heres my Lance Beggs email this morning and something i keep banging on about as well to all the traders I work with .....
Start with a strong defence !!!
Trading is a totally brutal and unforgiving game.....absolutely no quarter is given by the market may look great in hindsight ....but thats the moment its as confusing and tough as it can be ....
a lot of traders talk to me about their projected win ratios 2:1 , 3:1 and so on ..........
seriously ? waste time worrying about that ?*
heres what you worry about ..........
your win / lose ratio.........and more importantly ......your % of incorrect executions
thats it ......dont worry about hitting the ball out of the ground .........lets just start by hitting the damn ball a few feet ....ok ?*
in other words ....i want you all ONLY taking the best trades and executing them well
is that hard ?
No in theory ........but 100% yes in practice............*
Defence Defence Defence ..........worry about the rest later*
Start with a strong defence !!!
Hi Lance,
I heard this recently while watching football.
It's not how many great plays you make, it's how few bad plays you make.
I immediately emailed this to myself because it is so applicable to trading. I know where the good places are to trade, but the key is waiting for price to get there and not "forcing" a trade.
Here is the full quote I found online:
"Like I always say, it's not how many great plays you make; it's how few bad ones you make. I know fans, and even some losing coaches, are enamored with long pass completions or the great run plays, but that doesn't offset the interception or the fumble."... Jimmy Johnson