Interesting bit about the ISA Anddy...thats exactly what I am doing. Being able to look after your own fund, rather than someone else (who indeed charges management and performance fees etc), is much more interesting/fun (albeit much more risky!) than sticking in an ISA. As long as you stick to the one golden rule, don't invest what you can't afford to lose, then happy days. Sticking a little in every month rather than into an ISA seems very sensible indeed. Even ISA's are crap when things go bad, as we've certainly seen over the last few months.
On another note, if you do fancy another way of earning money via FX, with someone else doing all the work, FXCM do their own managed funds
😱). Putting some money their way will spread the risk a little, meaning not all you eggs are in one basket. Obivously you wont earn mega returns, but certainly more than the usual investment vehicles.
Managed Forex Account - Performance
And no I don't work for them before you ask!! Just sharing some info that may be of interest.