NYBOT coffee stocks down AGAIN on the month. (see news release below)
It is said a bull market needs feeding every day. Plenty of daily 'food 'coming up.... 😀
DJ US Nov Green Coffee Stocks Dn 234,367 Bags To 5.166M Bags
Total exchange
and non-exchange Difference
Nov 30 Oct 31
Total New York 2,011,661 2,058,753 -47,092
Total New Orleans 1,370,388 1,430,216 -59,828
Total Jacksonvile 118,000 137,000 -19,000
Total Miami 902,484 981,134 -78,650
Total Houston 340,268 343,348 -3,080
Total Laredo 72,757 85,421 -12,664
Total San Francisco 300,755 327,986 -27,231
Total Los Angeles 2,570 2,570 0
Total Norfolk 41,613 28,219 13,394
Total Port Everglades 0 0 0
Total Philadelphia 5,759 5,975 -216
Total U.S. 5,166,255 5,400,622 -234,367
The data furnished is derived from the local warehousemen in the
listed port areas. The compilation has been made by the Green Coffee
Association, Inc which has no reason to believe the data is not reasonably
accurate, but no assurance is given or representation made as to the
accuracy or completeness of all or any of the material.