Country Ken's Tips and racing discussions

Todays Bets on the 2-07-05

Good Morning All,

I trust that all of you are fine and well.

Here are the bets for today the 2-07-05 ( saturday )




No. 8. GALLANTRY - win

Good luck


P.S. Next update will be on the 5-0705 ( tuesday )

Have a nice week-end what ever you may be doing.
Balance Up-Date


As you well know that a total of 3 selections were given from 2 races.

Selections given = 3

Winners = 1 - won at 3-1 ( 9-2 and 5's were on offer with some bookmakers )

Balance brought foreward from the 30-06-05 = £1062-50

Total staked today at £50-00 on each selection = £150-00

Total returns from winner = £200-00

Winner was - WALKONTHEWILDSIDE @ 3-1

Profit for day = + £50-00 = 33% P O I

Bank Balance now stands on the 2-07-05 = £1112-50

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Good Morning,

Firstly, is there anyone out there ?

Theres no offical bets today.

But if some of you are looking for some fun or just to relax
by having a small bet, i then have 2 races ( 4 horses )

While im here, i decided to alter the stakes on the horses, instead
of having $50-00 pounds on each, it will be $5-00 pounds on each
The two main reasons for this is, 1 im sure you sdon't intend to be
a serious punter, secondly, you would like it to be more of a fun thing
then anything else.


No. 5. PRESUMPTIVE - win
No. 18. JOOLS - win


No. 5. HALLE BOP - win
No. 9. DESERT IMP - win

it does not mean that its fun bets therefore it can't win, of course they can win.
I would not wish upon you to loose your money blindly.

Good luck


P.S. Next up-date is tomorrow the 6-07-05.

You have a nice day guys and the lovely lady Jill.
Time to leave i guess

Hello Evedryone,

I guess no one is trully interested in horse racing, so i guess its time to leave.

I like to thank - Dave in setting up this thread for me, and i like to thank those
who were nice to me in the way they posted their post to me.

I like to thank the lovely Jill, ladies should always be treated like one,

they are a very special gift to man kind, without them most men would
not be able to cope, i suppose i could go on and on, but im not here
to bore you with all this.

Take care all of you, i wish you well in what you do, i hope that some
or most of your dreams in life come true, i hope that you are blessed
with good health, i hope that life treats you kindly, i also hope that
you have lots off love around you with your loved ones for many years
to come.

All the best

Kind Regards

Countryken said:
Hello Evedryone,

I guess no one is trully interested in horse racing, so i guess its time to leave.

I like to thank - Dave in setting up this thread for me, and i like to thank those
who were nice to me in the way they posted their post to me.

I like to thank the lovely Jill, ladies should always be treated like one,

they are a very special gift to man kind, without them most men would
not be able to cope, i suppose i could go on and on, but im not here
to bore you with all this.

Take care all of you, i wish you well in what you do, i hope that some
or most of your dreams in life come true, i hope that you are blessed
with good health, i hope that life treats you kindly, i also hope that
you have lots off love around you with your loved ones for many years
to come.

All the best

Kind Regards


Hi Ken

I'm sorry you're going - I've enjoyed the thread. I hope none of us have upset you. Some of us are very interested in what you have to say - even if we don't always express it.

Whatever you decide - take care - you will be missed 😢
After what i've read - i'll stay

Hello All,

I've decided to stay, my heart spoke so to speak and im sure you guys must
be rather happy lol lol----------pardon that

Theres no offical bets today, how ever i do have fun bets, why not.

2-30 NEWMARKET - fun bet

No. 8. CONSULAR - win
No. 15. BANBA - win

4-15 NEWMARKET - fun bet

No. 2. RACE THE ACE - win

Good luck in what you choose to do

Jill beat me to the reply. I really cannot add anything that she has said. I appreciated the tips and above all, your sincerity.
Personally, I have looked at the horses on and off for years and have never been convinced that I can make money from them, who ever provides the tips. Not a criticism of anyone that does and clearly many do. It is just that the skill is not within me. More correctly I have no interest in the sport except as a vehicle to make some money.

I thank you for the thread, it was always a pleasure to read your unique views. I also would like to wish you well in your personal life, especially your health.

If you ever decide to offer tips on a more or less commercial basis then drop me an email.

Very best of luck in all you desire.

PS. I 100% agree with your views that ladies should always be treated as such and with respect.
Countryken said:
Hello All,

I've decided to stay, my heart spoke so to speak and im sure you guys must
be rather happy lol lol----------pardon that

Theres no offical bets today, how ever i do have fun bets, why not.

2-30 NEWMARKET - fun bet

No. 8. CONSULAR - win
No. 15. BANBA - win

4-15 NEWMARKET - fun bet

No. 2. RACE THE ACE - win

Good luck in what you choose to do


Thanks Ken,

I, for one, am really happy that you're continuing.
You've made at least one lady very happy today! 😀
Im glad that you are too

JillyB said:
Thanks Ken,

I, for one, am really happy that you're continuing.
You've made at least one lady very happy today! 😀

Hi Jill,

You're more then welcome ------ my Lady

Im also happy that you are happy------thank you


Hello Everyone,

Firstly i must say thank you all for your ever so lovely and so kind
words that you have said, im deeply touched and moved-----thank you all.

As from tomorrow i will term the bet/s and work out the winnings/losers
as follows

1 Premium Bets = Good chance of winning - the bets from this term will be only
from group one courses.
There might be no bets from this as long as 2 - 4 weeks at least
this is where my profit has come from over the years.

2 Standard Bet/s = fair chances of winning - also from group one courses only.

3 Low Key Bet/s = Average Chance ( or fun bet - i shall term it - low key bet/s )
bet/s will be from both, group one and lower grade courses.

You no doubt will have your own stakes.

I like to wish everyone good luck with your bet/s.

As for the Bank Balance, it will be brought foreward

which i believe stands at - £1112-50 ( correct me if im wrong, i've not looked )

Take care, be happy, keep your tail up when things look rather gloomy
no matter what, i mean well, thanks once again.

Advice for tomorrow the 7-7-05 ( thursday )

Good Evening/Morning ( if you see it in the morning )

At this moment i have a standard bet for tomorrow the 7-7-05

2-30 NEWMARKET - Standard Bet

No. 4 BALLAST - win
No. 18 KAMANDA LAUGH - win

Good luck old chaps lol and good luck to lady Jill

Will post if theres further bet/s tomorrow

***** Go to the next posting please a further bet - don't miss it

Ken ( CK )
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A further bet - final up-date

Good Morning again,

I have a further bet.

4-45 NEWMARKET - Premium Bet

No. 19. TAWQEET - win bet

Good luck and have a nice day in what ever you're doing

Ken ( CK )
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Brief Summary & Bank Balance

Hi All,

Firstly, of course i ( we ) feel rather disappointed with todays losers
more so as one was a standard bet and the other a premium bet.

Im not trying to make excuses, but the running of the horses was not
a true reflection, as they did run below their best, as for the ground
it was not that as the horses did prefer a slight ease in the ground
so on that basis the ground was not the cause of a rather poor show.
Its one of those days that in racing horses do not give/show their
true ability, thats racing.

But we live to fight on.

Hang in there, have faith, you to my lady Jill

Next up-date is tomorrow the 8-7-05 ( friday )

Now to the Bank Balance

Previous Balance stood at = £1112-50 ( frofit based at £50-00 = + £112-50 )

As its now based at £5-00 ( i personally think that the low key/fun bet should
not be taken into account, let me know if this is
wrong ( only standard and premium bets )

**** Since the stakes are based at £5-00 ( for the purpose of the
bank balance, it will start at - £500-00, what say you all ? )

Bank at £500-00

bets X 3 losers ( not a good start, but lots of time to put that right,
i do hope so, i should as i should know )

£5-00 x 3 = - £15-00 loss for the day

Bank Balance now stands at = £485-00

Till tomorrow, itrust that you lovely guys and the lovely Jill all
had a nice evening.

Good night

Ken ( CK )
Selection for tomorrow

Good Evening/Morning All,

I have a selection for tomorrow the 8-7-05 ( friday )

3-05 YORK - Standard Bet

No. 4. BATIK - win bet

Any further bet/s will be posted tomorrow

Good luck all

P.S. just thought i'll let you know,
one of todays bet - Ballast is trained
by L Cumani ( which i tipped )
and the selection for tomorrow is
trained by him to, i did not plan it,
i never look at whos the trainer neither
do i look at the various news paper tipsters
as i would not want them to influence me in
any way. I only do have a look when i've done
my work, what im saying is, it could be a good
sign as the selection in question does have
what it takes to win the race.


The form, the offical ratings are all i need from the handicappers
as they have to study the form and act accordingly to determine
an offical rating, so my job is in 2 parts, 1, self study of how i would
study each race and arrive at a/the selection/s, and the 2nd
part which is the most important part is, to try and get in their
head to pick their brains to a certain degree, which is possible
as i have been in racing for at least 40 years now )
they themselves have to study all the form whereby they then
arrive at a mark ( rating )
So most of the work is done by them for me, of course i must
take a lot of things into account, the going, is the horse in form
this will be shown by their most recent run, won, came 2nd or 3rd,
the distance of the race, is it the right distance for it, the track, does
it act better on a left handed trach then a right one and vice versa
and so on etc etc--------- then you hope for the best - is it going to
win or lose, sounds easy, i wish it was.
I sincerely hope that i have not bored you with all this.

Ken ( CK )
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Hi Ken

Thanks for the tips. Sorry todays ones were no shows - hey ho - just like trading the stockmarket really - can't get it right all the time.

There sounds to be a lot to assessing your recommendations for each race. I suppose with all your experience it comes as second nature to you. I don't think I could ever start to understand it. This is why we need you to stick around.

Take care.
No problem with a couple of losses, as Jill says, we are all used to cutting our positions or adjust our stake according to the current bank.
I sincerely hope that that yesterday's sickening events did not touch any of you personally.
Thanks for your hard work Ken, it is appreciated.
A further bet - final up-date

Good Morning All,

Apart from the one that was posted last night, i have a further bet.

I had to thiink long and hard about this selection.

The main reason being, this horse does like to bowl along in front
it does not like to be taken on for the lead, reason is, there are 1 or 2
so to speak in the race that also prefers to bowl along in front
what im afraid is, they will cut each other by doing so and horses
that likes to come of the pace will have to much toe if this happens.
But im banking that it jumps out, get in front and make the running,
if this happens, he then will have a good chance of staying in front
fingers X ( hes in good form at present )

2-35 YORK - Standard Bet

No. 3. ACOMB - win bet

Good luck all

next up-date is tomorrow the 9-7-05 ( saturday )

Ken ( CK )
Todays selections ( 9-7-05 )

Good Morning All,

Firstly, yesterdas selections did not run to their best.

I have noticed unexpected ones winning, thats racing,
but its still not good enough.

Today is a new day, so here are my advices for saturday the 9-7-05

3-55 YORK - Standard Bet

No. 2. ZERO TOLERANCE - win bet
No. 7. WOODCRACKER - win bet

Good luck


P.S. next up-date is tomorrow as Haydock is on then its on the 16-7-05

P.S. Does anyone prefer lay bets if any - for those who might not know
what is a lay, its simple, to predict in my opinion that a given horse
might lose, if it does lose, you win, if it wins you lose, the liability of
your loss can be high, its depends on the lay price.

**** Take today as an example, personally i will be laying a horse in
the same race 3-55 York, the horse is - Notable Guest
as i write its trading price is 7.4, therefore my target of the amount
i want to win is $50-00 pounds, if it does lose, i win below $50-00
pounds as commission will be deducted from your winning new
members will pay 5% of their winnings.

But if it does win my liability ( loss ) would be $320-00 pounds
the shorter the price of a lay the better it is as your liability will
be far less.

I ask you not to lay it as i want you to have confidence in my laying
ability before you jump in, im be honest and i mean well.

I don't have lay bets often. As for my strike rate on lays is no less
then 89% as high as 95% to, not trying to impress anyone, just
giving the facts and being honest.

Anyway, see you all around and i hope you have a nice week-end.
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Hi Ken

Just to let you know, I've gone for No 7 Woodcracker and got odds of 5/1.

I shall wait and see. 😀