Best Thread Correlation Trading - Basic Ideas and Strategies

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heres just my last hours trading ......had better action earlier on in truth.......and my last post again for a few days .....

just rejecting the mindless cr*p we see here re trolls suggesting that some of the traders trying to help people here at T2win cant make money..........spare me ....go get a life and perhaps trade and post journals and TEACH a little here yourselves....??...........or not ......not mostly of course

inject positivity into t2win and not negative taunts all the time ...and perhaps prove you can all make some money as well .....???

the message to anyone wanting to trade is simple - it can be done

of course you have to find your own path .....and it takes practice ........but it can be done .....and I consider myself to not be in Forexperians league believe me .......

see you all in a while - will dip in and out when time allows in future :smart:


All I can see N is some very good results - consistency etc and showing you know what you are doing with no large losses etc

I know you are another "oldun " - ie no longer under 50 yrs old - but you have got a few years on me - although you are not so young as Major M - I reckon you both could surpass my standards over the next 2 years or so .

I am contracting and slowing down for 2016 / 2017 and maybe by then you will be peaking and making excellent monies every week and every month - contrary to what the industry say is possible - those lying B's lol

Keep it tight - accept you will never be 100% correct every trade - and keep banking profits - they all add up - but please promise me you will not go back to 80 - 150 scalps a day lol - thats for all the young Kids and video game Pro's

Good Trading

All I can see N is some very good results - consistency etc and showing you know what you are doing with no large losses etc

I know you are another "oldun " - ie no longer under 50 yrs old - but you have got a few years on me - although you are not so young as Major M - I reckon you both could surpass my standards over the next 2 years or so .

I am contracting and slowing down for 2016 / 2017 and maybe by then you will be peaking and making excellent monies every week and every month - contrary to what the industry say is possible - those lying B's lol

Keep it tight - accept you will never be 100% correct every trade - and keep banking profits - they all add up - but please promise me you will not go back to 80 - 150 scalps a day lol - thats for all the young Kids and video game Pro's

Good Trading


ok - that's a promise mate......but the voices in my head - they tell me to trade !! 😆 👍



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eu buys in last hour turning into sells now ........good money on offer



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markets going well............Eu is a peach in last half an hour as the usd dumped

apart from losing on 1 strange freeze out trade earlier its been a good morning so far ...heres last half an hour..............and yes I overtrade but the voices tell me to



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Morning N

What no dissers around ??

You can just imagine now - all those statements are false - they are manufactured etc etc etc

See just because they cannot do it - they think nobody else can - and again N you are proving you can talk the talk and most importantly walk the walk as well

The difference between you now and all the other traders who might have a few lucky sessions etc - is that you will not even think of martingaling or widening your stops to 20 or 50 pips because you are certain it will go up etc etc - you will carry on disciplined and take small hits whilst carrying on banking nice wins

Credit to you Neil - Very well done - It will not be so easy every day - because markets will always be Bar Stewards - but you can still be an excellent intraday trader and carry on making great money - Full Time

All the best

thanks Forexperian

and thanks to all the kind traders who have e-mailed me recently and requested I continue to post here and give my strengthmeter view on the market ...ive actually sent my mornings results to some to prove that trading strengthmeters systems can be successful if you focus and find your edge (sample attached last few trades)

In truth I am now trading more than ever - just not posting here

will try to rectify that soon and get back here to the table - I promise

good morning on the markets........ ive made about 70 trades .........only hitting 82% win rate but some good runners today so well quids in ..............

cheers all


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long day today.....finally hit my target though so pleased .........the 100% trading focus I am achieving is now really superboosting how I scalp

last 15 mins here attached ...

jees only 10 trades ??.......I must be slowing down 😎

have good weekends


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Hey All

hopefully my recent results published are showing that I do walk the talk .......regardless of the negative element at T2win who spend their time trying to drag down people trying to help fellow traders here

jees trading is hard enough without negativity ..........I don't mind banter but sometimes things go a little astray ........

the moderators here are top guys though so if you ever want to start posting threads and journals I recommend it ........

if you are genuine and looking to learn and share then people will always be on the thread to help .......ive had priceless help and support over the years from mentors and programmers all from linking up at T2win

cheers all
Just one more thing today .........and I will attach this to my signature area as well


the information I share here (linked in my signature area) re my indicators, documents, comments and my youtube videos are all provided free and in good faith

My own forex trading approach is strengthmeter based and my aim is to share BASIC principles and ideas around the use of forex strengthmeters in trading to an audience that is perhaps not aware of its uses and advantages

My basic systems invite research and exploration .....they are not 100% flawless trading systems .......they are merely there to offer an Introduction to the principles....that's it .......these indicators are MA based and therefore have lagging issues in their raw state (alongside most other indicators😎)

So please view all the material with an open mind and if you want to learn more about this fascinating area of trading go online and google it + perhaps take a look through my stuff :smart:

the technology behind the scalping results I publish here from time to time is strengthmeter based (see example attached) - but my own scalping techniques are not using the basic indicators provided here for free ....😏

I have been lucky enough over the years to collaborate with some genius programmers and traders that have provided me with some very slick indicators indeed ..........

I am able to tune them as I need based on market conditions and combined with a few years practice, sweat and focus they pay me well when I let them loose on the markets 👍

so please don't expect my freebees to make you a millionaire.......but they might put you on the path 😛



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cruising along now ......smooth eu market


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made my target for today to see friends

have good BH all
hey gang

must say the day has gone well...hit targets a while back .........the us opening has been superb

dropped a $6 trade though dammit .......

later all


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apologies that I don't comment much anymore re the USD indes and my FXCorrelator here

when I get more time I will post more ...........but with my trading and my consultancy gig I am 120% on that stuff at the moment

at least I am proving my approach is pretty ok on the scalping front and makes a few quid 😎😉

cruising along nicely myself today ......gonna take a break now as target hit a while back ..........

heres last few mins trading usual the most difficult time is when a pair is in that chop phase.....

once it decides what direction the scalping is easy...ish ! .....

as an example ive attached the scalps from 8.35 when EU came off a high..........and I sold

later all


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hey gang

sorry I've been out of the mix ............tied up on the finance / consulting side.........

I am trading as well but its a little boring to just keep posting results........I did it recently to shut the damn trolls up .....😎...

apart from that it really adds nothing to the equation for anyone wanting to learn a little more about strengthmeters and correlation

well apart from whatever strengthmeter based systems I am using seem to be going ok on scalp front ! 😆

I know people want a little more re my index and FXCorrelator observations real time

will really try to get back in saddle soon here ........:smart:

cheer all
Many thanks for this great system. It is far different from what i have seen and works pretty well.
Have a great day and profitable trades. Sorry for my bad english, just wanted to say thanks. 🙂