Best Thread CMC Markets owner answers your questions

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I'm not sure why all the spread betting firms dont just change onto MT4 platforms and save themselves a bundle in development costs.
You're a dyed in the wool IG 'fanboy', ergo you're opinion is coloured..I stand by all I've stated. IG's platform is a messy relic, they're cash poor atm so can they re-invest in improvements? We'll see. As for their fills they were pathetic in relation to the FX firms I use, 2 pips behind on the Euro 90% of the time.

CMC have taken a huge brave step in pushing the platform envelope/customer experience, imo they're onto a winner and I wish them well.

Your comment "show me the revenue" indicates so much in relation to the twisted logic and damaged mindset of the main baiters on this thread, CMC and or Peter have nothing to prove or justify to you personally, their stats and expansion plans appear on track therefore their strategy has been executed well.

Assuming you use Next Gen, in what way has CMC pushed the platform envelope/customer experience? I've been impressed by the helpdesk, but I think the platform is far more messy than IG's, yet at the same time has limited functionality.
Although I'd agree that it was brave to go it alone, why not offer something that people know and like, like MT4? IMO Next Gen needed far more development before being launched, and a lot of potential customers have been put off.
Hello PC,

I have just done a spot check of CMC Sunday open prices at 9pmBST (Aukland Open) against IG and the differences are rather large: between 2 and 17 pips.

Please explain and let us know if they are likely to match the market at this time in future?
Blackswan is brown nosing imo, I spotted it months ago and commented back then. I will ask PC again as I have yet to receive an answer......

Why don't you have 1 click dealing anymore, trying to keep the experienced away? Surely you wouldn't want people to think you want only to attract noobs to 3 click trading? Why have you not included 1 click dealing like your market maker platform? Hmmmmmm.
Assuming you use Next Gen, in what way has CMC pushed the platform envelope/customer experience? I've been impressed by the helpdesk, but I think the platform is far more messy than IG's, yet at the same time has limited functionality.
Although I'd agree that it was brave to go it alone, why not offer something that people know and like, like MT4? IMO Next Gen needed far more development before being launched, and a lot of potential customers have been put off.

Look, which broker or SB firm or platform takes my bets is irrelevant to my edge, you could put me in a tardis sitting next to Jesse Livermore in a bucket shop and I'll be making money. The biggest issue most SBers face is never elevating themselves out of the mire; continually blaming the dealer for the bad hands they're continually dealt and looking to find fault when the biggest fault line coarses through the individual's veins like infected blood.

I totally dig where CMC are headed, they know their market and the new customers they're after, which isn't the failed and bitter trader who bangs on about the same non issues for months on end whilst their P&L shrivels or at best stays at B/E. Fwiw I think their "you're the expert" strategy is bang on..
"I totally dig where CMC are headed, they know their market and the new customers they're after"

Ye noobs they can take money off because of their 3 click per trade platform. I tried their new platform, I hate it, it's the most unfunctional platform I have ever used. If they implimented 1 click trading that would be a start in the right direction.
"I totally dig where CMC are headed, they know their market and the new customers they're after"

Ye noobs they can take money off because of their 3 click per trade platform. I tried their new platform, I hate it, it's the most unfunctional platform I have ever used. If they implimented 1 click trading that would be a start in the right direction.

"Noobs" should only be swing and or position trading..
This thread certainly ranges far and wide. On the one hand we have someone wanting to place £2000 per pip FX trades, even though he apparently hasn't tried the live platform, then at the other extreme there are plenty of us who have reservations about using it at a quid a pip.
I'd like to be as cash poor as IG.

You may want to dyor, there is a thread on this section from Jan re. the huge write down they took on their forray into Japan and Aus., (particularly Japan) how do you think those markets have progressed this year..?

Earlier this year they reported a net loss, pre tax was OK but the huge write-down meant they made a loss of £70ml in their period ending 30th Nov. There was suggestion in the industry that as a consequence other expansion plans and R&D would be put to one side..A sensible policy but this restriction may (imho) affect future developments which was how this subject came up.

Net trading was up and iirc they attributed most of that to a circa 15% rise in cfd trading. Their active clients grew by circa 15% in the UK, but revenue growth was minimal only grew by circa 3/4% ( perhaps suggesting a rise in noobs 'having a go')..Anyhow enough on IG, this is a CMC thread.
with all due respect you are way off ,

first : CMC platform is light years behind many platforms out there like IG's and Fxcm's , it lacks many basic features .For example : no Guaranteed stops , no two way ticket ( sell/buy ) you have to decide buy or sell first , which takes you more than 3 steps to take a trade ( multiple click dealing ! , no one click dealing , no 2 clicks dealing ) ( in another words : in fast moving markets u will miss tens of points before you take action ) , very slow platform , charting 1/5 compared to better charts out there , markets : fewer , spreads : wider , on news u will see cable more than 20 pips , plus other problems with the platform , not user friendly , un customizable .... etc

second : "IG's platform is a relic and they optimise it to 'skim'..FACT "
whats the proof , i used IG , infact the the spread is less than 2 pips sometimes they give me positive slippage .

Third : 300 % increase , doesnt mean anything if u hit rock bottom , lets say they usually have 100 new clients , now they have 300 new clients , that is understandable after launching the new platform and after all this marketing , infact 300% is really a disappointing number especially after all these changes in CMC . show me the revenue .

Great summary tar, especially 300% increase.

I'm not sure why all the spread betting firms dont just change onto MT4 platforms and save themselves a bundle in development costs.

Spread betting brokers need to diffirentiate so great platforms will be of help to beat competition.

Hello PC,

I have just done a spot check of CMC Sunday open prices at 9pmBST (Aukland Open) against IG and the differences are rather large: between 2 and 17 pips.

Please explain and let us know if they are likely to match the market at this time in future?

I have noticed the same overnight differences between IG and Capital Spreads. About a week ago the difference was about 12 points on FTSE100 at about 2am.
ah...there you are..😉 Of course, they're in tip top shape eh? You might want to do a bit of research on that Sonny, before putting your size 3 ballet shoes in your mouth.. 🙄

If you really want to go down the route of patronising me, I will be a gentleman and warn you now you are about to embarrass yourself. I worked in the industry for a long time and know it inside out. I continue to have a number of friends high up in the industry, and know the guys at IG well. I also know people at CMC, and others who have recently left. I have also written reports on both companies.

I am better informed than you in every conceivable way when it comes to spread betting. So when you mouth off and then react badly to being called up on it, you end up looking foolish. What do you really think you sound like calling people 'sonny' and throwing insults around on an internet message board? I am embarrassed for you.

In the meantime the facts are fairly simple. IG have a huge cash balance, and continue to make great money (with the exception of the Japan write down). They also employ BY FAR the biggest IT team in th industry who are ALWAYS working on new stuff. It doesn't effect me because the type of stuff I punt in requires me to use the phone most of the time, but I think the consensus view is that there platform is pretty hot...

Why don't you ask PC what the CMC cash balance is like (and for further reading see my earlier posts about them winding down the AIM offering), how many in house IT people and developers they employ compared to IG, and for the best chuckle of all, how much they dropped on the new platform...

If you need educating on any aspect of spread betting (you do) I am happy to help - but only if you drop the big bad online persona (you won't) because it makes me cringe.
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If you really want to go down the route of patronising me, I will be a gentleman and warn you now you are about to embarrass yourself. I worked in the industry for a long time and know it inside out. I continue to have a number of friends high up in the industry, and know the guys at IG well. I also know people at CMC, and others who have recently left. I have also written reports on both companies.

I am better informed than you in every conceivable way when it comes to spread betting. So when you mouth off and then react badly to being called up on it, you end up looking foolish. What do you really think you sound like calling people 'sonny' and throwing insults around on an internet message board? I am embarrassed for you.

In the meantime the facts are fairly simple. IG have a huge cash balance, and continue to make great money (with the exception of the Japan write down). They also employ BY FAR the biggest IT team in th industry who are ALWAYS working on new stuff. It doesn't effect me because the type of stuff I punt in requires me to use the phone most of the time, but I think the consensus view is that there platform is pretty hot...

Why don't you ask PC what the CMC cash balance is like (and for further reading see my earlier posts about them winding down the AIM offering), how many in house IT people and developers they employ compared to IG, and for the best chuckle of all, how much they dropped on the new platform...

If you need educating on any aspect of spread betting (you do) I am happy to help - but only if you drop the big bad online persona (you won't) because it makes me cringe.

Quite happy to patronise you, I've noticed your emotional form on T2W over recent months and it's obvious where you're coming from. And yes I am slightly embarassed for you and your need to 'prove yourself' as the expert whenever particular mention of IG happens or the SB industry. You may want to look back as to how you wade into threads and immediately insult people (after long periods of absence) before critcising how folk deal with you.

As for asking PC at CMC what their position is that's a bizarrely infantile remark, what does that have to do with IG?

You're loyal to IG which is understandable, I'm being objective wrt to their business and the challenges they face wrt Japan and the Aus market, not subjective to their personnel which you appear to be were CMC is concerned. I met their MD last year, cracking bloke, however it doesn't prevent me from raising Qs on their business, platform and execution of trades. I can analyse a set of accounts, press releases and trading updates to draw the right conclusions in order to make decisions where a share in a company or the company itself is concerned.

Educate me on spread betting? Lol, nice one, what aspect, I'm only interested in how to trade. I don't need an in depth 'educashun' on how the industry works from the position/s you once held.

Did I sugest IGG were about to go t1ts up? Nope, I suggested the write downs and their continual exposure to Japan and Aus may impact on their disposable cash postion for new development. They may have 500ml of cash, (a huge proportion could be other peoples' cash in play), that doesn't affect my opinion that they could be cash poor in relation to their shelving expansion or R&D plans, but you may know differently being on the inside and having the MDs ear and all...

My personal viewpoint is that their platform is a relic, the fills are poor and despite being arguably the safest SB firm to use they've got lazy and gone stale. The customer experience is poor. Presumably you vehemently disagree..

Next report is June 6th, I'll reserve my judgement on IG group 'til then, shares down 1% today. But perhaps you can give us a heads up from your position as editor of the FT you may already have some inside info..

BTW Got a link to your published reports, seeing as you're such an expert Marcus I'm sure you wouldn't mind sharing your expertise with the rest of us proles on T2W ? 🙂
Now that the latest platform runs on Web browser software can you tell me what hardware and browsers the new platform will work on? I would particularly like to trade on a 7 inch tablet with WI-FI and telephone capabilities so that I can be more mobile. I don't want to buy a tablet and discover that the platform does not work on it so any help would be appreciated.
Now that the latest platform runs on Web browser software can you tell me what hardware and browsers the new platform will work on? I would particularly like to trade on a 7 inch tablet with WI-FI and telephone capabilities so that I can be more mobile. I don't want to buy a tablet and discover that the platform does not work on it so any help would be appreciated.

Just a suggestion why not phone CMC and ask? fwiw I reckon the galaxy you mentioned is a cracking piece of kit, coudn't see why anrdroid wouldn't work with CMC but why not call them let us know the answer?
presumably your insinuation is that I am an ex IG employee? would you like to go on the record with that assumption, or just hint at it? either way it is false. i do however know some of the folks there.

when you say how 'folk' deal with me, you mean how you deal with me i take it? i've never had a run in with anyone else on here to my recollection...

if my contributions are sporadic it's becase i only comment on what i know and know well. something to think about...

i have no view on PC at all. my point was that you are drawing into question IGs financial ability/appetite for development at the moment whilst in the same breath lauding the new CMC platform (on which i have no view). i thought this a little ironic given the relative cashflows of the 2 companies.

i do disagree that the customer experience is poor - but then i am a decent customer 😆

'from your position as editor of the FT' - surely you must realise how childish you are being.

@ published reports - general hilarity. they were privately commissioned, and frankly, you couldn't afford them.

i'm bored of your angry ramblings now. if you'd like one last throw of the dice feel free to go for one of your passive aggressive posts - maybe throw an insult followed by a wink, or perhaps a 'that's it, run off to the sidelines again princess' or something equally machismo.

for anyone else i would continue to encourage you to take what the adequately named BS says, it has very little merit.
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