many apologies - my attention has been on working with a fellow trader on the Dax last week or so ..............very very interesting 🙂
this morning on forex was all about the bull europeans from 6am ...........euro currency is up 60+ pips at moment .............Stonking trades buying it into yen and USD mainly
if you didnt make money today scalping those pairs then please please either try using strengthmeter strategies (such as my simple FXcorrelator strategies in links below) - or go try another you are eventually going to lose a lot of money playing here as a wannabee trader 🙂
im mainly testing some dax systems this morning with a trading colleague .........doing ok as well 🙂
on the forex side its pretty volatile ...usd is swinging like sinatra.....mainly bull plays scalps available but you have to be quick selling currencies into it
usd index has now swung some 50 pips south from earlier london highs .....superb scalping conditions ....european currencies pickedup up most of the pipage so far
usd index has now swung some 50 pips south from earlier london highs .....superb scalping conditions ....european currencies pickedup up most of the pipage so far
sorry i have been helping test some Dax scalping systems last 2 weeks ..........a bit of an interesting divergence for me from my Forex Strengthmeter strategies and I am learning a lot
dont worry - im not stepping away from my FXcorrelator based systems .....just trying new stuff and learning some new tricks to add to the armoury
will try and get back here a little more ...........
last week was cracking on the markets ...some great volatility from the Red GBP went to 270+ pips at one point last week before fading a little thursday / friday
greenback usd had a bad bear week .....down over 200 pips .thats nearly a 500 pipper bull round trip on Cable !!.....1.43 last week !!!!
wow - nearly 2 million views for this thread ............I just want to thank my family for the 1.9 million times they helped me here ............hahahahaha 🙂
3930 on GU ..still falling ............EJ still falling as well...............Yen and USD are playing tag team bull currencies ............if you go back to the first few posts in this 2 million view thread you will see my same instructions on how to identify such a strong pattern to trade ....nearly 10 years ago and still as fresh today !! 🙂