Free Webinar, Good learning tool
What: Online Seminar "Webinar"
When: 2/8/05 Tuesday, February 8th
Time: 11:30 am cst (-6:00) GMT
Where: Online, Chicago Mercantile Exchange Chat Room
Cost: FREE -- register online at:
Markets: Electronic Futures -- mini S&P's, Stock Index, and Currencies.
Password: Emailed prior to the event
What: Online Seminar "Webinar"
When: 2/8/05 Tuesday, February 8th
Time: 11:30 am cst (-6:00) GMT
Where: Online, Chicago Mercantile Exchange Chat Room
Cost: FREE -- register online at:
Markets: Electronic Futures -- mini S&P's, Stock Index, and Currencies.
Password: Emailed prior to the event
monarch said:Hi Guys
I have just read the whole thread over the last few days after starting to get interested in Spreads.
I must say your analysis of the whole coffee situation (Gene, DaveT) has been pretty impressive.
I think anyone wanting to learn how to make an informed choice on when and where to enter a trade based on fundementals and charts could do a lot worse than study your careful analysis of the coffee futures.
I would have loved to have joined you in the trade but am only just getting organised.
I would like a bit of help in the nuts & bolts of trading futures.
As I said I am mainly looking at trdaing Commodity Spreads to start with as I have been advised they are less risky.
I would like to know the best place to get charts for commodities, and a good broker where I can actually trade contracts.
I wonder DaveT do you trade electronically or use a telephone based broker?
I know you provided a list of brokers for our Spanish friend but would like to know which is the best one for a UK trader.
thanks for your help and keep up the excellant posts.