Best Thread Correlation Trading - Basic Ideas and Strategies

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will try to scalp tomorrow morning as back in uk .........may have to wait till Friday though as a lot of other stuff to catch up on

nearly up to speed in my consulting role - s/be able to scalp from next Monday morning

sorry but I got this from someone and wanted to share ......


Just curious about your system. I am not a scalper but I have some questions

Do you trade big Lot sizes?
What is the average risk you take ?
What is the Win Loose ratio of this system?
How you place your SL and TP

I was testing a EA based on the strength of pairs but on longer time frames So far with mixed results[/QUOTE]

Hey There

i'm not a "mega" player at the moment ......only scalping for 2 hours a day means I am not 100% in the Zone keep it relatively light on the funds committed (vs historically when I was F/T for a while) .......

and I also don't like to carry to much Cash with my preferred brokers ..........if they go down then I lose my Capital......thats why I like scalping (or Short term trading I suppose more technically correct) can leverage a smaller capital base over and over again and really milk the return without clogging up capital reserves .....

I vary on % win rate but would be very very upset if I fell below 70% on an average day .........when i was trading FT I could comfortably keep it there .........2 hours can be difficult to get 70%+ if first few are not right on the money naturally ......

SL is a straight forward and automated 5+ pips (depends on pair)..........I don't mess about much with finding S/R levels to be honest ...........I will also close a trade inside the S/L if I feel its not going to run

TP is relatively Straightforward as well............I am pretty tight on the first 5-10 pip profits ....then will let a % run above that ....and do the normal S/R moves as the trade develops ...........equally I am happy to bag a fast mover 100% before the retrace and then go back in if the mood takes me .........depends where I am re profit targets for the day ...............2 hours is not a long time so I am not running the trades that much ..........

hope this helps a little
hey all .........tidying up shop now for closeout today - work calls beckon at 8am

plenty of changes since last updates - the 7am bell usually shakes the market up :-

AUD and USD went sell.......(AUD back into the Daily trend as early London R level held)
EURO and CHF held bull

Yen has been dispointingly flat ........ GBP has been ranging

EA buys became the play ......nothing else came close in last hour or so ..a little EJ buying as well at times .........nothing to retire on 🙂

have a good day
ok later ...........pips to make and only another 30-40 mins before calling it a day

market is now opening up

EA sells
GU buys
UCAD sells
AU buys
EU buys
UJ sells


you do the math on most of the calls above......nice day at the office so far ........see my trading thread ....N 😎
hey all .........i'm done

interesting morning / session

I got a nice swing into 7am bar that I managed to extend some of my calls

EJ / UJ / UCAD buys + GU Sells ........with a few extra pips

at the moment the market has consolidated from early London with me awaiting more supported moves again .....

EURO now Bull
SElloffs USD , AUD , NZD

have a good day - i'm done

hey all ....just looking at the London session as it winds up

GBP sold off big time ..........GU went to nearly 80 pips down off London opening of the morning

Yen rammed another big bull play in as well after I finished ......yen has hit +100 pips from Asian open now and + 50 London so far .....

my favoured Yen pairs UJ and EJ haven't really sold off though as USD and Euro pretty bullish as well as Yen 👎

EA has been ok buying ..........steady eddie stuff 👍

that's it from me ...........I'm stuffed in meetings this afternoon so no chance to play US openings ........grrrrrrr 🙄

cheers :smart:
wont get back to table tonight - more calls to make with the US

have a good evening
Hey all

Jees what a first week back after vacations

I'm knackered !

The trading went ok ......2 hours max a day in mornings but I'm back up,to,speed and having fun

Shame I have to end at 8 but until I reduce my FT hours consulting I can't seem to do it ......

I know a lot of others are in the same boat......committing to FT trading is a frightening thing for,most and a pipe dream for,many......I have been FT at times but with 35 years in industry I still don't turn down decent consultancy work when it appears.....I enjoy the work as much as my trading .....

Nothing wrong with being busy ! fact I am sure it creates a positive cycle of more and more benefits......than perhaps a single track approach

I have promised my wife that I will retire from consulting in 2017 and just trade......she wants us to relax more and travel etc etc ......and my trading is more of,a,flexible activity than the more rigid consulting demands ......and I'm not exactly a stiff yet at 57 !!!

Until,then I'll keep,the hammer down.......sitting in a garden looking at the trees is not my bag anyway !

Have good weekends
I get a lot of requests like this - sorry it takes me so long to answer ..........but I do get back to everyone - promise 👍

Hello my name is XXX

I really do love trading and want to try and make a full time income trading.. Unfortunately up to now I havent had much luck.. I tried binary trading and lost a lost of money.....I would dearly love to learn how to trade from an expert like your self.. Can you please advise.. .. I came across y our information on youtube.


your story is not unique so don't worry............everyone has to start somewhere ........I have been lucky in learning from some great trading mentors...... back to when I started in the early 1980's on the Shell Oil trading floor in London , through to some great mentors even in the last few really helps

sorry mate - I'm not coaching / Teaching forex trading at the moment , but I am collecting names of people who may want to work with me in 2017 ........I am to busy this year with my management consulting business

being a successful trader is not that hard or mysterious in truth..........its all about getting a decent system in place and then all the little things you need to do well 100% of the time - perfect Entries , perfect Exits , Money management , focus , discipline............and bloody hard work !

most people think you need the perfect holy grail system but you don't .........that's the easy bit ........most great traders use pretty simple stuff.............its the other elements already mentioned that make them great ..........and all my mentors had them in bag loads ..........

anyway I will keep your email address and will contact you in 2017 if that ok when I have more time

until then I would suggest you learn , learn , learn about trading ...............knowledge is power.......don't dive in head first ..........its a marathon not a sprint in this game !!!......ive been trading on and off for nearly 40 years now (and also pro gambling since my early teens) and i'm still just warming up 🙂

add me too

Hi Neil,

Please add me to your list for training later. I have been doing this for a couple of years and need to get some good techniques now to be able to make money.

Hi Neil,

Please add me to your list for training later. I have been doing this for a couple of years and need to get some good techniques now to be able to make money.


Hey Paul ....send me an email ......simpler for me
