Excel Workbook for Trade Analysis


Do we have any sources for obtaining an Excel worksheet macro that would allow a user to setup an account balance and figure out order size, amount invested, % return, balance totals based on pips returned per day, per week. For example, you have $5000 in yor account, what pip return per day would be required to reach whatever goal the trader was looking for, lets say 100,000 in 3 years. What would be the correct position sizing from a Risk management stand point. I've not had much luck finding a macro out on a Google search.
Hi, and welcome to Trade2win !

It should be quite easy to create one of these from scratch, rather than look for one on the net. I'm sure that some bright spark will be along soon to help you out.



Mrsirplus said:
Do we have any sources for obtaining an Excel worksheet macro that would allow a user to setup an account balance and figure out order size, amount invested, % return, balance totals based on pips returned per day, per week. For example, you have $5000 in yor account, what pip return per day would be required to reach whatever goal the trader was looking for, lets say 100,000 in 3 years. What would be the correct position sizing from a Risk management stand point. I've not had much luck finding a macro out on a Google search.
Thanks guy's, I had a feeling I would have to go to the book store and start learning Excel the old fashion way. One chapter at a time. Is "Goal Seek" part of Excel or an add on?
Its all a little academic really, but anyway, try this.

If you're trading futures or fixed amount increments then you'll have the issue of contract size to deal with



