Best Thread Correlation Trading - Basic Ideas and Strategies

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Good morning all

the usd was volatile yesterday as global markets reacted to China

look at the classic usd bounce as us woke up

today I would recommend buying usd above that support line .........and watch the London and us Bells.......................that will be fireworks - guaranteed



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trying to find it in my archives ............will post if I do 👍

it may be in this thread somewhere .cant remember how you search for files on a thread but you can 😏


I have saw in a youtube video and also tried to search your site but could not find one.

I hope you could find in your archive.
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Good morning all

the usd was volatile yesterday as global markets reacted to China

look at the classic usd bounce as us woke up

today I would recommend buying usd above that support line .........and watch the London and us Bells.......................that will be fireworks - guaranteed


good morning

yesterdays analysis provided up to 70 bull pips of opportunity on usd alone for scalping through the day .........that's hundreds of possible pips using various usd pair scalps 👍

today we are in a similar position ...already up to 20 pips possible from the usd bull contribution on its bounce from support level :smart:



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I have saw in a youtube video and also tried to search your site but could not find one.

I hope you could find in your archive.

thanks T

looking again ........pulling out some files on my old storage/backup discs :smart:


ok a brilliant programmer called djenky and then a guy avatared as Tigloo did these for me back in 2010...I can find up to V12 at the moment but those versions are EA based programmes running some serious correlation patterns and apologies they are confidential ....

will find the simpler V5 soon and drop it on here ........

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found it

remember this was all geared around longer term swing trading .........these days I scalp

the indicator can be programmed in the settings to run any combo of TF / Ma' technically you could use low MA/TF's to trade faster

can I repeat again .......I use currency indexes primarily to scalp alongside more traditional price action analysis and much of Forexmospherians methods


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hey all

hope recent links were I said I am a 100% scalper now ..........a lot of the old school stuff at Youtube and early years here on the thread were more generic and suitable for swing trading (I was a F/T employee for many years here)

i'm stepping out of the threads for a while as busy and cant be bothered with the politics now ......testing a hybrid system that's looking even better than my standard scalping approach

currently beta testing on a demo .............sure demos are easy but its good to see the early testing is producing trades getting to +1 pip 95-100% of the time

cheers all .............


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good morning

yesterdays analysis provided up to 70 bull pips of opportunity on usd alone for scalping through the day .........that's hundreds of possible pips using various usd pair scalps 👍

today we are in a similar position ...already up to 20 pips possible from the usd bull contribution on its bounce from support level :smart:


again the bull run up continues from my earlier post ..........about another 20 pips buying usd in pairs ...................that's a huge advantage in scalps / hitting pip targets

(no wonder my scalp testing has been so easy today :smart: )

too easy 👍


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I have saw in a youtube video and also tried to search your site but could not find one.

I hope you could find in your archive.

hey gang

thanks for the new people subscribing to my youtube channel 👍

they are all a little old these days !

I will try to get a new video up soon with an update on my scalping approach and anything else that springs to mind ..

head down trading and demo testing today

only 1-2 live calls on F's thread on the 100% signals 👍

before I go interesting pattern is forming last 3 days now 😏

Asian session challenges the USD Bull supremacy......... .then capitulates into London/us session

deja vue all over again today ?😏



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ok back in the real world ..........

usd has been truly phenomenal this week .......superb to use in pair trades 👍

3 days of Asian pressure then buys of the support levels as London came in ........

as we hit day 4 buy buy buy usd above that new support line from overnight

N :smart:


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ok back in the real world ..........

usd has been truly phenomenal this week .......superb to use in pair trades 👍

3 days of Asian pressure then buys of the support levels as London came in ........

as we hit day 4 buy buy buy usd above that new support line from overnight

N :smart:

well well

the usd delivered again !

4 bull session out of 4 ..........Superb.........👍

have good weekends all


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Forexmospherian is moving to a journal style thread soon to stop the Dissers continually abusing him and also anyone who dares to try to learn from him........wise move and I wish him well

if they choose now to come here and start the same pattern of bullying and intimidation I will be doing the same and closing this thread

lets see how long it takes ...hopefully never and I can continue to answer any questions people have on my Free strengthmeter / associated indicators in the links below .....and anything else related to strengthmeter based trading (if I can help that is)

Cheers all......and remember to always follow your own path in trading and not allow others to cloud your own opinions with continual harassment and intimidation :smart:

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what a week trading the USD index / Strengthmeter systems !

When I scalp I utilise real time currency indexes (available below in links).........I do have derivative versions of my Free FXCorrelator rolling to give me some kinda steer/overview........but scalping is a fast game knowing what the USD (and the other G7) did more than a few hours back or on Higher TFs is pretty useless to me for each individual scalp signal .........but I need them all working together to give confidence in my scalps over the trading day.........(naturally if I am swing or position trading on higher TF's that's a different story)

this is something I find (frustrating) when someone who is inexperienced or ignorant in this area says my default 20ma FXCorrelator is "useless" for scalping ..............seriously ?.............that's just the same as a novice golfer snapping his Sand wedge as he can never get the ball out of the bunker ................

is it really the sand wedges fault ? 😉

this 15m TF summarises the week .........yes the combat at the 1min level would have been more complicated but you can see that overall on a 15m TF those support levels for USD index were OBVIOUS.......

buy USD in pairs above support and sell below it as it turns into resistance levels ............

truly Great week on the markets .......great week !



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What about WTI and RUB correlation? I tried to trade USD/RUB looking in delays of between oil and USD/RUB movements but almost instantly reacts on the commodity changes. What can you suggest?
What about WTI and RUB correlation? I tried to trade USD/RUB looking in delays of between oil and USD/RUB movements but almost instantly reacts on the commodity changes. What can you suggest?

hey G

if you search this thread I have got indicators and post discussions that talk Crude oil , commdolls ertc etc ...a few years back

never got much/enough satisfaction out of those dudes to formulate robust strategies ............the most obvious being look to play the usd relative strength/weakness on Crude oil charts that are priced in USD ............RUB never been looked at by me .............G8 only .....although I would not be averse to playing some of the scandies at times (again I have some free exotic FXCorrelator indicators in the free links below somewhere):smart:

heres the day - been head down and trading ..............

drumroll .....

Buying usd in usd pairs !

why ?

see below ..............5 days in a row the usd comes out of starting stall as a big bad bull following relatively weak Asian sessions .....go figure !

sure I would have been bear on usd if I had been trading very early on this morning......but look how the support became resistance a brief while ....... then back into support......... leading to a Great run up since for the greenback

do you think you can take a few scalps on usd pairs with a 36 pip usd bull tailwind to help you so far ?

Hey - even I can make money .......... 😉😛



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