Control your emotions in Forex


Active member
We cannot trade with emotions so high. We have to keep calm on trading days and the less emotions involve, the more chances of winning trades. It is really advisable to do not get emotional while trading because this could lead you to be out of focus and eventually loosing.
We cannot trade with emotions so high. We have to keep calm on trading days and the less emotions involve, the more chances of winning trades. It is really advisable to do not get emotional while trading because this could lead you to be out of focus and eventually loosing.

so the markets arent emotionally driven then ?
Emotions play a great role in forex trading and due to this experienced traders suggested to control on it. Emotions may lead you for big lose as well.
here the emotion--mostly like the fear, greed you have. but everybody have it. just control it with right strategy of trading. loose stop etc.