Best Thread COFFEE - The next big bull?

DaveT said:

Turning to the weekly (linear nearest continuous) -

There is evidence the uptrend may be accelerating :

1) Major uptrend line (from 2001 lows) was not re-tested on this year's decline.

2) Current short-term uptrend line is at a more sustainable angle than previous examples - see chart.

The closer to 45* a trendline is, the more likely it is to be sustained. (Gann theory?)

Once again thanks for analysis. Looks very appealing.
Hoeever, I still suspect (see earlier post) that KC will trade down below 6400.

But how does one trade this! Todays' slide of 3.3 pts represents $1237.5 per futures contract. I guess keep on stalking and perhaps some long dated OTM options? If there are any?

Is this the start of the 'big bull'?

I suspect so, but where to enter if not already in?

Fundamental factors are coming to the fore - stocks dropping, and news of an earthquake in Columbia today as well......

Bgold - I doubt we'll see 6400 again this year....


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Look at this Weekly log chart (nearest) - it clearly shows an acceleration of the bull market, forming a new , steeper channel (but not too steep @ 54*)

I would be looking to buy as close to the lower trendline (of this NEW channel) as possible.


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DaveT said:

Look at this Weekly log chart (nearest) - it clearly shows an acceleration of the bull market, forming a new , steeper channel (but not too steep @ 54*)

I would be looking to buy as close to the lower trendline (of this NEW channel) as possible.

Well, I am bullish but for now only long term and will stay at side lines. Reasoning:
1. Elliott Wave count points to a non-impulsive advance from the August lows, which I think may have completed wave B of an ABC flat correction since the May highs of Wave 1. Wave C of 2 would still end up below the August lows,
2. It seems that Commercials are still increasing their net short Open Interest position.
3. Various indicators on daily chart seem to point to neg divergence. RSI, MACD, Money Flow, and Osc have not yet matched the Sep highs.
4. Mondays' rally was supposedly trigered by triggereing buy-stops of hedgefunds(?)

Is this a fake break-out triggered by buy stops of Hedgefunds? All things considered I would not want to bet against the Insiders. I am suspicious of the funds. At this stage of the (perhaps) great commodities bullrun of 1st decade of 21st century, these funds are run by relatively inexperienced operators (often young and relative junior) who appear to be often running into traps set-up by the insiders. Although the charts may look familiar to former bond and equities traders, the make-up of the commodity futures markets is IMHO very different.

We'll soon enough what future will bring. I would still not be surprised to see the March contract below 7100 ( 8900 last). Still, I will assess situation on what I see developing on my screens and will start stalk KC H nearer to 8200/8400.

Dave, your analysis is stellar and much appreciated. many thanks for the very long term perspective.
Bgold - I also appreciate your derailed appraisal of the current technical situation.

I will see how the Weekly close looks on Friday to add further to the assessment.
LOL - Apologies for the typo - I mean your DETAILED appraisal, ofcourse. 😆 😱

Yeah! What if...?

edit: This post is about a page late. 🙂
It's a response to Nazzdack's
What's for coffee Governor?

"I saw something where somebody overlayed a long-term coffee price chart with a sunspot cycle chart. It seems that coffee rallies sharply during sunspot cycle minimums.............Hey? What if it continues to happen in the future?!?!?"---Nazzdack
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( I have revised my latest analysis on Coffee)

The daily,weekly and monthly Coffee charts are beginning to indicate that this could indeed be the start of a multi-week/multi-month uptrend, taking prices to long-term overhead resistance, (perhaps up to 150)

Let's look at an interesting comparison which I have studied and charted. In the DAILY study I will use JULY 2005 COFFEE, as I am looking to position trade Coffee for up to 6 months out.
(I appreciate it is not the most liquid contract to date) :

The breakout in COFFEE which we have now has some similarities with the breakout in WHEAT back in mid-2002. Both show a long basing action on the Monthly and Weekly Charts, a slow emerging uptrend and a sudden breakout UP and subsequent acceleration.

I have compared

:the DEC 2002 WHEAT contract (from May 2002-Sept 2002)
: the JUL 2005 COFFEE contract (from Oct 2004- present)

I have illustrated the corresponding technical points on the 2 charts attatched. Here is a summary of these similarities : (see charts for key)


1) Both Uptrends started with (minor) higher highs and higher lows (lows 1 and 2)

2) A historic HIGH RANGE UP BAR signals the start of an extended uptrend :
- 15 cent UP-DAY in DEC 02 WHEAT (around 6/27 date )
- 10 cent UP-DAY in JUL 05 COFFEE (aroung 11/15 date)

3) Price INITIALLY holds the trendline drawn from LOW 2 in both cases.

4) Price CORRECTS to the trendline drawn from LOW 1. (????)
- Corrections 1 and 2 in DEC 02 WHEAT (around 7/02 and 8/22 dates)
- Correction 1 in JUL 05 COFFEE ???????

Point 4 above illustrates the potential for a CORRECTION in JULY 2005 COFFEE down ONLY to the trendline drawn from LOW 1 (should the correlation continue). This could mean a dip to the 95-97 area.


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Also, here is the MONTHLY comparison (COFFEE vs WHEAT)

The point is :

We could be at the monthly breakout point in COFFEE, as per WHEAT in mid-2002.


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My suggestion on how to trade it:
Wait for a correction on the daily chart, then on a 15 minute chart watch for clues of a bottom, then a 5 minute chart, then a 1 minute chart. When you get a reversal signal on the 1 minute chart flip a coin to decide whether to buy.

If you buy, don't turn your back on it.

But if the market runs away from you and your afraid to get in, that's fine. So what? There's other markets out there. It's better to err on the side of caution.

(Someday I'm gonna make a T-shirt: "TRADERS: ALWAYS BE AFRAID." It will have the chart that shows limit moves for several days in a row in Pork Bellies a few years back.--Hang on a minute. I'll see if I can find it..... ....... ....Here it is!)


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Coffee definitely wants to go higher, but I am waiting for that correction down (possibly) to major support @ 9410 (BASIS MAY).

This level represents monthly/weekly continuous AND daily support, and there is a small GAP there which the market may want to (partially) fill before moving higher again.

I definitely think that is the most we could get, at this juncture. This market has 'awoken' at long last, (see my previous analysis and comparison with Wheat back in 2002)

On the upside , I will be INITIALLY targeting :
1) 1st Monthy 'spike' resistance (low of a previous spike high bar) at 11800 BASIS MAY
2) MAY Weekly Continuous Triangle objective at 12200-12700


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I love the fact that this has digressed from the futures to the commodity! Wonderful boys! I guess we culd all hike up our intake of coffee and blame it for any bad trading or for the desire to blow away any of our competitors and blame it on emotional disturbance due to caffeine poisoning.
I'm going to strictly drink tea!
What's the market like for that? I'll check it out.
Happy trading.
The Stoat Lady.
I want to jump in, again, but I'm afraid to at this point. If coffee gets down to support by the close tomorrow (12/10/04) before the crop estimate comes out, that would be great.

I enjoy and respect your input, Dave. Good trading in Cocoa, you did! (See the "Cocoa" thread, y'all.) I only made about half what you did per contract.

I find this thread, entitled "Coffee-The next big bull?", which is and has been from the first post about the coffee (which is a commodity)market, to be very interesting and useful.

Now if you'll excuse me, I believe I'll go look for a thread that I care nothing about and post a snide comment. 🙂
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Thanks for your comments, Gene. Much appreciated. 🙂

Hi Stoat Trader 😉 - No tea here, I'm afraid! 😆

Do you have an opinion/position on the Coffee market? Do you trade the commodities?
So what happened to Wheat then DaveT a post a while ago , did that turn out as expected ?
JkLondon -

Re. Wheat - I was referring to the comparison I made (see charts earlier in this thread)

I was comparing the breakout in Wheat (which OCCURED in mid-2002) with the apparant breakout in Coffee which we are now witnessing.

I see several parallels (on Monthly, Weekly and Daily charts).

In mid-2002 Wheat broke out (UP) on the Monthly charts from a 4-year+ basing formation.
The uptrend on the weekly and daily charts (in Wheat ,at that time) is also quite similar to the uptrend we have now in the respective Coffee charts.

In mid-2002 Wheat started a strong 4-month rally (from 255 to 435). This was the biggest move in Wheat for several years.

The same situation is presenting itself now in Coffee, IMO.

I'm merely giving some historical reference to the potential forthcoming move in Coffee, by comparing with a similar (past) set-up in another commodity.
Just an aside:

DowJones newswires getting firmly crossed this morning..... 😆


DJ CORRECT: Liffe Cocoa Down, Not Up; Coffee Up, Not Down

(In an item at 1251 GMT, the direction of the day's moves for Liffe cocoa and
coffee was misstated in the headline.)

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
🙄 🙄 :
Could you recommend any good links to start me off with essential info on trading commodities. As it sounds , a new area for me. Thanks for any help.
chump - here are some relevant sites from my favourites :


Main US commodity Exchanges (go to educational resorces, etc)

Hope these are of use to you.