Best Thread Correlation Trading - Basic Ideas and Strategies

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Hi Neil, I am reaching out to you for help with the FXCorralator, I have sent you a number of emails but as yet I have had no reply. I am an elderly person who will be looking at 80 in a couple of years but
i like to keep my mind active. I am not computer savy so doing what you think is simple but to me it is very hard.
Please please help me
ps. I had to come here as I do not know what to do

Hi David

i also updated my PDF on how to load the Free indicators .....use the first area to detect where the indicators go

hope all ok now - let me now by email if help still needed



Having someone explaining how correlation trading actually works is awesome. I'm really looking forward to getting answers to average correlation in a particular time frame and what should be a good strategy to anticipate the movements.
ask away Kevin - im always around ...N
Forex Diary week ending 9th July 2021

hey gang

oka great week for 2 currencies as seen through my FixStart FXCorrelator available here for a small donation to charity

JPY / Yen got real bull up to thursday (+200 pips) then profit taking took its toll
CAD got real messy as a sell again trough to Thursday ... -250 pips and counting

thats it ...the rest were minor players and participators .....if you were not trading CAD or Yen pairs in the week you were struggling ......

wish it was always this easy .....



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Forex Diary week ending 16th July 2021

hey gang

ok heres last weeks G8 action as seen through my FixStart FXCorrelator available here for a small donation to charity

yellow JPY / Yen hit +100 pips by thursday
Turquoise NZD and even green USD both got close

Brown CAD got real messy as a sell -120 pips
Blue Euro and Red GBP also came south but much lighter

yellow Yen was net -30s negative early tuesday.... so hit +130s swing by later in week

CADJPY had a decent sell in week of about -0.7%

thats it ...the rest were minor players and participators .....if you were not trading CAD or Yen pairs in the week you were struggling ......



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    Forex Diary week ending 16th July 2021.JPG
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Forex Diary week ending 23rd July 2021

hey gang

ok heres last weeks G8 action as seen through my FixStart FXCorrelator available here for a small donation to charity

yellow JPY / Yen hit +140 pips by Tuesday - big fast plays
decent performances from grey CHF, green USD, blue Euro and then later in the Week brown CAD

Brown CAD got real messy on monday as a sell -130 pips
Red GBP also came south on Tuesday to -120s

Brown CAD was net -130s by US session Monday then swung hard to hit +100 by later in week....+230 pip net swing !

CADJPY went hard South on monday as already mentioned above ...but the CAD swing was awesome with CADJPY then going some +260 pips ..........thats awesome action !

thats it ...the rest were minor players and participators .....



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I took a look through all the latest Youtube trading videos yesterday and once again had some real laughs ..some of the stuff is so bad its good ......and 99.9% of it is in truth oversold garbage....a few gems here and there but mainly entertainment at best .......dont go there !!!

but for beginners new to trading I must sympathise ....I've been lucky enough to be around trading floors since the early 80s and was already a seasoned gambler in my teens I was never exposed to the oversold garbage and hype that you guys are seeing ......I got trained by the best and kept learning these last 40 years ....with forex my speciality the last 21 years

please please do your due diligence and seek out all the excellent free stuff that the internet and google provides

I am happy to provide links to half decent websites and free courses to get you rolling PM me .....dont do anything till you've done this for a few months plus playing with demo accounts

you will save $000s by doing it yourself ......maybe until such time you need a mentor or a decent specialist course that suits you ......but by then you will KNOW what you are looking for ......not paying scammers to sell you stuff they got for free and just consolidated it ......they cant make money trading so sell stuff instead .....Truth



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Forex Diary week ending 30th july 2021

My fixstart indicator on chart is available here for £15 donation to charity

only one real star ....Red GBP to +150 pips

3 main sellers in week
green USD / Turquoise NZD and its pal the Orange AUD ...all touched -100 pips

Trades of the week - buying GBP in pairs worked well till Friday
Looks like GU (Cable did the best overall peaking by middle of Thursday

im always here to help cut through the Trading BS that represents 95% of all Trading commentary and Social media these days ....absolute Zoo out there .....



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Forex Diary for 16 Aug 2021

2 weeks into august and here we are :-

My fixstart indicator on chart is available here for £15 donation to charity

only one real star ....Turquiose NZD to +150 pips
orange AUD followed

2 main sellers in August so far :-
Brown CAD was hit hard in week 1 to - 130s
CHF slowly came south to -140 by last wednesday

Red GBP woefully flat .....Blue Euro was a steady sell ....

Trade of the month to date ? - buying NZD into CAD and also CHF was good ....then Green USD swung north in week 2 offering some great trades buying into CHF and Euro as well

always here to help cut through the Trading BS that represents 95% of all Trading commentary and Social media these days ....



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Forex Diary for week ending 20th Aug 2021

My fixstart indicator on chart is available here for £15 donation to charity

as the stock market saw some jitters this week 3 main currencies hit the headlines as Bull Plays

Yellow yen
Green USD
Gray CHF

these are the 3 classic currencies to buy in a stock dip and to sell when markets boom
and they didn't disappoint this week .....all going to +200 pips

only Brown Cad really took a beating......pushing -270 pips at times ...ouch !

Trade of the week was Selling CAD in to any of the 3 bull currencies already mentioned
UCAD alone moved up over 3% on week at highs (some 400 pips)

my Stable of Strengthmeter indicators gives me tremendous and immediate insight into the FX market and has allowed me an edge for the last 21 years magic boxes and no circus tricks

I try to cut through the Trading BS that is seen on most Trading Forums and Social media these days ....



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Forex Diary for week ending 27th Aug 2021

My fixstart indicator on chart is available here for £15 donation to charity


as the stock market rallied a little this week we saw 3 main "Risk" currencies go Bear :-

Yellow yen
Green USD
Gray CHF

Yen got to - 160 pips so not too bad

only Brown Cad really flew ......pushing +170 pips at times ...the biggest bounce on last weeks smashing it took

Trade of the week was Buying CAD in to any of the 3 bear currencies already mentioned
UCAD was some 250 pips down in week as an example

my Strengthmeter indicators give me tremendous insight into the FX market and has provided me an edge for the last 21 years magic boxes and no circus tricks are needed

I avoid the Trading BullS#it seen on most Trading Forums and Social media......keeping it real !



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Forex Diary for the 2 weeks ending 10th Sep 2021

My fixstart indicator on chart is available here for £15 donation to charity


Good 2 weeks for the Turquoise NZD and Red GBP came well this latest week after a slow start to Sep
Orange AUD was ok but fell this week


Gray CHF had a strong bear week 1 and held week 2
Brown Cad fell this week but very very twitchy at times

Trade of week

Week 1 was Buying NZD into CHF .....
Week 2 it got real twitchy ...selling CAD into USD or even NZD worked at times

my Strengthmeter indicators give me tremendous insight into the FX market and has now provided me a statistical edge for the last 21 years magic boxes and no circus tricks are needed

I ignore the fake Trading BullS#it seen on most Trading Forums and Social media......I keep it real !



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Forex Diary for the week ending 17th Sep 2021

My fixstart indicator on chart is available here for £15 donation to charity

Following the memorial weekend for 9/11 the forex market was pretty flat all week .....


Brown CAD too 4 days to get to a measly +90 pips on week
Yellow Yen and Green USD chased hard on Friday to achieve just below that ....


Gray CHF was the real dog this week hitting -70 pips by end of week
Only Orange AUD came close

So Flat ........ZZZZZZZZZZ

Trade of week

measly pips mainly selling CHF into CAD , Yen and USD .... ...for example UCHF offered a 160 pip swing trade in week
all praise if you got near that or similar

my Strengthmeters give me tremendous insight into the FX market and have provided me with statistical edge for the last 21 years magic boxes or circus tricks are needed...just observing the market !

I ignore the fake Trading BullS#it seen on most Trading Forums and Social media......I just keep it real !



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    Forex Diary week ending 17th September 2021.JPG
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Forex Diary for the week ending 24th Sep 2021

My fixstart indicator on chart is available here for £15 donation to charity


Good week for Brown CAD hitting +120 pips by week-end
Grey CHF and Yellow Yen were +100 pips at times


Red GBP fell this week to -110 pips but bounced north hard

Trade of week ?

anything buying the 3 bulls into the Main bear of week .....swinging Yen as a sell was interesting from late tuesday ...maybe into CAD ....10/10 if you saw that one

my Strengthmeter indicators give me tremendous insight into the FX market and has now provided me a statistical edge for the last 21 years magic boxes and no circus tricks are needed

There is no drama in my reporting or trading .....its boring stuff generating good returns when done correctly

I ignore the fake Trading BullS#it seen on most Trading Forums and Social media......I keep it real !



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Forex Diary for the week ending 8th Oct 2021

My fixstart indicator on chart is available here for £15 donation to charity

Good week for Brown CAD hitting +170 pips by week-end
Red GBP hit +70s in week

Yellow yen fell this week to -170 pips by Friday
Blue Euro slowly went south to -60s

Trade of week ?

anything buying the GBP and CAD especially was cool ....selling Euro and Yen - especially Yen from Wednesday

Swing trades were surprisingly light this week .....nothing much veered of course of its initial Directional Bias ...unusual

my Strengthmeter indicators give me tremendous insight into the FX market and has now provided me a statistical edge for the last 21 years magic boxes and no circus tricks are needed

There is no drama in my reporting or trading .....its boring stuff generating good returns when done correctly

I totally ignore the fake Trading BullS*it seen on most Trading Forums and Social media......just do my thing !



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hey all

Thanks for the many kind messages and comments to me over the last few weeks/months

Sorry - i'm not in a position to mentor or train people at the moment ...i'm too busy Trading my own accounts plus working with other traders and programmers on bespoke trading systems

if i ever get some time to help people I will let you all know

Forex Diary for the week ending 15th Oct 2021

My fixstart indicator on chart is available here for £15 donation to charity

ok week for Turquoise NZD and Red GBP both hitting +120 pips by week-end,
Orange AUD and Brown CAD also did ok ....

Massive Yellow yen selloff this week (AGAIN) to -310 pips by Friday and it sold off every single day
Thats big Action for a week ...massive "Risk on" trades being made across the markets ...

Nothing else came close as a Bear ...Green USD a poor secondary Seller

Trade of week ?

Anything Selling Yen was a massive winner ....easy money on all Timeframes
if you were trading anything else than you were not watching the full G8 market
(Have i taught you guys anything in the last 11 years ?...hahahaha)

my Strengthmeters give me a tremendous insight into the FX market (especially in a week like this) and provided me with a strong statistical edge for the last 21 years magic boxes / no circus tricks

you all know where i am gang if needed



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Not sure if I'm on the correct wavelength or not but seem to be getting the hang of things.

- GBP weak for the session on Fixstart.
- Wait until USD index returns bull above 7ma, FXCorrelator also agrees.
- Enter sell position, SL 1ATR, TP1 1ATR, Close 50% Move to BE, TP2 2ATR.


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Forex Diary for the week ending 22nd Oct 2021

My fixstart indicator on chart is available here for £15 donation to charity

slowish week after Yens drama last week ....

ok week for Turquoise NZD and Orange AUD ... both hitting around +70 pips by week-end,


Yellow yen had a smaller selloff this week to -80 pips by Wednesday ...then bounded Back
Green USD, Brown CAD, Grey CHF and even a late run by Red GBP all got down at times as well

but pretty quiet in truth for action .....

Trade of week ?

Anything Selling Yen and even USD into the NZD and AUD was ok to Wednesday , then some decent reversals in play to Friday .....classic Divergence / Convergence week vs opens

my Strengthmeters have given me a tremendous insight into the FX market for the last 21 years magic boxes / no circus tricks or Gimmicks ....



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Not sure if I'm on the correct wavelength or not but seem to be getting the hang of things.

- GBP weak for the session on Fixstart.
- Wait until USD index returns bull above 7ma, FXCorrelator also agrees.
- Enter sell position, SL 1ATR, TP1 1ATR, Close 50% Move to BE, TP2 2ATR.

HEY Adrian ....!!!

the highlighted Red GBP had a very low profile week never really caught fire at all in a direction ...but very choppy !
(chart1 1hr bars) truth if i were trying to get a pullback trade into GBP using a 7ma FXCorrelator it was impossible

i was focused on selling Yen and USD in pairs against the strong Aussie currencies to midweek ...then wasnt so interested after that (plus busy on a few projects)

lower TFs on actual sessions (Asian/European / USA) would have been more profitable

send me some more posts of what you did here ...good for everyone to see

if you are making money by identifying the currencies moving ...then you are already halfway there !

well done


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Forex Diary for the week ending 29TH Oct 2021

My fixstart indicator on chart is available here for £15 donation to charity

slowish week again ....

ok week for Red GBP and mainly Orange AUD ... AUD hitting around +85 by week-end,


Yellow yen had a smaller selloff this week to -75 pips by Wednesday ...
Blue Euro hit same levels by late friday .....

but pretty quiet in truth for action .....

Trade of week ?

Anything Selling Yen and even Euro into the AUD was ok much grey in between

my Strengthmeters have given me a tremendous insight into the FX market for the last 21 years magic boxes / no circus tricks or Gimmicks ....



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