Best Thread Correlation Trading - Basic Ideas and Strategies

morning all ....

aud the main buy this morning so far ..........usd came hard north since ......usd softening now a little

main scalps selling into these guys so far.. ...

neil -----ouch that buying at 27 must be kicking you in privates (lol)

so the GU yesterday faded to low 2520's then again went north to 2337 by 12.16 with nice pips .....

sorry dude never sure where your coming from ...irony ?......

sorry i respond to so much stuff in forums and PMs ........sometimes i get wrong end of stick ?

finally got another decent bite of the usd bull plays this morning on GU came off hard of the 2540s from earlier Highs ......nice confluence in signals ......
i have quite a few following me on myltiple forums ....sorry guys going to have to sign off soon as other duties call .....will try to get back later

at this moment i see...

Bull Euro and chf (rebuys)...cad overdue a bull bounce as well un

usd weakening slowly now , gbp looks generally bear as well

others flat / rangy

lively start to us session .......

im scalping yen buys , usd buys so far ..........selling aussies mainly ..........only euro looks moderately interested in selling so far

ok lets look at GU for 2 seconds ....then i need more screens for trading

ok looking to sell it
if you use strengthmeters you will see the action TRULY

gbp is a SELL.........usd not so sure its a buy though

now usd looking better to buy...............I may load more sells on GU here
the usd is perfect buy at moment ....but gbp and euro not happy as sells 100%
weve had 8 pips sell out of the GBP tight tight tight
ok there was a gu sell scalp live ............gonna open up more screens now so back later 1 pair is boring and totally inefficient when there are plenty of others doing better

2463 the GU now ...........easy money :)
