Best Thread Correlation Trading - Basic Ideas and Strategies

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hey all ........i'm pretty timed out now for the morning .......have to be elsewhere

been playing the gu bear as you have seen ......shes been down to 2943/4 at times ......2960 has been the R levels .........a few 5-8 pip moves for me to scalp .......

been also trying to play the Euro bull........EJ and UJ have been buys but calling the turns a little more tricky than usual ........

EA bull likewise ..........some DEEP troughs before believing Euro bull would prevail

anyway that's trading / Scalping .........

enough pips to keep me happy.........days much quieter than the Brexit period .......back to normality !

have a good day .the Euro looks to be alpha bull now .........

back later
11.20...........jees a slow one today .........not much Volatility in the G8

only GBP (BEAR) and EURO(BULL) have come out to play so far ......

and that's only given me pairwise (from 6am opens)

EA buys to +30 pips
EJ buys to +30 pips
GU sells to -25's

that's pretty low key action to be feeding scalps off of........sure you can pick up plenty of 5-8 pip runs.......and as long as you keep your win rate +60-+70% its ok.......

but the odd 15+ winner / runner is really what I need to make a session work out ok and get me decent returns ............and for novice intermediate traders if you don't get that bonus ball....then odds on you have lost money in the session ......

better luck in us final session of the week then


nothing wrong with losing money guys in the early stages of scalp training .........just make sure if you did it was because of an average session like this morning ............if you are losing on good volatility then you really need to review what you are doing..and quick !! 🙂
amazing morning .......I have my Alpha currencies GBP and YEN both sitting pretty much back at 6am start prices

nada today ........if anyone scalping took more than 50 pips out of the market I will give them a medal

just looking at the G8 volatility levels for London morning session today vs rest of week...
it was low ......see rest of week vs max value I recorded on G8 this morning

Monday (200%)
Tuesday (300%)
Wednesday (300%)
Thursday (200%)

jees even the dog Monday was twice as volatile as this morning .........

so don't beat yourself up too much gang 🙂

been tied up ..........

will do an update over weekend .....

I see usd has fought back bull from the selloffs early us session .......gbp is bear , AUD bear , Yen slow grind north

miles better volatility than London session anyway .........that wasn't hard !!

Hi, I am new here, nice thread about correlation. 🙂

have somebody tried triangular hedge?
EUR, USD, GBP in way:


b-buy, s-sell

point is, hedge it with same lot size (like 1+1+1) for time as TICKVALUE oscillated and close it all when this oscillation make profit

when major pairs EURUSD+GBPUSD are overbought (yes, this is subjective) you Sell them + Buy EURGBP for triangle and vice versa for oversold
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Hi, I am new here, nice thread about correlation. 🙂

have somebody tried triangular hedge?
EUR, USD, GBP in way:


b-buy, s-sell

point is, hedge it with same lot size (like 1+1+1) for time as TICKVALUE oscillated and close it all when this oscillation make profit

when major pairs EURUSD+GBPUSD are overbought (yes, this is subjective) you Sell them + Buy EURGBP for triangle and vice versa for oversold

hey there .....can you explain the logic behind this trade to us re overbought/oversold ......?

this is something for analysis, one way can be:
- taking some reference history point, let say 1.1.2014
- from this point "open" triangle pairs to start making first analysis in excel with H1 data from each pair to see how deep into profit/loss is oscillating (in money)
- in this oscillating you can find mid-line, up and down points, and these points can be reference for overbought/oversold/breakouts
M ........not trying to be difficult here but can you show us what you mean graphically ?

(sure - I get it but we need to share with the viewers of thread) .then I can give some observations

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morning all ......on this olympic morning 🙂


Olympic bull for GBP overnight in markets !
bears for Yen , NZD and CHF

6am opens .....
yen fights back to +10's so far Selling usd

scalping ..........

slowish as always on a Monday .......a little like Usain off those blocks !!!

with euro and usd taking hits .....

i'm selling EA to -20's so far
EJ / EU also coming south

hang in their ........I'm here for about another 30 mins before closing out

ok the usd getting drilled London session to -20's now .........

i'm bailing soon but the GU bull now making me most pips in last few mins

ok good session for me guys complaints

as I leave the usd is THE sell..........yen , gbp , cad the main buys on bounces

have a good morning all........
hey all .......London session now in wind-down

Yen has been the best Bull so far...up to +30 pips at times from 6am .....coming off a bit now
GBP has been the main bear .........down to -40 at times .again backing off a bit now
USD has been bear / rangy now

best pairs ?.........since 6am

EA sells -50's pips at times
EJ / UJ sells as -40's
Even Ucad sells / AU buys off the weak USD have been to low 30's

so all in all a pretty healthy G8 for first London session of the week ........🙂

have a good day
I see solid selling on Yen and GBP so far U.S. session .....and usd now down with them need to have recently gone to AUD for decent bull plays .............Euro and CAD were bull....... but coming off fast

abysmal GBP session (unlike the Olympics) .......from nearly 30 pips up in Asian session its down at -70's now ........a 100 pip selloff..........
heres an interesting thread ......remember anything can be faked in this business never believe the hype


Yes, I wanted to know the method of producing those results. I didn't say that I believed the claims.

Thanks for your replies.

True, that may have been a good month, but another video showed smaller profits, but still consistent over three months:

How did the equity curve stay so smooth if there were losses? There doesn't seem to be any drawdown.

hey TD the others say .....this business is sadly full of snakeoil saleman and downright crooks .........all ready to take your money

anything can be made to look good .........never underestimate what a crooked vendor can do with corrupted data and documentation

that's why nothing can really be verified on results etc etc ......its a waste of time trying ..............if you want to deal with anyone they need a very very long established track record .....and your own due diligence again over then ongoing / live performance

smoke and mirrors 😛😉........

hey all

had a solid morning on the charts .........

from 6am

usd and gbp both sold off now to -30 pips, Cad in pursuit
Euro and earlier yen have been the main buys to + 20's .chf and NZD in support

pairs from 6am ....

UJ sells -30's
EU buys to +50's (yes amazing eh ?).......
AU buys to + 20's

and others available ..............

when you get the usd in a solid move scalping is easy .........everything seems to open up (even non usd pairs).........

make the most of it guys ..I have

ok a nice couple of moves for my final scalps got to 2885

have a good day .......sorry have to be elsewhere

10am .......long gone but still eye on market

usd now rangy +/- 5 pips

9.30 boost on GBP to + 50 pips ...........euro coming off the bull run now