Concept FX

Hi Graham,

Interesting. I wonder what's changed, and whether they will be able to post up 4 years of "results"! I have generally gone off stocks though, and I don't think I would want to run Tradewin alongside Concept-FX. Maybe if it was EOD, like Concept, but def not if alerts come through at unpredictable intervals during the trading day........too much chance of slippage.

Being out of the country at the moment, I am rather dependant on email. I emailed Jeran with some questions a few days ago, but got no response. Not a crisis, but rather disappointing.

Sandy i will forward an email i got from him on monday stating that he is on 9 days leave from tuesday. I know what ur saying about the slippage on the tradewin software but im fortunate enough to live on a pc or a phone and never found it a problem to deal with the alerts...But i do love this end of day trading
......I know what ur saying about the slippage on the tradewin software but im fortunate enough to live on a pc or a phone and never found it a problem to deal with the alerts...But i do love this end of day trading

I was roaming overseas all the time I was with Tradewin, getting the alerts by SMS on my mobile and then (on the same mobile) trading with the CMC Mobile platform. Seemed a perfect arrangement. The slippage problem may have been because the SMS alerts were getting held up, with the result I could not apply them in a timely way.

I would like it if the Concept-FX daily instructions could be sent out by SMS, but it's not a big deal because its all done EOD. The PC platform is neat, but really all you need is the numbers! I am going to float it to Jeran/Neil.

I have also taken some silly loses with gold and oil this week. But am sticking with them for now. I just need to plan my trades a lot more, and dont try and intraday trade, as that was expensive yesterday. I did it as an experiment, and it did not work. Today I am setting up the trades and going to play golf and not look at anything.

Over the past two weeks for oil and gold, I am about even, but I did start with some big wins (big for me anyway).

Concept has proven to be a consitent winner over this time, so that will be my main income for now, and I will just be more careful.

This could all change if my trades go against me again today. I will invade a small oil producing country and force the prices back up
sandy and the others...if we are to begin learning more from concept and our own systems lets try and pick a few charts and predict where an entry and exit level will be......we shouldnt really pick any of concept ones that are pending or live but it may happen from time to time if it is obvious...I am keen to learn and i am starting to see signals on my own charts..i may be totally wrong but yesterday i had 2 wins and made 221 pips by plotting my trades on tueasday!!...your thoughts and are welcome..concept cheating!!!


  • 18.07.08 day chart gbpusd.gif
    18.07.08 day chart gbpusd.gif
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hi guys
just had this emailed, dont know maybe it should be the start of a new thred ttake a look i haven't
got a clue


I know a few people who have taken a look at the Ultimate Forex Predictor (UFXP) and have found it a struggle. People have commented that the author will often retrospectively fiddle / alter some of the systems key settings after a series of losing trades and then suggested that a profit could have been made if the settings had been applied for that trading day (which of course you cant because the day has already now passed). If you search the internet there are now several blog sites which track and test system performance of these kind of systems. UFXP is being tested on a few.

Cash Master Blog

This is one of my favourite sites at the moment (I have no connection to this site) and the site owner tests a number of systems over a period of around 6 weeks and posts results on an almost daily basis. The systems relate to either financial markets or sports betting.

Online Betting Exposed is also another good site with fair reporting of system tests.

Hope this helps,
Lets talk...about it


sandy and the others...if we are to begin learning more from concept and our own systems lets try and pick a few charts and predict where an entry and exit level will be......we shouldnt really pick any of concept ones that are pending or live but it may happen from time to time if it is obvious...I am keen to learn and i am starting to see signals on my own charts..i may be totally wrong but yesterday i had 2 wins and made 221 pips by plotting my trades on tueasday!!...your thoughts and are welcome..concept cheating!!!
Lets talk...about it


Why not start a new thread for 'off topic' stuff like this? No offence meant but its just that so many potentially good threads on T2W get bogged down by posts which move away from the original subject. This thread has been pretty good upto now since, as well as showing how well / badly Concept FX is working, it also shows the differing emotions of people who are attempting to deal with trading a black box system.

Arek - There is nothing that anyone can say on here which will either make you a better trader or hand you 'winning trades' on a plate so there is no point trying to go down this road.

Im happy with a new thread..there is one just now called potential setups..Trader dante is the guru there and a couple of his disciples..i posted once and felt like i was getting shot down in flames because i was a novice..This was the real pleasure of this thread we are all people keen to learn and on the road to some sort of system be it successful or not!..beleive it or not im not one to post on threads but this one felt like a right friendly one..and it is even more rewarding to have guys like steve come on compliment our thread...I feel ive done my job aim was to show concept wasnt a scam as the very 2nd post suggested...i am more than happy with concept but ive hit it on a winning streak..had the results have been different you may not have found my confidence in the system quite as positive..I am on holiday for a week so wont get a chance to add my views on here..but if a new thread is started please send me a private message....
Why not start a new thread for 'off topic' stuff like this? No offence meant but its just that so many potentially good threads on T2W get bogged down by posts which move away from the original subject. This thread has been pretty good upto now since, as well as showing how well / badly Concept FX is working, it also shows the differing emotions of people who are attempting to deal with trading a black box system.

Arek - There is nothing that anyone can say on here which will either make you a better trader or hand you 'winning trades' on a plate so there is no point trying to go down this road.



Well said. This is a fairly broad thread, with a variety of ideas coming through, which makes it interesting. People who just want to cackle like chickens should get off here altogether. If they continue, we should all just ignore them. I do not want to speak unkindly to anyone, but enough is enough. If it gets too boring I shall just leave myself.

Communications with Concept

Sandy i will forward an email i got from him on monday stating that he is on 9 days leave from tuesday. I know what ur saying about the slippage on the tradewin software but im fortunate enough to live on a pc or a phone and never found it a problem to deal with the alerts...But i do love this end of day trading

Would appreciate a bit of advice from those of you who have already bought Concept
Have decided to take the plunge and spend the £4k. Called them up about 4.00pm yesterday and only got an answerphone. Left a message telling them why I was calling and asking for call back; still no response 20 hours later; would have thought they would be keen to get the sale. If they are as inefficient as that in closing a new sale it does not give me confidence. Is there actually anyone else in their office except this guy Jeran who is on holiday?
Torran i have another number and ive just cold called them they are in! it is 08700 428018

This is concept direct who have just told me they have 350 members and they are going to cap it at 600 members
600 members - that's £2.4M if everyone is paying £4k each.

Go on Concept - what a wonderful Concept!
Having started this thread I've been watching it with interest. From the early days of replies from a bunch of paranoid pillocks, who were so conceited they thought only they were capable of calling the market, to those like Arek, who clearly shouldn't be trading at all (keep it in a bank or building society where it's reasonably safe and you don't need to worry!) all trading life is here! Unless one is prepared to open one's mind and be receptive to new ideas you could hardly blame the population from still travelling on the back of an Ox!
There are many ways of making money, from both Forex investments and sports betting. I do very nicely and find it far easier than working, which I once did. If one adopts a blinkered view and aren't prepared to speculate you will never become rich.
Hi scanjet,

glad to hear something positive and that your successful at it,

so are you a trader or gambler or both? and how long have you been doing it?

Having started this thread I've been watching it with interest. From the early days of replies from a bunch of paranoid pillocks, who were so conceited they thought only they were capable of calling the market, to those like Arek, who clearly shouldn't be trading at all (keep it in a bank or building society where it's reasonably safe and you don't need to worry!) all trading life is here! Unless one is prepared to open one's mind and be receptive to new ideas you could hardly blame the population from still travelling on the back of an Ox!
There are many ways of making money, from both Forex investments and sports betting. I do very nicely and find it far easier than working, which I once did. If one adopts a blinkered view and aren't prepared to speculate you will never become rich.
Would appreciate a bit of advice from those of you who have already bought Concept
Have decided to take the plunge and spend the £4k. Called them up about 4.00pm yesterday and only got an answerphone. Left a message telling them why I was calling and asking for call back; still no response 20 hours later; would have thought they would be keen to get the sale. If they are as inefficient as that in closing a new sale it does not give me confidence. Is there actually anyone else in their office except this guy Jeran who is on holiday?

Hi Torran,

In my experience they are often difficult to get hold of. I think they share a receptionist with others in the building(s), and apart from Jeran who mostly handles sales, there are the two guys I imagine to be the principals, who are the brains behind the systems. There appear to be a plethora of trading names, and I cannot makeout who is what, but there is obviously a lot of overlap.

There are two offices as far as I know, one in Luton (supposedly Concept-FX) and one in Borehamwood (Tradewin Strategy or Tradewin Publications). There are various telephone numbers, which I list below. I notice two are London numbers. I have never been able to raise them at Luton, but have had success at Borehamwood. Having made contact I have always had polite intelligent conversations. Although a couple of years back, when I first thought of buying into Tradewin, I spoke to someone (not Jeran) who was polite but very dismissive of my questions, saying basically "the system works, if you don't want to invest in it, forget it".

0800 0437 033

08700 428 018

01582 434347

020 8387 1342

0208 387 1340

All this fuzziness does make "due diligence" before buying pretty difficult.
In the end I just put my trust in Jeran, who I met when I visited Borehamwood and bought into the Tradewin system. And I had good vibes when I spoke to Neil on the phone after I had bought.

I bought the Concept-FX system by telephone and download "sight unseen", having done a fair amount of number crunching on their published "results". The first I had heard of it was a marketing email. I was not on this thread at the time!

Best of luck
andy pandy, sorry sandy
now you guys really do sound like salesmen

This is concept direct who have just told me they have 350 members and they are going to cap it at 600 members