo accounts measure up to the live accounts, and my main concerns so far are;

How often an order times out and I have to resubmit it.

Today the DOW dipped 190 odd points and when I tried to place a trade my screen just said “There are no markets to display”. It’s been like this now for a couple of hours.

If I had put an order to buy at a certain level and this level was reached whilst the “No markets to display” screen come up would my order still of been placed?

Are these problems down to the demo accounts not being supported as much as the live accounts?


You would think they'd pay more attention to demo accounts to suck in victi... er... clients.
demo servers always crash, because of the number of people using them for free.
demo is never that reliable
The demo accounts are only a sample of the real thing. The real platforms are much faster, have more options, more markets and are more reliable. The demo should be good for practice but a lot of companies will allow you to trade pennies for the first two months which is a better way to test strategies if your new.